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Wynncraft, the beginning.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Sarvundor, Aug 8, 2024.

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  1. Sarvundor

    Sarvundor Newbie Adventurer

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    Hello. I have been trying out a bunch of different MMO's to see what sticks, I remembered about Wynncraft and then I noticed it's going to receive a big update soon (in like, what, 2 days?).

    Well, I was wondering if maybe it's time to get familiar with it.

    Is there anything I should know going forth? Any sort of tips and tricks or potential scam methods and things like that.

    Any and all information is helpful. Thanks in advance.
  2. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel expert HERO

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    uhhh don't worry about professions
    shadestepper is weak (if you don't know how to play it, but I won't complain about a buff)
  3. BrokenRealities

    BrokenRealities Undefined Variable

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    - Scams involve IRL or the in-game trading, make sure you get collateral for anything you're trading away
    - Tips and tricks depend on class mainly so prolly good to say what class + archetype you're planning on
    - Don't do profs, at least for your first run
    - Have fun
  4. YumeOlive

    YumeOlive Travelled Adventurer

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    Watch a video on what all the classes do and try them bfr you pick your main
  5. cabbager

    cabbager Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    just play the game as you want, dont spoil stuff for yourself tho by watching a ton of guides in stuff its better to discover stuff on your own
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  6. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    What i'd reccomend is not playing right now, or playing only a little bit and feeling up the game as it is right now

    And then when re kindled releases you'll see the sheer contrast, especially since a lot of the early game is improved now
  7. Sarvundor

    Sarvundor Newbie Adventurer

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    I was going to go Paladin in the longrun, it's something I played in a few other games.
    I don't really care for viability, but I do want to know how useful/useless a paladin is? Or maybe a rundown on what he do.
    I will also look up a video, but the more input the better.
  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Never played Paladin, but from Discord I heard it’s one of the worst archetypes. You’ll have great defense, but your damage will be sorely lacking, while other archetypes have a lot better damage with decent defense on top.

    I’d probably recommend Trickster, Acrobat, or Battle Monk.
  9. mrdragonboi

    mrdragonboi Dead weight since 2005 CHAMPION

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    The update is coming tomorrow at some time (I'm in the UK), but all I can say from experience, is have patience, and also where possible, try to focus on XP bonus stuff, seen here (this isn't 2.1 updated afaik, but I'm not sure if it might get updated): https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/meta-gear-for-leveling.275840/
    Scam-wise, the main scams would be the typical RAT (Remote Access Trojan), or some that are similar to Hypixel SkyBlock (no advert intended), but the main ones are primarily the IRL trades (buying in-game items, like Mythics for IRL currency) which isn't allowed afaik (there might be exceptions with store deals?) but if in doubt, ask for collateral. Don't go too much or too little. I mainly play solo, but all I can say, is focus on what you want to do. Get your quests done, and if you want to do profs, your call. I don't recommend for a "first" class, but if you want extra EXP from mini-quests, go ahead.

    I main Assassin, but all I can say is Paladin is subpar to say the least. Same with shadestepper, although the latter is more of a skill one. If you've not done much experience, I'd say go with trickster or acrobat for Assassin, or for Warrior; go with Fallen (for damage, which does kind of make you a glass cannon, so be careful.)

    In other words, there is no "best" archetype, its down to preference, as well as playstyle. If you wanna be quick and able to do badass tricks as Assassin? Go Acrobat. Want to spam some spells, but can't be bothered to heal as Mage? Go Arcanist. Of course, 2.1 will change plenty of things with World Events, but until Fruma comes (the likely-to-be next major update, which might be late-game similar to the Silent Expanse) I recommend doing what you do best.

    In short, I would recommend waiting until the update comes, but if you want to start a new class, or continue on - go ahead. I wouldn't recommend restarting entirely, especially with ability shards being useable after completing the lvl 25 quest Recover The Past (although you can use shards on other classes as long as you have completed it on one) and yeah. By the way, don't worry about losing your favourite weapon or stuff if you have <5 soul points, they're going bye bye in the update - teleport scrolls will have "charges" and won't be immediately consumed on use. Hardcore and Hunted* players will still have similar punishments though.

    * Requires completion of A Hunter's Calling (Lvl 103 quest which requires completion of the Eldritch Outlook dungeon to access)
  10. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    That's about right, though really the issue is Wynn's lack of a tank role.

    Which is something you should know about Wynn. Generally speaking, Wynn has two roles, support and DPS, and sometimes some between, as Wynn currently has support and tanks kinda merged together. (Though it does try and Paladin and Trickster, it just fails)

    If you would like to try and play a tank/support in Wynn, I would recommend Lightbender Mage or Acolyte. Shaman,
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