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Summoner First Impression Changes

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ThePurpleEmerald, Nov 29, 2024.



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  1. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Hi ok so I main Summoner and the new stuff has been pretty cool

    I do have some suggestions for a minor change or two though, less of a "make it more powerful" thing and more of a QoL/ ease of use and convenience thing

    I might have some stuff wrong or been misinformed of a few mechanics though since I've legit only used this new version of Summoner for like a good half hour so

    Anyways here are the two things I would like to see changed:

    1. Add a status to the boss bar for Commander. Partially for colorblind issues but mostly because I feel like my brain can tell a change in shape (the size of the text of NOT ACTIVE compared to ACTIVE) slightly faster than the change in color. Maybe that's just me though but I see no reason not to add it in

    2. Have Hummingbird's song be a permanent toggle instead of a temporary one. On an unrelated note it's also kinda difficult to tell whether your birds are in circle mode or attack mode during the heat of battle, I find that it's hard to see especially with the delay when it comes to external entities sticking to the player since there's always a lagging effect.


      The permanent toggle thing fixes the above issue though I just wanted it to not be this much of a hassle (That or if you REALLY want the attack mode to be temporarily please don't have the Hummingbirds stop being in attack mode when there are no more enemies, and only stop attack mode when the ten second duration has fully passed)

      I legit have no idea when to cast Shift + Haul again most of the time and it really messes with the mana because of how often I blindly cast it to hopefully get them to attack again

      If you want a relatively reasonable bandaid solution do this


    Do note that my opinions might change though and I'll reply more to this post if my thoughts are different in the future so who knows

    Ok that's all thanks
    Epik Abiliti
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2024
    Earthbrine likes this.
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    bird up
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  3. TntTheJester

    TntTheJester Local Jester HERO

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    Honestly I agree with both of these, perhaps also a sound that goes with commander or not like some kind of trumpet or drums to let you know that they’re “formation” mode or not.

    Also same with the humming birds being able to choose to shift haul on whether to be in offense mode (circle mode is default until enemies enter the circle radius of its range) or circle mode (self buffs mode)
  4. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Why did this die out so fast lol

    I guess people don't play Summoner that much
    TntTheJester likes this.
  5. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    i havent touched the new summoner yet, but i can say that the points being made make sense