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Ban mods' capacity to see other people's items

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Aya, Sep 2, 2024.


Do you also feel uncomfortable when your weapons get stared at by people?

  1. Yes

    12 vote(s)
  2. No

    16 vote(s)
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  1. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Ok I'm sorry but I hit my breaking point with this shit. It's happened a few times already and I'm done with this crap. I'm sick of people using Wynntils or any other mod to check the exact details of my builds without my permission or regard for my privacy and then commenting on it when nobody asked for opinions.

    I don't care about what other people think of the fact that I'm using a probably unoptimized and strange trapper Divzer build but I would like to not have to deal with people saying "Ew wtf is that item you got" whenever I try weird builds and ideas. Like, dude I didn't even die through out the entire raid. I survived all four rooms. If I had died at some point I would understand being a bit mad, but that didn't even happen, so what the hell are you even complaining about?

    Like, I'm sorry I want to have fun instead of immediately swap to whatever the most outrageously overpowered build currently is, or trying odd ideas with items that may not seem fitting for whatever I'm going for at first.

    As I said, I don't give a shit about what people think but I would like to not have to deal with unwanted comments from people who don't leave their basements, spend their whole day grinding a videogame without any kind of profitable competitive scene and as such have zero social skills. All because I want to have fun instead of playing the meta in a PvE game where most of the content, including team-oriented stuff, is perfectly doable solo if you know what you are doing, which I assume you do if you have the audacity of being this rude and nosy.

    If this feature is to remain legal however, please force mods to make it only applicable to players who also have said mod installed and force them to have an option to not allow others to see your gear. I seriously don't want to join a raid with an odd build and immediately get questioned for it by someone who probably doesn't shower, even if their opinions couldn't matter the least to me. It's just annoying.

    Thank you very much for reading my complaints. Now stop analyzing my gear in excruciating detail and judging me for it when I never asked you to, you damn creeps. I want some privacy.
    Gogeta, Samsam101, TrapinchO and 10 others like this.
  2. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    yes yes yes yes yes yes
    the number of times i have been kicked out of a TNA party for using roiling ruckus
    yes yes yes yes yes yes
    Anárion and Aya like this.
  3. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I like the ability to see what people are using, but I 100% agree that it should only be with other people using the mod (and ideally toggleable). Seriously though, people need to stop complaining about other people not having perfectly optimized meta builds.
  4. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    Can't you already hide your armor with silverbull subscription? I have never been questioned about my build with my armor hidden, only been asked why i have no armor (this won't work for your weapon though). However, its strange that wynncraft gives out armor information to everyone, that should be a toggle or smth
    Anárion likes this.
  5. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about mods like Wynntils allowing you to see what gear other people are using (as in, you can open a window where it shows exactly what items the player you are analyzing is using). This is something that isn't possible in the base game and it is one hell of a privacy breach that the game simply shouldn't have. A player using Wynntils could see your build, see that for whatever reason (such as not spending your entire life on the game) you do not possess mythics or have an odd build they have never seen and kick you out of parties while calling you names in the proccess. Or, if they get stuck with you as it is the case with raids, they will just tell you to reroll a Divzer that is already on 4 rerolls and ask you what in the hell are you doing playing a build that is not meta even if it is viable.
    Gogeta, Elytry and Anárion like this.
  6. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    (even if that worked, silverbull costs MONEY)
    Gogeta, TrapinchO and Lord_He1mchen like this.
  7. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    1. it works, if you try to see someone's armor with wynntills while the have their armor hidden it doesn't work and 2. you can get enough emeralds to pay for sunbscription and more (in 1 week i got 3 stax from just enjoying the game, which is enough to pay for 4 shares, which equal to 2 months). since you can get silverbull sub with just 48~ le, it costs nothing. paying money for silverbull shares is okay (because we aslo want to buy them off of tm), but you can get it f2p.

    And it not hiding weapons is a non issue, you can always off hand a useful weapon and use that to "disguise" your build even more.
    Ninja_VK likes this.
  8. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly sure this is potentially a vanilla thing. Resource packs using an Optifine feature (CIT) can use the name of an item to change the texture of the item, and this usually works on other players (though sometimes it doesn't, which is probably a flaw with the mod than anything else). This effectively means that you can't stop this from happening, if I am not mistaken.

    Of course, you can use Silverbull's features, but you've already listed your problems with that, and it's fair enough.

    Maybe Wynn devs could pull some strings behind the scenes so that a toggle to obfuscate your gear is possible, but that requires dev time and might not even be possible.

    I do agree that your issue is a problem though. Honestly, people should be more respectful and think that everyone is playing the game for fun, instead of minmaxing to the single best build in the game, and treating anything less than that as an offence.
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Pretty cool but I want something that isn't behind a paywall or pushes back my ambitions of owning expensive mythics worth multiple stacks of LE. Also nice to know it doesn't work with armor hidden, that probably explains why the guy didn't comment on anything else about my build. Good grief.

    That is indeed a possibility, but in the case of that you need to at least know the skin of each individual item and it also tells you nothing about the item's stats. It is indeed slightly invasive too but not to the degree Wynntils reaches. It is also possible to solve through the silverbull skin which, as I said above, isn't a perfect solution but at least it is something. This last time it happened, it did specifically because of the stats of my Divzer (which admitedly aren't optimal since the mana steal was poor, but I was playing a spellspam build that relied on mana regen and mana from traps so it is not like it matters that much for what I was trying, and I was doing well too, I was dealing quite a lot of damage and dodging fine even if it could probably be better) so even just hiding the stats alone already helps a lot, even if I wish I could hide everything.

    I do not know what could be done about resource packs that add skins to gear, honestly, but I don't consider them nearly as problematic as being able to see even the stats.
    Also that shouldn't even be necessary. All that should get done is to add a rule that states that mods that allow viewing other people's information such as their gear must include a toggle button to allow making that information private and that said mods can only view other people's gear if said players both have the mod installed. No spying on the vanilla guys who don't have access to such a tool and thus can't even turn it on and off.
    If the mod doesn't comply, it gets shut down. It already happened before with WynnEnhanced which got shut down before, though it was for a different reason. The case is, they can do it if they want to.

    Resource packs as I said are a different story. No clue what could be done about those and I don't want them shut down either just for adding skins to items.
    Elytry, Rythew and Melkor like this.
  10. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    I know wynntills has the hades server, which allows you to see your teammates hp and mana as long as they are also connected and have wynntills, maybe they can do something with that, but at that point its a wynntills suggestion that would only happen if this New rule applies.
  11. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Meh, you can do that in vanilla too through the party system and that is necessary for parties to function since otherwise you'd have no clue who needs heals and buffs and who doesn't. I'm fine with the game telling others your health.
  12. Cala

    Cala The Beheaded VIP+

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    Personally I just don’t give a f if people don’t like my build, also is getting kicked out of raid parties common cause I’ve never had it happen
  13. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    There have definitely been cases where people have eyed up someone's build and kicked them from the party before the pfinder changes.
    Neither do I as I said, but the comments still get annoying. It's like having someone poke your side constantly. Yes, it doesn't hurt and it technically isn't doing anything truly harmful to you, but it does become irritating and makes you want to grab that person's hand and break it so that they just stop doing that.
    Elytry likes this.
  14. ChrisWildfire

    ChrisWildfire Sun Punk Ability Designer CMD

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    I once used a weird etw grimtrap build in tna and someone went "WTF IS THAT BUILD" and I thought it was hilarious af. I didn't get kicked though, which was nice

    But yeah this really sucks. I hate how toxic some players can be when it comes to builds and optimizing, especially now in annie parties and such. I've even heard of some players getting kicked out right before annie starts, which was just hella toxic.
  15. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I'm fine with a feature for seeing other peoples' items, although I do think it should be toggleable - I think it's cool to show off your mythics or a unique build concepts.

    I also think this isn't the main problem necessarily, but rather just a symptom of how wynn has morphed (pun somewhat intended) into this sweaty tryhard game
    Gogeta, Da Homeboi, Aya and 2 others like this.
  16. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    this happened to me a ton back when i still did TNA, ( Them: "What's roiling ruckus", Me, not seeing where this is going "A level 64 dagger". Me, gets kicked) though with other raids it's usually fine. (TCC is second-worst, not my fault that exploding tierstack sharpshooter is really good for 2.0 TCC)
  17. Nafz_GM

    Nafz_GM Adventuring Adventured Adventurer

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    I dont really know about Wynntils and how it work,

    IF Wynntils got and display our user data w/o any kind of Wynncraft API (again, idk if this exist) it must've using something that takes entity NBT data directly from the server and use it, which is need to be re-considered as a legal feature or no. (This feature commonly used in debug related mod-for singleplayer or developing. ex. ClientCommand's "/cgetdata")

    but if it does use Wynncraft API (or some sort of it, that is official and open for public obviously) we can't do anything unless we have a way to take a part on our own privacy by selecting which player data will be public or private (like almost every 'normal' server would, smh wynncraft).

    If Wynncraft team doesn't want to add API because of one or two things, the only thing to do as a community is just trying to convince them to add entity data obfuscation to prevent this issue.

    Ah yea, forgot one thing.. We all know there is alot of human-kind out there, especially in the Internet. Normal, Slightly-Insane, Questionably-Stupid, you name it. We can't control their act, but atleast we can control our'

    And uh.. happy grinding.. ig?
    - Cheers
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2024
  18. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    I don't know how it might work, I assume it displays entity NBT data since it is probably the easiest way to do it (just grab the info related to the hand and gear slots. You don't even need all the shenanigans related to the actual behaviour of the items probably since the NBT data should already contain all the text formatting and you just need to display that. The only way this wouldn't work would be if Wynncraft itself modifies the way NBT data works), but regardless of the case, it is still a privacy issue that the original game doesn't have which causes an unnecessary amount of conflict during team-oriented content. I'm sure something can be done to add a toggle.

    Indeed, that's why I think about why some people might be like that and tell them that they should get some contact with running water and sunlight, in hopes that it might help reduce those tendencies that don't benefit anyone, be it themselves or the target of their behaviour.
  19. Gogeta

    Gogeta Super Saiyan HERO

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    The new meta requiring everyone to have 2 million EHP and also deal 2 million DPS if they want to accomplish anything beyond King's Recruit isn't very helpful either. Not only are people growing increasingly neckbeardy, but the game also kinda enables them by making them right.
  20. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel expert HERO

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    solution: make your own party. what are they gonna do? kick you?

    jokes aside, that sounds like it sucks. I'm not quite qualified to say what you should and shouldn't do (I'm not a raider), so I'm just gonna leave it there.
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