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Game Mechanics Add proper item sinks to remove mythic gear from the economy

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Ignisium, Sep 21, 2024.

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  1. Ignisium

    Ignisium Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    When people lootrun in this game, they complete various challenges with the goal in mind of obtaining the mythic tier equipment items, which are some of the rarest and most desirable items in the game. But what economic ramifications does a player actually obtaining one of those items have?

    Well, the answer's pretty simple; the item stays in the game world forever. Perhaps it gets rerolled a bunch of times and then it changes hands to another player, but a constant is that most equipment items are never completely removed from the economy, unless...
    • A player destroys it, either by dropping it and letting it despawn.
    • A player sells it to a blacksmith vendor NPC
    • A player in possession of the item has their data wiped, or is permanently banned from the game.
    Most players will never experience any of those things with their mythic items, so these examples I have listed cannot stand on their own as the only sinks for the most desirable items in the game's economy.

    Wait, so there are no good sinks to take mythic tier equipment items out of the game? Think about that for a moment, and you'll soon come to realize that this is a problem which has significant implications for the long-term health of the game's economy.

    With nothing to take mythic tier equipment items out of the game, more and more of these items will be generated daily, and in numbers far greater than the amount of them that are being removed; and with nothing to keep the supply of mythics in check, the supply of mythics will inevitably become greater than the demand for mythics.

    In layman's terms, this is a problem that will eventually cause the value of mythic equipment items to shrink so much that they become worthless. We can can already see this process happening on the marketplace right now, and it's only going to get worse as time goes on, so we need a solution, or at least some way to slow it down.

    I am by no means an economics expert nor a qualified game designer, so I am sure that there are better solutions to the problem out there, but here are my thoughts on ways that this issue could potentially be addressed, or at least partially mitigated.
    • Item Scrapping Incentives
    • An incentive to scrap mythics
    • Add a new resource to the game that can only obtained by scrapping mythic tier items.

      This feature will help to counteract the constant flow of mythics into the game's economy, by simply removing mythics from the game's economy.

      This feature will ensure that even the 'weakest' mythics still have some form of value, by giving mythics a secondary use case outside of combat.

      It'll also organically create a price floor for mythics, since the price of mythics considered 'weak' or 'bad' won't be able to drop below the price of this new resource.

      So overall, this should be a positive addition to the game.

    • Item Destruction Systems
    • Risky Reroll Option
    • When rerolling an item, there should be an option available that allows you to increase the odds for higher positive ID rolls at the risk of destroying the item forever.

      This feature will help to counteract the constant flow of mythics into the game's economy, by simply removing mythics from the game's economy.

      This would be an optional feature which players can only opt into once they understand the potential risks. It could be a button in the item identifier UI locked behind a quest, or maybe it's an experimental corkian augment, who knows!

      This one is probably a little more controversial, but then again most MMORPGS do have systems like this in place for either upgrading or rerolling items.

    So uh, yeah. Feel free to talk about the two suggestions I've proposed here, as well as alternative ideas you have, or perhaps just talk about the inflation of the mythic items supply in general. I couldn't find any other suggestion threads addressing this topic, so I figured I'd might as well be the first.
    9abag9, Xephar, luckeyLuuk and 7 others like this.
  2. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    Yeah, ever since the addition of proper lootrunning, mythics have just flooded the economy. I've gotten 3 and I barely play; getting one was my top goal in 1.19, and one I never actually completed. (I got a mythic, tried to sell it for more money, couldn't, then sold it to break even when its price had suddenly jumped and I wasn't aware.) Nowadays, they're super cheap. And I have almost two rows of LE, although I am now aware that isn't much - presumably, again, because Wynncraft's economy doesn't have item or emerald sinks.

    Well, Wynncraft might have emerald sinks. I don't know of any off the top of my head, but Wynncraft can't be generating equal or more emeralds than mythics, because if it were, the price of mythics would be stable or it would be inflating (respectively).

    I feel like you'd really need CT input on how the economy's meant to function before proposing how to fix it.
    Gogeta likes this.
  3. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Mythics were intentionally made far more common because we didn't want the better builds which almost all utilize at least one mythic to be locked behind those who play the game excessively, or just got very lucky (I got my Monster in 1.19 from an Invading Toxin, for example, and my Singu in 1.20 from a daily reward). The fact that to play optimally you had to typically grind for weeks to work towards affording an item just didn't feel right, and so mythics were made more common with the intent of making them more accessible
  4. The Demon Queen

    The Demon Queen Queen of Darkness, Queen of Evil CHAMPION

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    Why do people want the economy to go back to the terrible mess it's been since gavel released?
    Melkor likes this.
  5. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    That's valid.

    I mean, you could have come at the problem of 'all good builds use Mythics' from the direction of 'make non-Mythic items viable', but that is much more difficult to do - involving rebalancing, at the very least, all Legendary and Fabled items. And, if you were going so far as to redo the intended item powers entirely, redoing the Uniques, Rares, and Normals too.
  6. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    I feel like if mythics weapons and armor could be scrapped for a lot of le (like at least 20), it would solve the low cost mythical problem, but thats all i have. I feel like unless the build uses raid scaling its not good unless you have a mythic.
    Elysium_, luckeyLuuk and Gogeta like this.
  7. Ignisium

    Ignisium Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I don't want this to happen, but I also believe we need some systems to help keep their prices from fluctuating too much, because we're actually in a pretty good middle ground position for the economy right now.

    The low rolls for meta mythics and high rolls for off-meta mythics have become significantly more accessible than they were before. The 'optimal' mythics are still difficult to obtain, and are no longer as exclusive as they once were. Corrupted Caches from Annihilation fill that same space of 'rare' mythic equipment that shiny mythics tried to fill.

    Right now there's nothing in place to keep the current mythics economy from gradually cascading towards the opposite extreme from the old mythics economy, which is what concerns me.
  8. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    "Affordable for average players" isn't an extreme in my opinion. The best mythics, especially with good rolls, are still incredibly expensive, but others are affordable for players who play the game a healthy amount. Even the cheapest mythics are expensive enough for a bad roll that any player who isn't at least reasonably wealthy is going to have to think about it before buying one. Remember that the players who have 30 stacks to spend on a green-overall roll of whatever the most meta option is right now are not the majority of the playerbase. 15-20 le may not be a ton if you play a great deal and lootrun or run a lot of raids, but for a casual player, that's a substantial amount of their budget. Hell, even as someone who does have a decent bit of cash lying around, 15-20 le adds up fast enough I don't generally impulse buy stuff for that much. If you were here right after Gavel, you might remember that it was years before a lot of players got their hands on a mythic. I have no desire to return to that or to keep mythics as the domain of the very wealthy, especially not when endgame content is balanced around them.
    I think most of them haven't been here for long enough to remember just how bad it was back in the early days. A lot of them probably haven't been here for long enough to remember before loot quality became a thing. I also think a lot of them assume that because they're wealthy and have mythics and interact with other deeply invested people in the community, the majority of other players are in the same boat.
    Dr Zed and Elytry like this.
  9. Ignisium

    Ignisium Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I've been around since before gavel even released. I knew mythics were a thing, and I was perfectly content with the idea that I would never get one. In fact, it took a decade of on-and-off casual play and an update entirely aimed at making them more accessible for me to actually get one.

    Now that the game has more chaser items (shiny mythics, mythic aspects) and a far more tedious leveling grind in it, (professions) I can see why they have made the choice to make mythics more accessible.
  10. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    I've had a thought, the same thought I had months ago, which is not an item sink, but rather a raffle to remove emeralds from the economy. Would be a good way to get LR emeralds out of the economy, and raffles prioritise those with a lot of money, which means it doesn't really make mythics less accessible.

    Not sure what the raffle would give. Crates or Shinies, probably.
  11. Gogeta

    Gogeta Super Saiyan HERO

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    Yeah. Because of this new scaling, Mythics are now the minimum baseline and I don't know if that's a whole lot healthier for the game than before.
  12. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    Lets make a expensive system to merge stats from the same mythics so the bad ones get tossed out and the better mythics get cheaper
    luckeyLuuk, Gogeta and KaiserSpin like this.
  13. Cala


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    Ok but you’re not everyone, before I got my first mythic I was really annoyed by the fact that in order to have a good endgame build you had to grind for weeks. I’m not even talking about pre-gavel, I’m talking about 2 years ago. I am personally very content with lower price mythics everywhere, it just means more players being able to play the game casually while still having viable endgame builds.
    Countermelody and Melkor like this.
  14. paRtifire

    paRtifire Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    True they should add risky reroll :like:
  15. Xephar

    Xephar not default CHAMPION

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    Love it hope its added, either option is good and should be considered. The only people who disagree with this are people who are essentially lazy. LE and mythics are easy to get if you actually play the game. This is an MMORPG its supposed to be grindy, its supposed to be time consuming. We're not talking about lowering the drop rate or anything, we're talking about economical solutions that also add a great solution for crap mythics.
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