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World More raids for more content

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Tricko03, Sep 5, 2024.


What do you think? (Pls explain your decision)

  1. Good idea

    2 vote(s)
  2. Bad idea (please tell me why)

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Tricko03


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    Hey everyone,

    I want to focus on content, not balancing. I believe the game would benefit from three new raids: one in Lusuco, one in Rymek, and one in the Dernal Jungle**. (Possibly one in the Upper Molten Heights, but that’s up for debate.)

    1. Lusuco: More Than Just ToA

    Lusuco only really has the Tower of Ascension. It’s a great quest, testing your build and level, but otherwise, the area feels empty. A raid could fix this! Imagine unlocking a level 75 raid after a two-part questline, featuring an ice-themed boss—whether it’s a giant or something new, ice bosses are always cool.

    2. Rymek: Adding Depth

    Rymek needs more content, and a level 60 quest/raid combo could solve that. A desert-themed raid answering the question of how the canyon was created would give Rymek some much-needed lore. A boss tied to the canyon’s origins could make the area far more interesting.

    3. Dernal Jungle: A Jungle Raid

    The Dernal Jungle lacks content aside from guild wars. A level 90 raid featuring a Corrupted Ent —a giant, twisted tree monster—could bring the area to life. The jungle has some lore, but it needs a bigger, more exciting challenge.

    Raids are the only real endgame content right now, and these additions would bring more variety and excitement to the game.

    What do you think?

    And if you think that raids are a gavel-thing remember that we have raids in SE and it‘s leaked that Fruma will get some raids aswell (i am sure the Beast of Dern will be a raid aswell)
  2. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    seems like the lowest level raid is NOTG tho
  3. Tricko03


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    It would still be the lowest raid. Rymek would be the second lowest one, than Lusuco, than Orphion, than Dernel Jungle, than tcc and lastly tna
  4. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    All of these just seem really shoehorned in with their levels wildly out of proportion to the area's level. All of this is super vague and there is no reason why these exist in the lore. Please give a reason for these existing aside from "it'll be explained in a quest".

    But for the other stuff:
    1. The Ice Canyon has a fair amount of content imo. Its centerpiece is the Tower of Ascension, but I think that's fine the way it is. It doesn't need to be super dense with content you constantly come back to, especially considering the fact that you are meant to return every now and then until level 75 to complete ToA. I do agree that ice is a very neat theme to base creatures on but why would it be in the Ice Canyon at level 75? This is really the only level I think makes a bit of sense considering ToA's level does technically make this a level 40-75 area in a very niche way, but I digress.

    2. I also think the Rymek Mesa is fine enough with content. It is meant to be a level 30-40 area that you're not meant to come back to often. The lore of the Mesa is quite simple, it is a largely-unsettled area that is ruled by the bandits that found a niche here to stay away from the law. Corruption is a bit prevalent, there are two warring tribes, and there are also some birds that are legends (iirc from Canyon Condor). This is fine for a region you're meant to see at that level range, and I don't think its origins are meant to be anything deeper than some geological stuff. For some more fantasial areas of the map like almost all Gavellian regions and the SE, sure- it's a neat thing to explain how the ordinary becomes unordinary, even if you don't come back to it. A mesa is not a fantasy setting, so I think making its origins something other than geology (tm) is inherently flawed.

    3. Like my other points, I think the Dernel Jungle is also in a fine spot with the amount of content it has. The Corrupted Ent thing you mentioned somewhat already exists in-game, Entamis in Troubled Tribesmen, which will either be reworked to exclude it or rework it into something else due to how dated it is (most likely the former). As for that other challenge, that will probably come later with a revamped Amadel. Will it be a one-time boss fight for a class? Probably. Does that invalidate its existence as a novel challenge? Not at all.

    Overall, this idea is just way too vague and has a poor understanding of the game and the regions these raids are trying to be inserted into. Yes, more raids would be cool, but if there are too many raids the bosses that are meant to be overarching characters or threats just feel diluted.

    On the note of Raids being a Gavel-only thing, though, I support you on that. The SE has TNA, and dungeons being a Wynn-only thing is not as applicable anymore because of the existences of GG and FF (and EO if you don't count the SE as a part of Wynn). Perhaps Fruma could have both a dungeon and a raid? Only the CT knows tbh.
    Elytry and Elysium_ like this.
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    All of these ideas are very generic and do not fit with the other raids. Nest of the Grootslangs has the threat of younger brood growing up enraged and destroying a good chunk of Gavel. Nexus of Light has the threat of the Parasite, which is actively causing the Decay. The Canyon Colossus has the threat of the Colossus, which is threatening an entire portion of the province with another Fracturing event. The Nameless Anomaly has the threat of a creature removing chunks of existence, literally eroding reality away.
    None of these are threats. They're all uninspired, generic fantasy bosses.
    The levels are too close to the existing levels of raids, and also don't make any sense. Rymek is 30, the ice canyon is level 40, and Dernel is level 70-- so why would they have level 60, 75, and 90 raids respectively?
    Level 50-60 is already taken by Nest of the Grootslangs. Level 75 is too close to 79, which is Nexus of Light. Level 90 is but four levels away from TCC.
    It does not need a raid. It really does not need a raid.

    It doesn't need more content, and especially not a raid. Further, the origins of the canyon are entirely natural. Its just a normal mesa, formed by erosion.

    You can make the argument it 'lacks content aside from guild wars' for Wynn Plains, The Desert, Nesaak, Troms Jungle, Dark Forest, Kander Forest, Light Forest, and Cinfras County if we're using your logic all because they either lack a lootrun or a raid at their location. None of these areas lack content.
    And why does the jungle need a "bigger, more exciting challenge"?
    1) there has not been a leak
    2) if there was, you spreading information of a leak would be against the rules.
    TL;DR, no, for the exact reasons I said this was not a good idea before the post was deleted from the discord.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2024
  6. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    Agree with Da Homeboi and Deusphage, sorry OP

    also IMO the thing about raids is

    Wynn only has dungeons
    Gavel only has raids
    SE has both!
    Fruma probably has its own thing
    and the Ocean is counted as part of wynn bc Corkus is not "officially recognized" and the rest of it released before gavel came out!
  7. Tricko03


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    This argument makes no sense, you have so many quests and story emelents in those regions. What do you have in the Dernel Jungle? With 2-3 quests iirc that play in this area a role. The stroy in Dernel is just outdated, i hope your team will finally fix the plotholes 1.20 created.
  8. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    There's 2 quests in Dark Forest. There's 3 in Lake Gylia. There's 1 in Cinfras County.
    The plotholes only exist because quests and content were originally added with little to no regard for the story. The "plotholes" in reality are basically just old content that isn't canon that's contradicted by the modern stuff that actual tells a cohesive story.
    ChrisWildfire and Bwitty03 like this.
  9. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    its more like 5 or 6 quests; lost in the jungle, lost soles, ToL, grand youth, Wynnex D, and Troubled Tribesmen all take place at least partly in the dernel jungle. Thats a pretty good amount, especially considering dernel's level range is when a lot of important stuff in the RoL storyline happens in gavel.
    Da Homeboi, Deusphage and Tzelofachad like this.
  10. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    I think this player has a stupid idea which is prompted mainly by the fact that Wynn is old, making it seem more content-empty since its content is of lower quality than Gavel. The Qira Hive, Forbidden Prison and Hollow Serenity are much more memorable than the Tower of Ascension, Temple of the Legends, and WynnExcavation Site D.

    Which is to say, this will resolve without the need for raids, because Wynn is on the to-do list. It's just a pretty long to-do list:
    • Fruma
    • Dern
    • Ocean and/or Corkus revamp
    • Wynn revamp
    All of these are major updates which require a year and a half of work. So it'll be a while.
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