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Game Mechanics Paladin-Focused Warrior, ID, and Aspect, Rework and Tweak Ideas

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Albhis, Sep 16, 2024.

  1. Albhis

    Albhis Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I 've been attempting to play paladin in raids and world events, and sadly it's just not capable of playing its role. It also doesn't satisfyingly fit the role of the idea of a paladin, so I want to propose my own ideas for reworks/tweaks that focus on pressing abilities for all party members at opportune times, and having a more synergized kit. I've marked uncertain areas with question marks

    Tree reworks
    • Second Chance is rather boring to many, and doesn't even function in lootruns. One idea is that it caps the max damage you can take from any one given attack by your hp divided by half your (defense/agility?) (largest overall?) stat, ultimately ignoring raidwides, I am incredibly unsure about this idea however, as stat-tied abilities dont seem all too interesting or compliant with the game's design,,. Alternatively, (and my favorite) You will take 200% of a nearby player's (in a 12meter radius) lethal taken damage to save their life, or regular effect of saving your own life. Cooldown remains 10 minutes.
    • Martyr is ultimately unhelpful. It should instead count The nearest 2 other players in your party, regardless of location, as "nearby" while your health is above 50%(Other condition suggestions welcome?) to affect general support tank effects like Heart of the Pack, Saviors Sacrifice, Rally(probably dont?), Cleansing Breeze, Guardian, War Scream and Ragnarokkr.
      I honestly just thought of the Paladins Shield from terraria and how it works at hp>50% for the condition
      -This would unfortunately require a rewrite of all relevant effects, and how party player-relative positioning is calculated, however, and is unlikely to be done. Additionally affects the latter aforementioned rework for Second Chance
    (This seems like more of a 'Guardian Angel' sounding ability, but you already gave that name to your oh-so-precious Boltslinger)

    • Radiant Devotee is a good ability bridge, but I wish it were moved (see tree tweaks). An alternative ability to have in its place could be Barbed Thorns where every 4% thorns grants 1% Earth Damage (Max 5%), an empty bridge also works.

    Tree tweaks.
    • Radiant Devotee has no business being directly connected to Uncontainable Corruption, and would better benefit paladins which may already be trying to use reflection, and (from my own experience) struggle with mana economy. I propose that Radiance and Cheaper Bash be merged into Cheaper Bash's spot, and Radiant Devotee be placed where Radiance was.
    • Ragnarokkr, (from my experience), often gets overridden (at least visually if not entirely) by other damage bonuses like shaman's Vengeful Spirit. This should preferably stack its effect or pause its duration and/or effect while overridden -This would unfortunately require a rewrite and is unlikely to be finalized.
    • Sparkling Hope, Shield Strike, and Sacred Surge all do thunder damage, which does not synergize well or employ enough variety to Paladin's general kit

      • Sparkling Hope I imagine permeates through the air, and should do 20% Air damage, not 20% Thunder damage
      • Shield Strike is a defense-offense action, and should do 30% Fire damage, not 30% Thunder damage
      • Sparkling Hope and Shield Strike should swap places to be parallel with Air Mastery and Fire Mastery
    • Sacred Surge should do Water damage instead of Thunder, and be upped to 160% overall (Effectively 240% with Stronger Sacred Surge, on par with Ritualist Shaman's Haunted Mask) due to its focus on cultivating, usually through spells, before expending, keeping it significant. Or it can keep its current damage (or even lower it slightly) and reduce long cooldowns (Second Chance, Shield Strike(Probably don't?), Provoke)by 5(?) seconds and extend all (nearby?) party member's short term buffs (Fire Powder Special: Courage, War Scream(?), Ragnarokkr(?) Radiance((?) Kind of unnecesary due to Aspect of Empowering Fantasy), Defensive abilities like Dissolution(Good luck timing that though lol), Awakened(?)) and harmed enemies' afflicted debuffs (Water Powder Special: Curse, Poison DoT, Flaming Uppercut DoT, Chant of the Lunatic,) by 0.5 seconds

      This is to fit the varieties of Smite spells found in DnD 5e, many of which apply debuffs, (but dont tell hasbro that)
      The cooldown duration modification effect is to help the Second Chance cooldown be less oppressive, and encourage the player to actively cast spells and participate with the party
      • This would unfortunately likely require a rewrite of possibly the entire buff/debuff system, however, and is unlikely to be done.
      Or have sacred surge apply Weaken Enemy
    • Stronger Sacred Surge with the secondary mentioned Sacred Surge tweak, doubles cooldown/buff&debuff duration time modifying effects to 10(?) seconds, and 1 second respectively

    • Rejuvenating Skin is powerful in its current state, but unsatisfying. If (Perhaps as a Major ID?)
      15% of health regenerated applied to nearby allies as Overhealth it'd fit more as a 'preventative while staying active' ability and fit with how paladins have multiple ways to give overhealth in DnD

    • Collide does nothing against enemies immune/resistant to knockback, a 75% damage (as opposed to the regular 200%) explosion for such enemies would be nice to have

    ID tweaks
    • Thorns and Reflection are tank relevant IDs, and often contained in raid buffs as 100%, which rather inundates builds already utilizing (If any exist, I know you killed Mengdu for a reason) them as their effects are capped at 100% which is not a game design choice that focuses on fun or individuality. Ideally every % above each (group of) 100% should be it's chance to deal *100%+ (33% for pvp)* the 150% (50% for pvp) damage taken. This offset linear scaling would (in my opinion) better fit the game as enemies already have much, much larger healthpools than players do, and often have defenses against the elemental damage that they deal.

      Additionally, damage taken frequently becomes reduced or exaggerated through elemental defenses which makes base thorns/reflection too finicky to use consistently. (Assuming thorns damage is calculated after defense) Preferably thorns damage would be calculated before defenses.
      - Tweaking for pvp may be required however.
    • Exploding does nothing past 100% like thorns and reflection,
      Ideally changed to be 50% main attack damage bonus on explosion decreasing hyberbolically per 100% past 100 (100%chance = 100% dmg, 200=150%, 300=175%, 400=187.5%) may scale better.
    • Life Steal somewhat implies it's part of the damage dealt to an enemy, but doesn't apply any bonus damage. It effect is already numerically balanced to attack speeds, but I do not believe it actually needs to apply bonus damage. Just an idea I'm placing down.
    • Rally replaces the damage of Heavy Impact, without requiring it taken in the skill tree, and isn't clear on the effective radius. It could be affected by all charge modifying abilities (Flyby Jab, Heavy Impact, etc.) at the cost of -5% (Absolute) healing done per triggered effect on allies and/or self
    • Taunt Doesn't seem to work consistently, if at all on raid/world event bosses, but that might just be my unlucky experience. Aggro 'lock' may be nice for it and the Provoke ability

    Aspect tweaks
    • Aspect of the Anvil Drop should affect Rally's (impact) radius, if it doesn't already
    • Aspect of Rallying Fervor is hard to make use of, since an end-game paladin (hiii :D) tends to have their holy power at 100% constantly from their variety of abilities (Maybe mostly from sparkling hope or flyby jab??) without enough mana to spend it at a similar rate. Have it improve damage instead, or apply weaken enemy in varying degrees.
    I don't expect these ideas to be implemented or balanced well, And my perspective is only from my own experience and comments I've received from other players in game.
  2. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Tanks are irrelevant in Wynncraft right now. Not because they wouldn't be useful, but because there aren't a lot of tanking mechanics they can use. I'd love to see them more able to grant defensive buffs to players, which works with the system they have while also maintaining the role of a tank. Tanks aren't meant to just be heavy duty, they are meant to take damage off of their teammates so that their more squishy teammates can survive. I really like some of these ideas because they do fit in with that part of the role, which I think would make playing a tank a lot more interesting and a lot more useful.
    BlueGuyfromHalo, Elysium_ and Elytry like this.
  3. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    hell yes + add a poll
  4. Albhis

    Albhis Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I wouldn't really know what to poll about, sorry, but I love the enthusiasm!
  5. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Just one with options like, "do you agree with the proposed changes?" "do you disagree with the proposed changes? If so, feel free to explain with a reply". or add multiple options for each specific idea. So people who may not want to comment or like the main post can still share their opinion easily. It's not a big deal but is usually a nice option.
    BlueGuyfromHalo and Elytry like this.
  6. Albhis

    Albhis Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    How did I forget Overhealth?! Paladins should absolutely be allowed to grant teammates notable overhealth, that's so many of a paladin's spells in DnD! Tweak the 'regen 35% of damage taken' to grant allies and self overhealth instead of regular health!