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leveling up revamp

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by hotkite, Aug 27, 2024.


Should it happen?

  1. yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
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  1. hotkite

    hotkite Travelled Adventurer

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    Hey guys, new into wynncraft here roughly about 2 weeks in first ever character.

    First thing I noticed about the game is how quick you level up, like any game you level up quite fast when you just log into it, so it will be easier to play etc etc, yet, it doesnt slow down.
    I am now level 48, still have content from level 20 that I havent even touched, simply because I didnt need to because of how fast I level up.

    the content on this game is downright impressive but when I see that you dont really even need to bother with the quests for your level (caves etc) to level up and you can just straight up ignore 50% of them, it makes me feel like all the amazing content goes to waste.

    my suggestion is, we need to slow down the leveling by a bit, so you actually need to bother with doing caves and other stuff
    Voxels, Stonefriend and luckeyLuuk like this.
  2. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Completely agree, this has become a problem in more recent updates. They keep adding more and more stuff to do and more ways to gain xp, and they haven't tweaked the xp to account for this.
    It slows down at the higher levels, but from like 1-40 it's impossible to not miss stuff
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  3. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    I used a guild command to halve my earlygame XP, which made the game at lower levels much more enjoyable. I still wasn't hunting down boss altars and SDs.

    I've suggested several times that earlygame XP needs to be lowered considerably. It goes to a reasonable pace around level 20 or 30, and starts to become outright slow around level 60. It definitely needs buffs in the 90 to 105 range.
    Rythew and Stonefriend like this.
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