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Game Mechanics A new additional effect for Healing Efficiency %

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by brilliantknight, Sep 5, 2024.


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  1. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    It's me, brilliantknight, the Idol Maniac, Gondulf or whatever you can call me, and today im gonna make a short suggestion.
    Let's start!
    As we know, Healing Efficiency % increasing the Healing Power from Heal Spell, Acolyte and Greed's Power. ...But what about HPR? Health Regen is the mechanic that exist in Wynncraft such a long time and only changes it recieved is Ignis Major ID's Buff to 75%.
    My suggestion will sound like this:
    1) Healing Efficiency % will increase the frequency of HPR. For example, the 100% of its value will change it to HPR/2s.
    • Breeze added that softcap should be added to the first variant which is fair since not every item has a lot of HEFF as Absoultion does...
    2) Healing Efficiency % will increase the chance of doubling the value. For example, when you have 2000 HPR it will regen you a 4000 of it.
    • In my opinion it might be too RNG since you have to actually pray when the regeneration will happen which is not effective but still needs an attention...
    This is all i wanted to say! Thanks for the attention!
    Elytry, KaiserSpin and Elysium_ like this.
  2. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    Yeah the problem with healing eff affecting hpr is negative healing eff OR raw hpr messing it up. But true, having more ways to buff the underused hpr is fun. Also give paladin a way to heal plz
  3. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Aren't people already complaining about healing efficiency being too strong?

    There's like, separate camps that either say healing efficiency is the most useless thing since canned bread, or that it's the most overpowered thing in the world. Either way, while these suggestions make sense in terms of theming, they kinda fail in other ways- namely, this stacks up a lot of power into one ID and it's very badly showing up Health Regen %, which is already a somewhat situational ID.

    The suggestion that it could randomly double the health value, even if it was turned into a suggestion to just increase the raw value...that's basically the "Dexterity" equivalent to Health Regen %'s "Strength". And then also decreasing the time between health regen ticks is effectively Health Regen % from a different angle. And isn't health regen already pretty potent? Pretty necessary for a lot of builds?

    It's gonna severely overcentralize Healing Efficiency as a necessary ID when it's already got a lot of potent pieces and use cases. I want to expand what Healing Efficiency affects in terms of abilities anyway, but making it objectively better in like...every way to another ID to buff it is just not a good idea. I can't possibly agree to this.
    Elysium_ likes this.
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