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[OUTDATED] Do SOMETHING About Ranged Enemies (in Early/Mid Game)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by AcadeeAlkana, Aug 23, 2024.

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  1. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    I haven't seen Wynncraft's endgame content yet, so I have no experience to offer there. But for at LEAST up to Level 70, they just suck.

    The majority of Ranged Enemies in their current state are, in my opinion, NOT healthy for Wynncraft. Not only do I think they suck to fight, but they're also statistically suckier than anything. They generally lack telegraphs or sounds for when they fire a projectile, they can attack as fast as melee mobs if not faster, and projectiles deal upwards of twice the damage of a melee mob's contact damage.

    I respect that there needs to be a special type of fodder enemy to combat the fact that players always outrange and kill 90% of melee mobs without getting hit. What I don't respect is how cheap it feels to get torn to shreds from a distance with very little warning, as any Class.

    There's a lot of ideas I could throw around for how to make projectiles more bearable to fight; maybe introduce an ID which specifically reduces Ranged Damage, or rework the projectiles to have lower gravity and slower flight, or maybe even shrink the hitboxes of the projectiles to the point that you can dodge them without needing 2nd Spells or high amounts of Walk Speed. But, you've seen the title of the thread; I just want SOMETHING done to make the Ranged Enemies less stressful and overbearing to fight.

    Well, you wouldn't be reading an Acadee thread if I weren't throwing around ideas, so here:
    • Make Ranged Enemies play one of their sound effects when they spot you/start attacking you.
    • Make Ranged Enemies have limited turn speed (a select few which look like they're able to act like aimbots can keep the ability to immediately target you at any angle. I'm talking "legendary bowmen" or gunslingers like Rymek Luke, that make sense with instant 360 degree quick draws.)
    • Give Ranged Enemies a wind up period, or make them "cast" their current attacks as dangerous single-shot "Spells."
    • Make Ranged Enemies have limited ammunition which they use up and then need to reload before you're in danger of being attacked by them again.
    Implementing any one of the above ideas would absolutely make my day and fix some of the problems with Ranged Enemies.

    Feel free to comment if you're not a dev! (Or maybe you are one and do so anyways; I don't own this forum!)

    EDIT: Nevermind, they seem to have nerfed ranged enemies' projectile speed with the Rekindled rework to mobs!
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2024
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    ... You do realize that we've been going over mobs across the whole game and updating them with every patch, yeah? Like, I redid Gilded Bowman, the Zombie Archers, the Blind Skeletons, and other ranged mobs relatively recently. This is just something that's actively being done across the board
  3. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    THANK YOU i hate the gilded bowman
    Common Deusphage W

    also remove all ranged mobs and anticamp mobs from lootruns and world events so they are easily cheesable and unbalanced PLEAAASE and thanks in advance :3
  4. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    On my end, I apologize for assuming this would be like the Soul Points fiasco which took years to resolve/finally remove from the game! I'm too used to seeing all sorts of game-maker groups just say "lol, don't feel like it, it's balanced anyways" when some concerns are raised by casuals specifically. Hence, I was working with the assumption that this would never be addressed. The Zombie Archers and Burned(ing?) Zombies feel pretty fair to fight on a fresh Warrior, btw!

    Also it's embarrassing but I've only just now realized you're a dev for the game. To-day. How did I not mentally process your role tags earlier?
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