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Game Mechanics In my Opinion, Warrior and Assassin aren’t Fun.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by BabaFisi, Sep 22, 2024.


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  1. BabaFisi

    BabaFisi The Rifted Jack-of-All-Trades CHAMPION

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    I’ve come to a little realization after taking a break for a little while from Wynncraft.

    After the 2.0 update, I stopped having fun with Warrior and Assassin

    Every time I’d try to pick up and play either of the two classes, i’d get a build, fiddle with the Ability Tree, decided I didn’t like it, and repeated to find a playstyle I liked.

    But I never would find a playstyle I’d like, because I wasn’t having fun with any of them. With the other classes, there’s at least 1 or 2 archetypes I have fun with.
    I like Riftwalker because it’s mage before 2.0, and I was already accustomed to that playstyle.
    I like Trapper and Boltslinger because it’s fun to just spam things from a range and just be really fast.
    And I like Summoner because it also was most similar to a pre 2.0 playstyle (and I like my little guys)

    There is a pattern here.
    The archetypes I loved are the ones that are most similar to how they played BEFORE 2.0, and I think that’s why I stopped having fun with Warrior and Assassin.

    After 2.0, Warrior lost 10% of its base damage reduction, which I think removed some of the appeal.
    Warrior is supposed to be the tankiest class, and while I can understand that it needed this change for balancing reasons, it makes Warrior now feel more like an Assassin alternative.
    Warrior also doesn’t ever feel quite complete with just 1 Archetype. It feels like you HAVE to hybridize it with others because otherwise, it just feels incomplete.

    If you take only Fallen, then you either have to take Battle Monk skills for mobility or Paladin for Tankiness to compensate for its playstyle of loosing health, with Battle Monk, you have to take Paladin or Fallen for defense or damage, etc.
    Each of the Warrior archetypes only is good at one thing respectively, they’re one trick ponies.

    Along with this, it never feels like i’m playing them correctly. With Fallen, I always feel like I should be more tanky than I am, and so I end up going in for damage and retreating, which feels more like Assassin. With Battle Monk, I just feel like i’m casting spells that have no weight or power behind them, and with Paladin, I’m not dealing enough damage, and the Tankiness doesn’t even compensate for that.

    With Assassin, I feel sort of the opposite.
    It feels like the archetypes weren’t made with the others in mind, and thus, many of the abilities don’t synergize, or even can be used with each other in many cases.

    This is most noticeable with Shadestepper and Acrobat. The two are complete opposites, and finding a way to combine them just results in Acrobat, but with Marked.

    None of the Archetypes are particularly tanky, and even with Trickster, you are loosing damage by tanking hits.

    Shadestepper honestly feels like a step down from pre 2.0 Assassin. People do not spam “Buff Shadestepper” in comment sections because it’s bad (well, they do, and it is, but it’s for another reason on top of that). They do it because it isn’t the same as pre 2.0 Assassin, so it looses its appeal.

    Trickster and Acrobat feel like completely different classes, and I don’t like that.
    I think Acrobat having the ability to fly is nice, but I feel like it was made with only that thing in mind: “MAKE ASSASSIN FLY”
    It feels like I’m not even fighting when I play Acrobat. It feels more like a spam RLR-Hop-RRR simulator, while weaving spells in-between when I feel like it.

    All this to say one thing:
    I stopped having fun with Warrior and Assassin because they lost their original appeal and playstyles.

    If there’s something I could say about either of them that I like, “the new Shadestepper/Trickster Bamboozle playstyle is cool”, is about everything I could say.

    I don’t really have anything to add as a suggestion. This is more just feedback.

    I also don’t want to discredit the work that was put into these two classes. I fully understand that Wynncraft is a hard game to make, and I want to say that the developers did a great job with these two classes, and everything else in the game for that matter.

    I’m just someone who doesn’t agree with how the two were handled in the 2.0 update and beyond.

    Warrior doesn’t feel particularly feel tanky or strong anymore, and Assassin doesn’t feel fast, cunning, and sneaky anymore, at least that’s what I think.

    And if the two don’t have the aspects of what I liked about them before, then what am I supposed to like about them?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2024
  2. matheo000

    matheo000 I play-a da wynncraft VIP+

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    We had "Go on the forum for suggestions", now it's time for "Go on the discord for feedback" lol
  3. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel expert HERO

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    the beauty of choice is that you don't have to play them if you don't want to
  4. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    There's a feedback subforum within general feedback.
  5. Enter34

    Enter34 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I like playing assasin especialy acrobat and I wait for trickster and shadestepper buff but I agree with warior being unfun. Most popular playstyle is basch scream, first you cast basch a spell that creates a damaging circle around you. Then you cast scream another damaging circle around you. Surfing can be fun but flying kick made it leas fun. When I leveled warrior I played it few times and stopped because it's boring
    ChrisWildfire likes this.
  6. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    Mage seems like the boring class for me rn. Assassin is good, but with warrior it’s better than pre 2.0 but it’s not great
  7. syrun97

    syrun97 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    but at least those shade-crobat does not harm eachother like sharp-bolt (arrow rain proc = urfocusgone) or lightbender-arcanist (healer archetype vs urhealspellgone archetype).
    and for shadecrobat, its just acrobat (and most of 2.0 archetypes) being locked for spell and spellshade being bad.
    also shade-trick-acrobat (more like shade dipping delirius gas and flowstate) exists as main tree for assassin tierstack.

    fr melee-heal-snake archetype is THE Worst archetype at fun side(and even wosre its best on single target dps even with 0 skill), arcanist forces you to use external texturepacks or mods to hide all your messes and rift is just pre-2.0 mage but worse unless abusing single final white node from other archetype with inhumane cps (or average "qol" sb mod).
  8. Cala


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    1: You’re wrong. 2: Acrobat > every other arctype/class put together in terms enjoyability

    (I did not read your message)
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