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Game Mechanics Skill points giving secondary stats

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by _Rippi, Sep 2, 2024.


Should str. dex. def. & agi. have sub stats like int?

Poll closed Sep 9, 2024.
  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. No

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  1. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    I feel like there's design space left in skill points. Right now, intelligence is the only one that gives a secondary stat in spell cost reduction, so its only fair that the other 4 skills could give you their stat.

    What am I basing these stats on? They must be:
    • Scale at the same level as spell cost reduction (at 150 sp in a certain skill that stat must be at 50%)
    • Stats must be %s
    • They must correlate to the stat (like giving walk speed to defence, doesn't make sense)
    Im going with my own suggestions, but the reader can choose their own.

    So, in order:
    - for strength we have %knockback (as most %knockback items have str req. , and being strong means being able to push more)
    - for dexterity we have %exploding (as its a chance based stat, so it fits, and most %exploding itens have dex req.)
    - for defence we gave either %health regen or %max hp (while the first stat makes sense, the second stat doesn't even exist, and it would be too op with the healer meta rn)
    - and for agility we have %walk speed (makes sense, being able to dodge makes you faster in walking)

    But maybe i missed an id that was perfect for that one skill. Even if the stats i gave are bad, the skills should still have sub stats, and these can be anything, not just current ids.
  2. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    They already give substats in the form of increased elemental damage.
    Also from what I understand, the spell cost reduction of INT is the primary stat, while the mana increase is the secondary.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  3. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    Nope, the main stats increase elemental damage and one other thing by the same amount (example, 150 str gives you 80% earth damage AND 80% increased damage, they use the same 80%), while spell cost reduction is a substat, because it increase at a different rate and is not related to the water damage
  4. RandomDuckNerd

    RandomDuckNerd RandomDuckNerd HERO

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    this would be fire
  5. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    There isn't really a primary/secondary effect of intel. It simply has two effects. It increases max mana and decreased mana cost. The reason for this was because when it gave just the cost reduction, it was overpowered with the new mana system in 2.0 (for those unaware, before 2.0 the player had 20 mana, the max amount of which could not be adjusted. Instead, intel gave only a spell cost reduction, but when that was translated to the new system, they found that between the 80% max reduction from intel, skill tree discounts, and cost reductions from items items, it was too strong). I recall correctly, during the beta they tried to switch it entirely to a mana increase, but found that that simply wasn't effective enough (mana cost is generally far, far more impactful than raw mana) and so kept the cost reduction but at a lower level. I don't really think the other stats really need to be rebalanced right now (at least not in this respect, I think that strength and dex both need adjustments when stacked, but that's almost completely unrelated).
    Earthbrine and Bart (MC) like this.
  6. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    I had a similar idea for a skill point rework but for this idea specifically I think it would actually be interesting for every class to have a new 6th skill exclusive to it that doesn't take skill points but instead scales with level
  7. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    in gameplay 'more mana' and 'cheaper spells' may as well be a single stat, 'number of spells you can cast', so it's not exactly an unfair extra statistic that the other skills don't have
  8. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    I think it'd be cool if they had unique effects on your Spells/moveset instead:
    • STR marginally increases the Area of Effect of your Spells and Main Attacks (caps at +25% Spell Size, +25% Movement Spell Distance, and +50% Main Attack Size with 100 STR; it's already Strength, it doesn't need much)
    • DEX makes Powder Specials charge over time (2% charged every X seconds; that time gets 1% shorter with every 1% Crit Chance)
    • INT is fine as is because it's the best Skill for Spell builds in the game
    • DEF's endurance reduces the Consecutive Spellcasting Penalties (increases by 1.75% for each 1% Damage Reduction, but decays by 5% per Penalty it reduces)
    • AGI shortens the time it takes to cast a Spell (each 1% Dodge Chance shortens the time between inputs by 0.5%)
    I spent 30 minutes thinking of all of this in a way which would be meaningful and noticeable without it getting harrassed by endgame players who insist the last 10% of the game needs balance more than the other 90% of the game needs fun value.

    But my vendetta aside, the above ideas also give a nice reason to dedicate builds to each Skill in a way that just about all builds would appreciate, but especially the playstyle each Skill implies. (DEF letting you spam out multiple of a single CC or movement Spell when you need it most, AGI making Spell Spam go that bit much faster, and DEX affecting Powder Specials so your gambling Skill translates to gambling on your Main Attack being useful ever!)
  9. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    it takes, like, 5 seconds to charge a powder special. this doesn't seem like it would be very useful.

    i also can't see any cooldown between spell inputs unless you're holding down the button, at least not one long enough to get in the way with my click speed
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2024
  10. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    This is a much cooler stat, don't know how you can implement it in game with coding, but we already have a
    For the dexterity you mentioned, instead make powder specials have increased multipliers by a % (at the same rate as spell cost reduction)
    Defense stat doesn't make sense that it reduces spell cost penalties, you wouldn't need that if you spell cylce correctly, i though maybe knockback/pull/push/juggle reduction in distance/duration by also the same scaling, since tanky but slow builds get bullied a lot (or you know, make knockback immunity actually work???)
    and everyone since the dawn of wynn havee been wanting for agility to give walkspeed. Even if i don't like the dodge mechanic, having walkspeed is the most braindead but best change you can make to agility.
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