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Game Mechanics Archer QoL Improvements

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Spaghetti Man, Nov 19, 2024.


Do you like these ideas?

  1. I like the Focus changes

    7 vote(s)
  2. I like the Grappling Hook changes

    7 vote(s)
  3. I don't like either idea

    1 vote(s)
  4. gay

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    So, as someone who has played Archer all the way since 2015 (god I'm old), I wanted to do a little bit of a thread of some of my favorite abilities and some QoL improvements that I would want to fix them.

    • The problem with Focus is that if you miss even once, you lose all of your Focus stacks. Now, this would be fine in any other video game, but in Wynncraft where the edge of a block can interfere with your Twain's Arc and it is extremely easy to miss your normal shots, it becomes a big problem especially when you have a faster bow because it puts pressure on you to not miss, tanks your damage, and makes Homing Arrows seem like a requirement rather than an option.
      Another problem is the really weird mechanic of, "you get 1 Focus if you hit an enemy at least 5 blocks away but only once every 1.1 seconds". Sharpshooter's entire playstyle already focuses on keeping distance from enemies so putting a distance requirement on it is unnecessary. Regardless, Focus is just way too janky and unreliable to have fun with, so there's two solutions I can think of. One, missing a shot or spell simply depletes 2 Focus; or two, my more in-depth idea:

      Focus: You gain Focus every time you hit an enemy with your bow regardless of distance, based on attack speed. Missing a shot will deplete more Focus, based on attack speed. You can have a maximum of 30 Focus.
      Damage bonus: +1.5% (per Focus).
      Focus gained per hit, and lost per miss:
      Super Fast: 4 Focus gained per hit, 8 lost per miss
      Very Fast: 6 Focus gained per hit, 12 Focus lost per miss
      Fast: 8 Focus gained per hit, 15 Focus lost per miss
      Normal: 10 Focus gained per hit; 20 Focus lost per miss
      Slow: 13 Focus gained per hit; 25 Focus lost per miss
      Very Slow: 15 Focus gained per hit; 30 Focus lost per miss
      Super Slow: 18 Focus gained per hit; 35 Focus lost per miss

      More FocusBetter Focus: You gain 10 Focus when you hit an enemy with a spell, but you lose 20 Focus when you miss a spell.
      Increase your maximum Focus by +20.
      Cooldown: 1s

      Scorched Earth: Fire Creep becomes much stronger, and you no longer lose Focus for missing Arrow Bomb.

    Again though, the simpler solution if necessary is just to make Focus deplete by 2 if you miss a shot or spell. But I still want the Scorched Earth change either way cause it would be nice for you to be able to make a long road of fire without losing your focus.

    • Grappling Hook's problem is simple: it can hook mobs instead of terrain which can easily deprive you of an escape assuming it doesn't kill you outright by pulling the mob right into you. Now, given that it's a Trapper ability, it would make more sense for the trapper to have an ability node after Grappling Hook that makes it pull mobs to a nearby trap or towards you if there are no traps. This node could replace the Stronger Hook node, and the range boost of Stronger Hook can be applied to the base Grappling Hook.

      Meanwhile, the base Grappling Hook should either pass through mobs entirely; or my personal idea, it could treat them as terrain and slingshot you past them kind of like how Shamans' Haul works, but with more velocity. Having the pull as an optional node while letting base Grappling Hook function exclusively as mobility is the best case scenario to make Grappling Hook as fun and useful as possible while keeping that situational utility as an option for your build.

    Ordinarily I would have stylized this whole Grappling Hook section the same way I did with the Focus section... but I'm tired and lazy tbh so this will have to do.
    But anyways, what do you guys think of these 2 ideas? Or 5, depending on how you count, I guess.
    Elytry, Sar and Rythew like this.
  2. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    All these changes would make focus so much nicer to use, I would love it.
    As for grapplinghook maybe add a if you shift while casting it will go for mobs and otherwise doesn't.
    Spaghetti Man likes this.
  3. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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