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Game Mechanics Assassin Skill: Critical Blade

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by BabaFisi, Oct 27, 2024.

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  1. BabaFisi

    BabaFisi The Rifted Jack-of-All-Trades CHAMPION

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    Hey, long time no see.
    Ignoring my horrible take from my last post for a second: I wanted to talk about my idea for a skill.

    Critical Blade: Attacking while falling has slightly increased crit chance and crit damage with your Main Attack.

    This would be a replacement for the Poisoned Blade ability, and aims to add something to the "boring" melee combat of Wynn, and turn it into something more familier.

    This skill would mimic the combat system of Minecraft, where falling and striking an enemy would result in a critical hit. Of course, for balance reasons, this would only be a chance here, as it's working off Wynn's Dexterity system, so to compensate, it slightly increases your Crit Chance and Critical Damage.

    As a long time Wynn player, I think it's imparitive to have newer players make connections with Minecraft and Wynncraft early on, giving new players something more familier, before slowly shifting them into understanding the language of Wynncraft's mechanics.

    Here, with this ability, we would be talking through the language of Minecraft, specifically, its combat system. By giving them a connection early on, it would make for a more cohesive experience.

    (and yes, this would technically count as a Shadestepper buff, so eat your heart out)

    Thanks for Reading!
  2. AThreeLetterName

    AThreeLetterName Travelled Adventurer

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    This seems a bit too specific to be useful. Crit damage and crit chance up on a main attack hit is kinda nothing, especially when taking into account the rest of Shade's playstyle and the fact that you probably don't want to be main attacking that often on shade if you don't have to.

    That being said, all of those kinds of main attack damage/conversion nodes early on in the tree read like filler and I would be in favor of a rework; the AT doesn't really need this, though.

    Besides, spellshade is better than ever with new nightcloak knife system being not complete garbage
  3. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    Seems like you wanted vanilla Crits , so you made a whole ability. This could possibly be a neat MID.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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