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World remove level lock from spooky Detlas mystery

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by luckeyLuuk, Oct 19, 2024.


rats for all?

  1. YES

    2 vote(s)
  2. no, but give skill issue warning

    0 vote(s)
  3. no, low level players deserve to get all their cheese eaten

    1 vote(s)
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  1. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    Last year I did the spooky Deltas mystery and got a rat plushie, it made me incredibly happy. So when I discovered that there was a new mystery this year, I was super excited to check it out and get the new reward.
    This year I wanted to try to use the wiki less and figure the hints out by myself more. It was actually more doable then expected, yet still challenging. I enjoyed following the clues and the overall funny weirdness of it all. All in all, I had a great time.

    then I got to the last step.
    I bought the elixer and went to the right location, super excited to be able to finally claim the plushie that I worked so hard for. I used the elixer and...
    You must be at least combat level 90+ to be able to use this item.

    My main character is level 70, so I wasn't able to use the item.
    Well, as you can probably guess I was disappointed and my excitement and happiness were gone.
    As far as I know, the festivals are meant to be fun and the mystery was providing this until this last step.

    I would therefore like to suggest that this level lock is removed or lowered, so that it is accessible for more players. One way this could be done is by using a different item for the last step, for example the "Haunted Potato", which requires only level 10 to use.
    If this is not possible for some reason, then I would recommend to at least give an warning before starting the mystery that it cannot be completed below level 90. This would have saved me a lot of time and disappointment.
    It would be great if this can be implemented before the end of this years festival. However, I would understand if that's not possible. It would be nice if this could then at least be kept in mind for future festivals.

    I read the other thread about some of the spirits for the guiding of the spirits being in high level quest locked areas this year. Although I don't really like this either, after reading the thread I do understand that allowing spirits to be in quest locked areas gives a lot more locations to work with. Thus making it necessary in order to keep the hunt interesting.
    However, I don't think a similar situation applies to the mystery. There are still more than enough lower level items that can be used and wouldn't make a difference at all.

    I am aware that the shovel from the guiding of the spirits is needed for completing the mystery and that, as mentioned above, some of the spirits are level locked. However, as far as I know a low level player can still get enough spirits to obtain the shovel. In addition, the shovel can be traded and thus players can help each other to complete this stage of the mystery (I helped two others, which felt very rewarding).

    Don't tell me to just level my character to level 90. This will take me too much time and will ruin the rest of my playthrough. I enjoy playing the game slowly and doing all quests around their intended level.

    Please write down below why you think I'm right or wrong, thx for reading.
    I miss my cheese
  2. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    this will be changed soon, the mystery wasn't intended to be level locked but i completely forgot about the level requirement for the mystical elixir. sorry!
    -cat- and luckeyLuuk like this.
  3. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    My disapointment is ruined and my day is unmeasurable.
    Thanks! and can you maybe reply to this thread when it's changed?
  4. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    based fishcute i was about to go on a tirade about this but yeah
  5. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    Thank you fixing it!
    we're having a great time
    DrGREEN likes this.
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