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Game Mechanics Another Acro Thread

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by CattenXD, Nov 13, 2024.


Do Y'all Think These Changes Should Be Added/Agree

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  1. CattenXD

    CattenXD Travelled Adventurer

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    Most acro suggestions I've seen have been scattered across the discord, and while AThreeLetterName has condensed most of them, there's more that I would like to add. I'll start with the problems plaguing acro, and also reasons why CT might not want to buff it. Then I'll debunk those and give suggestions.
    Why should I be able to speak on acro? I dunno. I'm not an old player, relatively new, in fact, started really playing only last year. Almost all of my time is on acro, my favorite, but sadly, it has never been that good.

    The Problems:
    Acro's biggest problem is its damage. Acro has pitiful damage compared to everything else, hitting 150k DPS on a glassy build with decent rolls. That's not good at all.
    Acro also has a lot of useless nodes, like Parry and Wall of Smoke, and a ton of others
    Acro finally only has a few functional daggers, being Nirvana and... that's it. Maybe Cata on occasion. Weathered doesn't have DPS, Oblivion just sucks, Grim also is terrible, Hanafubuki is outclassed by Nirvana, and -1 people run Inferno. Most of these can be solved by giving Acro more DPS, and maybe rebalancing weapons. That's another post though

    Why CT May Be Resistant (And my responses):
    The biggest one is simple. Acro can fly. That's a big advantage, right? No, and for a two major reasons. Probably more, just that I forgor.
    1. Acro has to go in closer to do some amount of damage. It puts it in a position where it can get shredded, even if it can fly
    2. Everything has anti-air. Like everything. The air just isn't that safe
    I get that acro can be more passive and cheese stuff, but with Jasmine Bloom's range not being that high and the DPS from those two being pretty terrible, it isn't that big of a problem. But if CT wants a change for that, fine. Make it so Jasmine Bloom has increasing damage the closer you are to the enemy down to 4 blocks doing the most damage, and max range doing nearly nothing.
    I also get that flight is an advantage. As such, acro should have slightly worse damage than average, so 225k DPS instead of 250k. But 150k is way too little
    EDIT: I'm talking about peak DPS here. If acro gets 250k peak DPS(which it should), normal DPS should sit around 210-225k DPS

    Also, CT might not have experience with acro. I don't know how many main or at least play Acro often, but probably not that much. For this, CT, just listen to the players who know Acrobat. Maybe do testing. Then again, I'm not sure about this one. I mainly heard this from the discord

    My Suggestions:
    The first and most important thing is giving acro a damage buff. Seriously, 150k? While concentration is on at full blast? That's terrible. Give acro 225k DPS when running 14-16k EHP, closer to other classes with that amount of EHP. Bigger number. Biggest problem solved. Acro flight I already discussed. And on top of that, Acro is pretty high skill. It isn't braindead Tstack archer, it isn't LB. It requires you to be good. So giving acro some DPS won't make it OP. There's even a case for 250k DPS, which is average for most classes, if not a little low. Actually, yeah, do 250k, not 225k. And definitely not 150k

    Second, cleaning up nodes. A lot of acro nodes are useless. Psithurism? Parry? Choke Bomb? Wall of Smoke? Why does acro have these? Yes, Choke isn't acro, but it's in a place on the tree that suggests you are meant to use it with acro.
    Psithurism is just terrible, especially since acro midair has no use for either of those IDs. Replace it.
    Wall is useless now, we all know why.
    Parry is the biggest offender here. It is based on RNG. This normally wouldn't be bad, if it wasn't acro. Acro needs consistency and control. It's part of its identity. Depending on RNG and linking Parry to a specific stat makes it useless for acro and goes against what acro is meant to do. And Parry is just weak.
    My suggestion? Remove all of these and replace them. With what? Look around, there are a lot of great suggestions made (Randumb funny idea to replace a 1 AP ability that ISN'T a required acro ability. Maybe place it where Dancing Blade is right now, or just make it part of double slice. Make it so each hit from double slice triggers mana steal, though -40% mana given. So acro mana steal could be usable. Combined with pirouette).

    Third, and related to the second. Abilities that don't fit with acro entirely, are in the wrong place, and ones that have something weird about them.
    Let's start with Blade Fury. Aiming Multihit is nice. Dragging enemies with you isn't. Make Blade Fury 1 AP and remove the pull, instead turn that into an optional node.
    Next, Flow State. This is the biggest offender here. Flow State is a burst DPS ability. Acro isn't a burst DPS class. Flow State, as said many times before, should instead be a stacking damage buff, up to 50%, that is reset upon landing. This gives acro a constant damage source. 50% is a lot less than expected though, and acro still needs the number buff.
    Righting Reflex. It's nice and all, but resetting upon touching the ground is terrible for acro. Just give it a cooldown or have it reset after landing a certain amount of hits. Done.
    Sticky Bombs. It and Choke Bomb should swap places, so acro can easily access it, since it is so key for acro. Also, it being offered earlier than Choke Bomb while seeming like a flat upgrade to Choke Bomb is just... bad. Swap their spots. And make it cost 1 AP.
    Shurikens. Make it easier to trigger mid-flight, or make it so you can shoot them even when melee is on cooldown.
    Dancing Blade + Pirouette. Might seem out of place here, but Piro and Dancing are 2 AP. Righting is 1 AP. And Righting, while needing slightly higher skill, gives more DPS. Currently, Righting flat better. And as much as I dislike Pirou, it still should get some love. Combine Pirou and Dancing Blade into a 1 AP ability, and give acro a new ability

    This chains into my final complaint. Acro doesn't have tree flexibility. There is 1 good tree for acro, and no other trees come even close. Most archetypes have a lot of good trees and flexibility. But acro? Save for some gimmick trees (which also suck), it has one singular good tree, mainly because so many ability costs are so high. So, just decrease some ability costs (Like Hop, make it 1 AP), and give acro more useful abilities to spend AP on, replacing the useless ones.

    Acro has too low damage, a ton of useless abilities, a lot of abilities have weird bits that aren't useful, and acro only has 1 good tree. Buff acro DPS to 250k, and change ability costs, and new abilities. Done
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2024
  2. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    as a new acro player, +1 add poll this is great
    DrGREEN and CattenXD like this.
  3. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    not gonna argue cuz id love to see acro get a buff but id like to say:
    1. my credentials for acro gameplay (i have ONLY played acro since subclasses released since i am very stubborn and like being a plane lol)
    2. untill the raid reworks i basically only used acro assassin for combat since its awesome

    Here's my point:

    Acros DPS mainly comes from spin/lacerate and smoke. while multi should be its high dps point making it the "heavy dmg" spell it doesn't fit well into the whole idea of acrobat, mainly because its range is bad and its hard to actually land hits with it. acro is more of an area of affect/control and hit and run play style. It gets shredded if you stick around for too long and if you get too close. I think replacing flow state with something that modifies mulihit would be splendid, since flow state while giving a buff doesn't help the overall issue with the dps.

    Possibly having multi hit instead turn into a move that darts you forward very quickly and whatever is hit when you pass thru takes massive dmg? (the vanilla minecraft trident spin would look legendary here)
    This would keep this the idea of quick on the move dmg. Especially since this can be paired with lacerate and dash.
    It also adds a nice "combo" (which is the description of the subclass lol) of dash into lacerate into "new multi hit"(the idea I gave) into another dash and or lacerate again for a great air sustained dps. Equally if you use pirouette (idk how u spell that) After u multi the target it can automatically relaunch you into the air for the next divebomb.
    overall while acro isnt bad by any means i think a good ability polish could fix some of its dps issues
    also wtf u mean 250k dps. is your class on acid or somethin? I get like 70k dps? (i honestly dont know how yall measure that number)

    nulli is a great dagger for acro (dont quote me on that but im right) and weathered is :thumbs_neutral:

    Major ID idea: acro now plays the stuka siren divebomb sound when moving :)

    i apologize for anyone who lost sanity from my (notes), im not very organized
  4. CattenXD

    CattenXD Travelled Adventurer

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    The Stuka acrobat idea is cool, but it also makes pirouette useless... it could be a VERY funny Major ID though. I would be all for that. But as main acro... I sorta dislike it because of lack of control. Multi on the other hand is relatively easy to aim now, especially with aspects. TBH I never had a problem with Multi. Also, it having lots of hits helps weightless, so... yep. Also, sorry if I sound rude here, I'm trying not to be but aaaaaaaaaa

    Flow State buff would help a ton, because as I said, Flow State is a burst ability, and acro likes sustained DPS. Also, a change from a 30% to a near permanent 50% damage boost would be nice. Sustaining bigger number is what acro NEEDS, and a Flow State buff + overall numbers buff would be perfect for acro

    I get your point of acro liking hit and run, but the best way to get big damage, even with the rework to multihit, is to RR on top of people and get carpal tunnel help me my HANDS. With acro, you can also "ping pong" (what I call it) where you multihit and actually time lacerate + hops instead of spamming the hell out of them and praying you stay in place, which is closer to hit and run, but spamming lacerate gives even bigger number. TBH, I'm fine with acro's gameplay as is, it just needs bigger number, and some nodes need cleaning up and reshuffling because why does parry exist.

    Also, I'm not getting 250k DPS lol. I wish I could, but acro is terrible. I'm hitting peaks of 140k DPS, but acro should get buffed to 225-250k peaks. I'm running rainbow nirvana with like 18k EHP, that's why I get big(ger) number. I can send you the build if you would like. Nulli is tanky, and therefore, in my eyes, SUCKS. I HATE having EHP. Big number is bigger haha funny. Weathered though... I've tried to make builds with it... the DPS suffers. But whatever. DEV TEAM BUFF ACRO. Also sorry if I sound rude throughout this ack. Stuka bomber acro would be a REALLY funny major id tho
    Elysium_, DrGREEN and Bixlo like this.
  5. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    ur good u don't sound rude at all lol. Def agree with the weapons feeling lack luster. Ive tried a combo of nulli weathered and nirv and never found the sweet spot. my build rn is an ok dps weathered build with windsurf for shits n giggles cuz i like speed. If they redid blade fury and upgraded flowstate that would be epic. im still hoping for multi getting changed (mostly cuz trident spin fits acro soo well and would look cinematic af). better overall stats and dps would help acro a ton tho for sure. also stuka bombing greg would be legendary
  6. CattenXD

    CattenXD Travelled Adventurer

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    they should make the stuka thing a thing for dash lol. or a multihit id. dive bombing greg would be awesome i 100% agree lol, just doesnt synergize with acro as well. maybe if the major id turned it into a stuka bomb and made weightless give more mana or something? that could be funny
    Bixlo likes this.
  7. cabbager

    cabbager Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    hit and run sounds more like shade lol
    Bixlo likes this.
  8. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    hit and run in the sense of combo abilities into the enemy. assassin by design isn't a prolonged combat class.
  9. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    That’s the point of acro
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