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Dungeons Fruma Boss Altar Concept

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ArrowRobinGood, Oct 25, 2024.

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  1. ArrowRobinGood

    ArrowRobinGood ArrowRobinGood

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    ## Memories:
    > The boss altar will be located in the territory of Fruma province, in one of the abandoned houses that used to belong to the player.
    ## Description:
    > Something far away, but so close... Did this story start here? Only after checking everything yourself can you figure it out...

    I do not know what is needed for activation, but it will definitely be material from Fruma.
    * Altar level - 110
    * difficulty is extreme

    > This will be a unique boss altar, because even if you have players in the party and they go with you, you will have to kill the boss alone.

    The starting room is a cave, and if you walk through it, someone will have a dialogue with you:

    > [???] - Were you really able to come back here?..
    > [???] - I can tell... I'm a little impressed...
    > [???] - to go this way... Without memories...
    > [???] - Without former comrades ...
    > [???] - WITHOUT HOPE OF RETURN!!!
    > [???] - But you came back...
    > [???] - ...
    > [???] - Come here...

    As soon as we reach the final room, we enter a hall where paintings hang, tables, chairs, cabinets and chandeliers hang on the ceiling.
    The ceiling breaks and he appears -
    ||the player's nickname should be instead of <player>||
    Nick will have the same class as you
    > [Nick] - Hi, Nick... What are you looking at? It's like I saw a ghost...
    > [Nick] - I didn't plan for you to come back here... That's why I sent you to Ragni as a recruit...
    > [Nick] - Don't you remember that? I know.
    > [Nick] - What? Do you want to know the truth?
    > [Nick] - Well... You will get the truth...
    > [Nick] - ** BY BLOODSHED!!!**

    Nick pulls out a weapon and flies at the player.

    Nick has a level of 350 and will have different music and arenas depending on the class.
    The same music will be played in the 1st phase. Archetypes of the boss:
    > Riftwalker
    > Sharpshooter
    > Trickster
    > Fallen
    > Sumoner

    As the fight progresses, he will talk to you, telling your story through a series of insults and ridicule:
    > [Nick] - do you remember your friends? FORGET IT!!! The members of the guard have already killed them...
    > [Nick] - What kind of junk is this? You used to have much better equipment...
    as soon as the boss dies, he will fall to the floor
    > [Nick] - cough... Cough... Well... ahem... you... You defeated me...
    > [Nick] - I WON'T LET YOU LEAVE ALIVE!!!
    Nick changes the archetype and breaks the arena
    In phase 2, he changes the archetype to:
    > Arcanist
    > Trapper
    > Shadestapper
    > Paladin
    > Acolyte

    # Mage:
    A huge library flying in the middle of the void... Other galaxies can be seen through cracks in the walls
    # Archer:
    A huge tower located in the void. From this tower, you can see the whole world infected with a hellish infection
    # Assassin:
    A ruined city with narrow streets... The ground is going away under your feet, so you'll have to jump through the void if you want to live...
    # Warrior:
    The ruined Colosseum. Spectators are sitting in the stands, waiting for the spectacle... *Don't let yourself be pelted with tomatoes*
    # Shaman:
    A huge poisoned tree that supports the life of this world... Through the crowns of the tree, one can see the kingdom of light, which is subject to the attack of the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of war. An eerie sight...
    the telling of your story will continue, but with a more frenzied pace of battle... You can see how Nick is gradually going crazy...
    > [Nick] - Look at you!!! You could have been a guardsman!!** AND WHO ARE YOU NOW? !**
    > [Nick] - **MAY YOU FINALLY DIE!!!**
    > [Nick] - You should have been killed near the gate...
    > [Nick] - Aledar didn't want to put you in danger... And what did you do to thank him?! ** KILLED HIM?!**
    > [Nick] - I'll break you like I did then...

    When killing Nick, he falls down again, but quickly gets up

    > [Nick] - Do you think this is the end?.. no... This is just the beginning...
    Nick's archetype is changing For the second time:
    > Lightbender
    > Boltslinger
    > Acrobat
    > Battle Monk
    > Ritualist

    There is nothing remarkable about this phase. The acceleration of the Tampa fight, new insults and that's it...

    When Nick dies, he lowers his head to the floor. The music slows down until it stops.
    Calm music begins, misleading the player that he has already won. The music starts to speed up gradually ...
    > [Nick] - ...
    > [Nick] - . . .
    > [Nickname] - . . .
    > [Nick] - I...
    > [Nick] - can't...
    > [Nick] - Die...
    > [Nick] - SO...
    Epic music starts playing, abruptly interrupting the calm one. Nick is gaining strength... Now he has no archetype, he merges into one archetype - ** PARADOX** - a mixture of all archetypes into one!
    ||spells that replace each other are used as needed||
    The same music and the same arena are playing in all classes again.
    The boss will have hp commensurate with the sum of hp of all previous phases. His defence will be small. The speed has been increased to the maximum, it is difficult to keep track of the boss. If you survived and killed him, the music will stop abruptly, the boss, covered in blood from wounds will fall, he will have 1.5k hp left... His last dialogue will be very... Not a standard one, compared to the rest of the file.
    > [Nick] - Wh... what?...
    > [Nick] - no... It can't be...
    > [Nick] - I lost... to him...
    > [Nick] - I'm sorry...
    > [Nick] - Nick...
    > [Nick] - I'm sorry... I...
    > [Nick] - I didn't mean to...
    > [Nick] - I don't know...
    > [Nick] - I don't know what came over me...
    > [Nick] - sorry...
    > [Nick] - ...
    > [Nick] - **DAMN!!**
    > [Nick] - I can't die like this...
    > [Nick] - please ...
    > [Nick] - don't kill...
    > [Nick] - let me speak...
    > *Use the spell to kill, hide the weapon to listen*
    If you kill him, you will get the main loot and that's it, the boss altar is passed
    If you let him talk, a new dialogue will begin:
    > [Nick] is for me... I just had to leave... Your getting into Wynn was a mistake... It should have been me... But I got scared...
    > [Nick] - I was afraid of the unknown and... I impersonated you...
    > [Nick] - Fruma was having serious difficulties with overpopulation, but I didn't want to leave the house...
    > [Nick] - and now, please... Go away ...
    > [Nick] - I don't want you to see me die ...
    > [Nick] - g o a w a y . . .
    Nick puts his hand on his stomach and prepares to die. You need to go to the exit.
    > [Nick] - Stop!..
    > [Nick] - Before you leave... Take this... This is the key to my shed... My diary is in there...
    > [Nick] - there is all the information about me and you...
    > [Nick] - and now, please... GO AWAY...
    If you stand next to him for 15 seconds, Nick will die.
    At the exit, if you choose the path of mercy, you will receive his loot, but also the key to the barn, which will contain a diary with a painted history of the player and your double, as well as an exclusive mythical entree with a unique addition:
    Payment: if your HP falls below 50%, the ghost of a liar is called who is fighting on an equal footing with you, copying your current archetype.
    PS: you can get the key if you spare it at the first successful attempt. You cannot get the key for repeated races. If you killed him right away, you won't get a mythic.
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    We are not looking to take suggestions like this, for a variety of reasons;
    1) Players are unaware of what the vast majority of Fruma or the Realm of Darkness is like, and do not have the broad knowledge of the story and its lore. Because of this, bosses or other forms of content in this vein end up not fitting with our visions for upcoming content.
    2) Adding a new boss altar, raid, or dungeon takes a lot of time and effort.
    3) Players do not have the same understanding of gameplay and balancing that the entirety of our team does, and while I can see a world where concepts for attacks people throw out there could get used in a boss, specifics down to this will never be considered.
    Okay, that out of the way, some other reasons why this would not be put in game:

    We do not really want to give the player any definite backstory, which is part of the reason Recover the Past does not show anything about the player. Wynncraft is an MMORPG-- A Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. While it's small in the grand scheme of the story, allowing the player to decide these details about their own character is important.

    Who is this character? I understand the concept of this, that it's somebody from the player's past who is resentful of them, but why "Nick"? Why this specific dialogue? If you want to suggest ideas in the future, instead of going into every minor detail, you should suggest the raw concept and let us flesh it out into something as opposed to this.

    It doesn't make sense for this character to be higher level than raid bosses.

    This isn't a thing. There is no "tree that supports the life of this world".

    It's unknown if this is true or not.
    To add more:
    • Fruma is stated by lore in game to only allow its highest caste to use magic.
    • Fruma seems to export criminals and people not wanted in their society to Wynn, given that in Recover the Past, the people who are sent to Wynn are a thief, a corrupt guard, Aledar - who was running from Fruman officials - and Tasim, who is deemed as "Cursed".
    • Boss Altars usually center around a chain of stories entangled with one another, and are designed specifically by Selvut.
    • This random guy would not know about the War of the Realms, what happened in The Silent Expanse-- or even the fact it exists, or The Void. It's unknown if people in Fruma even know about Gavel, given that - as stated by the Seaskipper- villagers are not allowed within the province, and they touched down in Wynn long after Fruma sealed its gates.
    If I were to reformat this as a suggestion that could actually be used, then I would just pitch the idea of some boss that played some part into the player's past, be that somebody they knew or some strange delirium of memories coagulating into some nightmare in their mind. I still do not think even that would really fit as a suggestion posted here, but it's closer to something we could work with than this.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2024
    Dr Zed, Elytry and Gogeta like this.
  3. ArrowRobinGood

    ArrowRobinGood ArrowRobinGood

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    My initial idea was to just make a boss that would copy the player's skillset. The concept was written with my classmates, who decided to just add Lore, judging by my knowledge of Wynncraft lore. If the story part of the boss is nonsense, then we can agree, because I myself do not know him thoroughly, but there is still a chance that something similar will end up on the server?
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  4. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    The gimmick of a boss that copies the player seems better suited for the Reflection boss in Realm of Light V
    Elytry likes this.
  5. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    This is cool
    A lot to unpack though, let's go through the stuff

    This should be fun

    How will this work if there are multiple players nearby/ contributing to the activation item

    Is the player copy the one saying this? They seem to have a very distinct manner of speech that the player shouldn't really have given that they could literally be anyone playing the game

    Chairs and cabinets shouldn't hang on the ceiling

    What if the player is a woman

    Should be what

    Also did you write this in Discord and copy it over to the forums? The quote and spoiler formatting for the platform has been unchanged here in raw text

    You really need to proofread your post before sending it out dude

    Who is Nick

    Why are they referring to themselves by their own name

    Am I missing context here

    I'm going to assume Nick is the player copy. In which case, why are they level 350?!

    Where's the story

    This dialogue transition makes no sense

    Cool gimmick and all but are you able to tell us how the altar boss (you know, the focal point of this post) actually fights


    Why is Shaman's arena the only one whose environment is actually relevant to the Wynn lore in some way

    (That being said wow this reads like AI lmao)

    Okay I'm starting to think this actually is AI

    That or some botched google translate but not to worry

    What happens if we aren't holding our weapon when this choice shows up

    I'm hungry

    That's cool and all but how does the AI work with this separate entity

    Ok so literally nobody has everything to lose by killing him

    Anyways that's all done for ellipses simulator

    Irrelevant video

    Gone2Dream and luckeyLuuk like this.
  6. ArrowRobinGood

    ArrowRobinGood ArrowRobinGood

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    Well... The translator couldn't explain it without losing the meaning..... I'll give it a try.
    1) The boss altar activates like the others, but players will go solo. There is no need to activate each of them individually.
    2) No, this is not copying the manner of the devs. In the original concept, it was even supposed to be "Player's Dark Side". I don't know where I'm going with this performance myself.
    3) Self-reply.
    4) There's a flaw here... We didn't think about the fact that the player could be a woman.... Anyway, the dialogs can be redone, just like in other situations.
    5) ||| were actually added in Discord, but I decided to keep them as "More original parentheses"....
    6) It's a play on words: Nick is short for "Nickname".
    7) I forgot to write, Boss copies the player's nickname. It was written in the first version of the post, but why I cut it out is a mystery
    8) I already said above - I don't know the full story, and my friends learned the story of the boss from my stories, now I already know that only criminals are sent this way, but I didn't know it then.
    9) Originally the level was 135, but I was offered to make it 1000 at all. In the end they stopped at 350. (Although this is really nonsense, I would have left 135).
    10) During an argument, he should shout insults that indirectly allude to your past.
    11) Even so... I was planning to add in the animation of the gig givaways, but a very bad computer let me down.
    12) By "hellish infection" I meant what we saw in "roots of decay".
    13) I came up with the concepts for the arenas myself, but for the shaman I couldn't come up with anything and turned to the AI.
    14) The 2nd assumption is true - it's a crooked translator and my fantasy ran out (AI was used only for the shaman arena).
    15) If you don't pick up a weapon after 2-3 seconds - you're automatically spared.
    16) If you mean "entree" - thanks to Yandex translator.
    17) if in terms of "how it attacks" - exactly the same as pets, if in terms of "how it copies the archetype" - looks at the average value of your tree and takes the most developed archetype (for example, if you are Battle Monk and took some skill Paladin - the ghost will be Battle Monk).
    18) if by "everything" you mean the usual loot from it - then yes.

    Ps - that video is exactly how I pictured that boss in my head, lol
  7. IBetterthanUtoo

    IBetterthanUtoo Travelled Adventurer

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    This just sounds like a Temu version of Novalescent's Plateau of Reflection boss (I didn't read the entire post)
  8. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    ... & Plateau of Reflection is just RoL V's mirror area
  9. IBetterthanUtoo

    IBetterthanUtoo Travelled Adventurer

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    But far better
    Oh I didn't see you already beat me to it lol
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