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Detailed World Event Difficulty Thread #3: All Events with Level 97 Boltslinger

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Barrylowe, Jul 25, 2024.

  1. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hello! This is a feedback post on the difficulty of World Events while playing on a level 97 boltslinger (it leveled up for the last 4). There's information on how much damage mobs do to me if I think it's important for a point, descriptions on how I played interesting events to see if it lines up with the intended gameplay, personal opinions on difficulty changes, and potentially info about unintended features.

    Context for opinions:

    I know that I am not the intended audience of the World Events, it seems lower level ones are supposed to be easier and late-game one's harder, regardless of character level scaling. I also know that they're supposed to be completed with a party and that I have a crappy build. That being said, I can only give accurate feedback on my situation and assuming they should be a reasonable difficulty for it (that being said, as mentioned later on, I go easy on early game, and if I could beat the end-game one's within a couple of hours, I saw it as good). Generally I like a easy-souls like experience where I need to evaluate the enemies attacks, avoid them, know when to attack, conserve mana, and am punished when I don't. I have only completed around half these world events, and given perfect ratings to ones I haven't. My ideal World Event would be completable within the first 5-10 tries (again, this was higher for events above level 80ish).


    This post is a mess, so here's some tools to navigate it.
    • The World Events are listed in level order
    • The colors of each event name matter. Green is encouraging a general buff to enemies, Blue to buff a select group of enemies, a lack of color but underlined means it has flaws but is well balanced overall, Purple means it's perfect, Orange to nerf a select group of enemies, Red to generally nerf the event. WITH ONE STIPULATION: After playing the late-game events (and even beforehand), I believe the first 40 levels of world events up to Encroaching Conflagration can be made twice as hard (generally with damage), and still be easy enough for that level range (if that even matters at character level 97). The colors for these events do not reflect this, rather they show each events difficulty compared to the average in that level range (otherwise, they would all be green and I don't think that's really helpful).
    • IMPORTANT: Means that there is some larger unintended gameplay issue (bugs or oversights) which aren't necessarily difficulty scaling, but can effect it. These will be below each world event it applies to. These are given separately from the colors, so a purple world event can have these unintended issues.
    • At the end is my best attempt at conveying my build. If you don't want to look at all of it, I can save you some time and say it's not the best.
    As a general trend, levels 0-40 are pretty easy, 40-60 are on point, 60-70 has a huge difficulty bump (strangely), 70-90 is what I want again, and then 90+ is back to that difficulty bump again. In order to sift through this document for the most important feedback (although it's all important), I have compiled the events most in need of a buff or nerf.

    1. Realmic Antigen (lv. 85)
    2. Desperate Ambush (lv. 56)
    3. Swashbuckling Brawl (lv. 50)
    4. Blood Encrusted Mastaba (lv. 36)
    5. Failed Hunt (lv. 40)
    (Plus levels 0-40)

    1. Unsettling Encounters (lv. 70)
    2. Encroaching Extinction (lv. 65)
    3. Burning Memory (lv. 60)
    4. Visit From Beyond (lv. 70)
    5. Rogue Wyrmling (lv. 50) or the last four events (mostly Decommissioned War Machines (lv. 90)). I couldn't decide on number 5.

    If you're a player reading this for fun for some reason, I'd love to know your experience with world events at this level.


    Haywire Defender (lv. 3): The base zombies are pretty easy, dying in around one main attack damage. The Defender of the Plains dies in around 2 arrow storms and can do up to 500 damage, barely outpacing my health regen. It isn't close to hard, but I don't think it's supposed to be.

    Approaching Raid (lv. 5): The base zombies aren't really an obstacle, but the boss does around 3,000 damage per hit if you are lazy and let him hit you.

    Overtaken Farm (lv. 8): The scarecrows do minimum damage compared to earlier levels and can be killed in one arrow storm. I can kill Terrifycrow in about 4 arrow storms and they do 500ish damage.
    IMPORTANT: Terrifycrow's attacks will not land if you are close enough to it. If you don't move after its first attack, it will walk towards you more and no other attacks will hit.

    Arachnid Ambush (lv. 8): There are no real sources of damage in this event. Nesting Spiders and Spiders in the Ground take one arrow storm to kill. Broodmother's health is good, but it would be nice if she had a higher attack. as currently she only deals from 200-600 damage.

    Encroaching Blaze (lv. 10): This one is good on difficulty as a whole, but the progression seems to be reversed. The Basaltic Spiders are in reality the most dangerous mob, as they have a large amount of numbers and speed that can deal some damage. In combination with other enemies as a distraction, it can be deadly. However, as the time progresses these spiders dwindle out and Live Charcoals/Wildfires replace them. I like the Infernal Adjutant's damage in the second phase, and wished this was its baseline difficulty.
    IMPORTANT: The Infernal Adjutant's lung attack won't lung if you are close enough, and may not hit multiple times if it does (I think sometimes the latter is due to agility, and other times because of a bug)

    Corrupted Spring (lv. 15): Unlike earlier levels, the corrupted spores do not overpower you (at least with guardian angels). These mobs do up to 3,000 of my health on average per run starting with them spawning out of the Lava Lilies. Depending on the run it could be slightly challenging, or effortless, depending on if I find them early, however I feel that this encourages the task of finding them early. I don't think it currently matches its hard rating.
    (Final note, the Lava Lily Boss isn't working if the fireballs it spews outwards are supposed to be a physical attack, also it doesn't spawn any corrupted spores. Otherwise it's good.)

    Dark Deacons (lv. 15): I love this event and how the enemies stack so that you can't kill them until the last wave. Their fireball attacks are pretty damaging (3,000 health), but are easily avoidable. I've heard discussions of lowering the boss's hp in lower levels. At this level you can kill them with 8 arrow bombs, which takes a bit of time but isn't difficult to do.

    Encroaching Destruction (lv. 15): Overall, I feel that this event needs a boost in difficulty. For example, Blasphemers won't do damage a lot of the time, even if they're standing on top of you. (I don't think this is agility, as I'm not seeing any dodge icons, but I could be wrong). The Infernal Lieutenant seems to have both an easier first and second phase than the lower leveled Infernal Adjutant, and I think it needs slightly higher damage.

    Necromantic Site (lv. 18): I love the base zombies and Risen Rabble's difficulty (around 300 per hit, but it stacks if you're caught in their crowd. There is a similar difficulty curve as Encroaching Blaze, where the later zombie brutes replace the swarms of enemies from earlier, and due to their lack of damage it makes waves 3 and 4 feel easier.

    Risen Return (lv. 20): The difficulty of this one has lowered since early game. While the Unearthed Zombies do high damage, it is unlikely to be hit by them. Sayleros' Brother's Return can be killed in about 4 arrow storms and only deals around 200 damage per hit (I regen faster than he deals damage.)

    Encroaching Misery (lv. 20): I love this one's difficulty. The zombies do a sizable amount of damage (with melee skeleton legionnaires dealing around 1,000 health per hit) that punishes you for being trapped in a crowd, but gives enough room to maneuver. The Infernal Captain is good on health and does more damage than most, but their melee short-ranged stab is by far the strongest. I feel that having the rest of the moves up to that difficulty would make this event perfect for this level.

    Tainted Shoreline (lv. 24): The difficulty of this world-event is largely determined by your moves. Standing still at the beginning of the waves can see you lose tons of health due to the initial seagull's charge (10,000 health in the fifth wave). The other main force are the Wavecaller Zombies, who continue to encourage the dodging gameplay with their easy avoidable 3,000 damage attacks. (Getting stuck in the crabs is also an immediate death, but pretty avoidable with movement spells.)

    Bowels of the Roots (lv. 30): Ignore the comment that my feedback for these early events are adjusted for this one. I tested this one later, so the perfect rating is in respect to the difficulty I would like to see from all events at this account level. I found this one nearly impossible at first, it is more on the difficulty of level 70-95 world events. The Lesser Imps can instantly wipe out your health if you don’t use movement spells at the beginning of the first two waves (at least as of the fourth patch). Other than that, it is mostly moderate difficulty unless you get caught on one of the craters’ walls. With the addition of the Infernal Glares Spawning in the air, they can glide above one of those walls and be on the outskirts of the event. I could see non-range classes having a hard time dodging the attacks up there and doing damage.

    Encroaching Reanimation (lv. 30): The swarm mobs can be dangerous, but also avoidable with a movement spell, and die to one spell. The main damage is done through Corrupt Remains and Firebrands, which are well adjusted for this one's difficulty. Similar to Encroaching Misery, the Infernal Major has good HP and moving the rest of its attacks to be on par with the melee one would pour life into the event.

    Improper Burial Rites (lv. 35): The Mummy's stronger attacks combined with the harder waves later on give a lot of incentive to beat the boss fast, and makes for an easy world event if you play it correctly.

    Blood-Encrusted Mastaba (lv. 36): The difficulty on this one seems easy for its level. The majority of the damage is dealt by boiling guts, cursed remains in the wave before the final target, and the Blood-Encrusted Mummies melee attack, mainly because these are the mobs that can reach you if you're not standing in the tomb. A damage buff to these mobs, or a defensive one to the others (especially buried pikemen that seem to do a lot of health but die before they get to you) would be helpful.

    Failed Hunt (lv. 40): The Roasted Poachers do around 800 health per hit, but will rarely hit you. The Charred Trainers have minimal damage long range in my experience (may be due to the speed). Cockatrice does pretty little damage (500), and will rarely hit you with an attack until their second phase with their consecutive charges.

    Encroaching Conflagration (lv. 40): For being labeled as a hard world event, I think the mobs need to do slightly more damage. The Infernal Colonel can only do 1,000 damage at most, with a lack of mobs spawning after they're introduced.

    Canine Ambush (lv. 42): Without using stormy feet (which is the speed I expect for most classes), it's a frantic balance of running and turning to attack. If I get stuck in a crowd, I usually lose upwards of 7,000 health. The Polar Fangs can do up to 12,500 damage when lunging, which I like, but it's probably too high for the event's medium difficulty rating as it is easy to get hit. I learned the attacks after a few tries, but it's hard to do in one playthrough as it will end the run after one attack.

    Blazing Combustion (lv. 43): I love the dynamic of having obstacles (Searing Corpses) that you need to dodge around while being pressured by the Molten Husks. Mobs other than these and Lesser Imps didn't present much of a challenge, as it was better to tank their attacks then run into a Searing Corpse. However, Lesser Imps applied pressure when the Searing Corpses were still on the outside, and so didn't force you into them as much.

    Encroaching Ablation (lv. 46): Perfect. The Frosted Corpses are the main source of damage, and it's fun trying to find a window out of the circle as they close in around you at the beginning of waves. The Infernal General can do up to 6,000 health in their charge attack, but it works well with their low health.

    Rogue Wyrmling (lv. 50): The second wave has an immediate difficulty boost due to the Twisting Parasite. Their long-range volley attack deals quite a lot of damage (up to 2,000), which simultaneously traps you in place for the Poisonous Bristleworms and Subterranean Cockroaches to catch you, usually ending in a death. It's hard to dodge the Twisting Parasites attacks because of how they spawn around the ring, meaning that you can't have sight of all of them at any given time. Somehow tweaking the stagnation issue can make this world event more viable.
    UPDATE: This was written when the highest world event I did was around level 70. Once I did the harder events and got used to going through a stack of pots per event, in addition to becoming more aware of long range attack patterns, I got to the boss stage on the first try (didn’t win though). I still think that it is much harder compared to those at its level, but not as unbalanced.

    Slimy Schism (lv. 50): Both the Jungle Slimes and Bouncy Slimes don't do much damage and have delayed attacks which are easy to dodge. The Slime Brutes are the main challenge of this world event, which can do up to 5,000 damage a hit. As it is harder to dodge them if you're at the bottom of the hill, there's an interesting dynamic where you need to get around them and to the top to gain that advantage. The Gargantuan Slime is easy enough in the first phase to let you take out the Slime Brutes, and difficult enough in the final phase to be entertaining by themselves (5,000 damage each hit). Perfect for an easy world event.

    Swashbuckling Brawl (lv. 50): The difficulty of this event is mainly seen in the beginning of each wave while trying to avoid the Dead Boatswains, as Dead Pirates and Ship Roaches aren't fast and don't deal much damage. Rotten Deckhands aren't much of a concern with around 400 damage per attack. While the Rotten Captain does deal some sizable damage, most of the attacks will not land and therefore is pretty easy. The way I can see to change this would be to increase the gun attack's accuracy or speed, as it only is used after the rest of the final wave would've been killed. I believe after that point it would be better if the boss was harder.

    Desperate Ambush (lv. 56): The difficulty is similar to the desert, and doesn’t feel like a medium difficulty event. I can pretty much spell spam without thinking currently, even during the boss. The Toxic Quags and Makeshift Totems can both be killed in one arrow storm, with the latter only hitting me once or twice per run. Altered Hatchlings do around 900 damage; Amalgamated Spiders do about 2,300. In my experience a damage buff is needed across the board, with a health buff for the Desolate Witch, as you can kill her before the last wave (the other two targets' health are good). The Eight Legged-Atrocity is currently anti-climatic due to its long health that drags on the fight, but this dynamic could also be fixed through a damage boost instead of lowering its health.

    A Burning Memory (lv. 60): This event is strangely very difficult. Each Fallen Soldier does around 2,000 health per hit, which is a lot considering their attack speed, but the Fallen Archers are the main issue for me (killing me in 5 hits with 3,000 health per attack). I'm pretty much forced to target them in the beginning to stay alive due to their damage. The unique mobs are also very punishing, with Fallen Heroes dealing 5,000 health with their lung attack, and . I usually can kill the Fallen Hero after 3 waves and the Corrupted General before the second to last wave, but not any on that wave. Their spam attacks can deal anywhere from 2,000-5,000 damage with my high agility. I have only been able to take out a seventh of the Bane of the Great Bridge's health. (I talked to a group of three doing this event at level 60, and they said it was a good difficulty despite having much more mobs spawn.)
    IMPORTANT: You can open the trapdoor of the bridge as the world event is going on. Additionally, Fallen Archers can shoot other enemies which will make them start to attack each other.

    Encroaching Extinction (lv. 65): The Siege Zombies do quite a bit of damage, at 2,000 per hit, combined with their aggressive lunging spells. If they lung directly past you, it can knock you into the crowd of mobs where you will instantly die. This is pretty hard to react to in time. The third to last wave is the hardest with the Deforesters' flamethrower (at this point I would have to take on-level pots about every five seconds to stay alive.) The final swarm of Siege Zombies as the boss spawns is unviable, I would assume even for a party.

    Peculiar Grotto (lv. 70)
    : The Flera Myconids do around 1,000 damage per hit and the Jad'lr Myconids do about 1,500. The Mush Runners deal 2,000 and it can stack to be around 8,000 if they all hit you at once. Slim Mushrooms deal around 4,000 health per hit, and they track pretty well, which means that every attempt at an attack is risky for the player. I would personally lower the Slim Mushrooms' damage, as I don't feel like this risk is fully accounted for in their attacks.
    IMPORTANT: (If it starts at around -720 -4620, the mobs will spawn in the east and west inclines)

    Embassies of the light (lv. 70): The Effulgent Antibodies and Light Fungus don't present much of a challenge, so the second and third waves are the easiest by a bit. The Slim Mushes aren't as difficult as they are in Peculiar Grotto. The Roaring Dawn is an amazing final boss, even if I can mostly ignore the rest of the mobs. Currently, I think this is a great easy world event, and Peculiar Grotto is better fit for a higher difficulty. However, if this one was to be harder, boosting the Antibodies attack and Light Fungus's lung rate could make those two waves and boss more intense. Close to perfect.

    Unsettling Encounters (lv. 70): I have not been able to get through the second wave of this event. The Pleureuses can regain their health faster than I can drain it with arrow storms and guardian angels. Combined with needing to dodge their high damage attacks, it becomes impossible to kill them. Dernmite do around 4,000 per hit and the Werewolves about 3,000. A combination of these mobs makes this event the hardest in the game.

    Visit From Beyond (lv. 70):
    Unlike in Unsettling Encounters, the combination of ranged mobs and Dernmites isn't a problem in this event due to its size. The Pleureuses and Venguers have very high attacks (I believe around 3,000 for the first and 4,000 for the second), yet they are able to be dodged. Meanwhile, Bound Spirits have an incredibly high damage, long range attacks, incredible aim, and are especially hard to find. It took over five times to figure out what was knocking out my health because of this (I think it's them, it is whatever deals the attack which blacks out your screen and has a sharp damage sound). In the last wave they are hard to kill due to other mobs getting in the way, so picking them out was impossible. The boss's health is also the highest I've seen at this point, which if it is supposed to be completed by one person, could be a problem.
    IMPORTANT: The Bound Spirits can spawn inside the rock at -666, -5258 and only be damaged from aoe spells/guardian angels.

    Abandoned Sentinels (lv. 75): Perfect. This is my favorite world event. (I can sometimes take out the first Roaming Ancient, and completely ignore the Obsidian Sentinels. I'm not sure if this is intended, but they become a permanent part of the event and it's so cool.)

    Despermech Occupation (lv. 85): The lunging attack from the Rusted War Machines does above 6,000 damage. I couldn’t get much data on the rest, but Marksmen Drones have never been an issue, and L-21 Munition Drones can do a bit of damage. Overall really good but hard, one issue is that sometimes H-216 Machines will line up and wipe all your health. Their attack traps you in place so it’s hard to avoid, especially if it’s right after they spawned in. Timing is perfect.

    Enraged Eagle (lv. 85): This is another one of my favorites. The majority of my damage is done through Juvenile Eagles if they dive bomb me while being sent in from above (mainly because I have a hard time seeing and dodging those attacks). The damage on these enemies is high enough, in the later waves the Great Eagle will do upwards of 8,000 damage while diving and 5,000 on a talon attack, with the juveniles doing 4,000-5,000. This event is mostly dodging and trying to stay alive.
    IMPORTANT: If I leap or do other fall damage negating spells when the Great Eagle lets go of me after picking me up, it will negate the attack (both grappling hook and leap). However, from my experience the world event is a perfect difficulty without that attack and the time lost while in the air is enough punishment when trying to beat the event solo.

    Realmic Antigen (lv. 85): From my experience I would strongly suggest a widespread buff to this event. I beat it first try while not being that engaged, never getting below two-thirds of my health. It felt more on par with pre-2.1 difficulty. Putrefied Treents and Divine Judgements do less than 1,000 health per hit, even if they're a bit faster. While Chromatic Essences and Dark Hives do slightly more damage, they're slower. I assume the Pure Principles are supposed to be the main challenge of this event, however unlike in the overworld, they're very noticeable and I would usually kill them in a few seconds (they only attacked once overall but didn't hit). The Pearlescent Antigen also needs a boost to its attack. I have a weak character for defense and was able to get close and avoid all its attacks. The homing shots are easy to dodge from that close, and the eight-way swirly attack barely lands with minimal damage. The one attack which seemed effective was this close range aoe one, but it was only used once. Currently this is one of the easiest events above level 40 and doesn't match its difficulty, especially compared to the easier rated Enraged Eagle at the same level.

    Ruff and Tumble (lv. 85): This event is fun once you learn how to play it. I am two shot by Earth Borer Beetles (slightly over 6,000 damage), while I can dodge them with my speed and hit them from afar, I don't think many could. I can see another class getting frustrated at dying instantly to these guys while being hidden under mobs. Gargoyles and Tuffers seem to be reasonable on damage at 3,500 and 1,500. Crystalline Behemoths can quite literally one-shot me, but as long as you know to resist it pulling you in, it acts more like a modifier to the rules of the world event than an unreasonable mob. The Dire Tuffer is perfect, but for my build you could easily reduce the events time by 2 minutes and be fine.

    Bubbling Terrace (lv. 90): All normal mobs don’t do much damage (Plasmatic Shellwalkers are the highest at around 2,000), and only Magma Entities are fast enough to be a real challenge by itself. However, they work well as an addition to the boss. The Infernal Hound can do around 10,000 damage per hit. I have been able to get it down to around one fourth of its health (I don’t think I could kill it). However, I love the pressure this event puts on you to attack the boss. If you are close enough when it has its fireball attack, they can stack and instantly kill you, but I think it is a consequence of a bad decision.
    IMPORTANT: The NorthWest and Northeast sides of the arena have a ledge which you can walk off of easily, and the mobs will fall down on top of you, guaranteeing a death for most classes.

    For these next three events, I haven’t gotten close to beating them. After almost a whole day of dying I’ve decided that these are the closest I can come to accurate feedback.

    Decommissioned War Machines (lv. 90): Unlike in Despermech Occupation, Decommissioned War Machines H-216 War Machines are a huge challenge. Starting at the second wave they spawn all around, so they constantly deal damage. I can’t use my strategy of attacking between volleys that I do in Despermech Occupation, as there are too many to keep tabs on every individual enemy, especially with needing to constantly be running to avoid their attacks. Usually I die from running into a H-216s volley which I couldn’t see (dealing 4,000 damage, which may not seem like much, but is in combination with the rest of them attacking you), which removes the attention from the Armored Tanks entirely.

    Infernal Caldera (lv. 92): The Ashbelter has an insanely high damage volley which also doesn’t allow you to get close enough to deal damage (this is especially bad if it spawns on the top of a rock where it’s out of reach). Focusing on them allows for the Tephras to build up.

    Maar Ashpit (lv. 94): Casted can be attacked with arrow storms in between explosions and deal around 4,000 damage. Dust Devils in wave 5 crowd together so it is insanely hard to get close enough due to their combined knockback. If they don't, it's hard to pick them all off. They have too much damage to ignore and therefore I need to target them. The time wasted on them in turn allows Casted’s to stack in between waves, and I haven’t made it past the fifth one. For a long range and lunging enemy they currently have a lot of health, so unless you're supposed to dodge them while attacking everything else, this is what I would lower.

    Ahms Monuments (lv. 95): This one is adorable. It is easier for me to not take damage, as when I do, the mob knocks me away from the rest of them, even if I get delt 4,000 damage a hit (This is probably not true for melee classes). The hardest part is by far the Colossal Ahms Carving's health. Usually I can kill the first one as the last wave starts, and can't kill any more from there. I should also note that this last wave gets harder with the combination of two Colossal Carvings.


    This is my build which I playtested this account on. All my Wynnbuilder Info is in screenshots, because it kept changing things in the link. I put in additions to Main Attack Damage and Spell Damage (ex. +300 damage on a pants), under Melee Damage Raw and Spell Damage. Not sure if that's correct, please tell me if it's not.

    Adjustments: The summary is that Wynnbuilder thinks I'm better at this game than I am. The info for skill points, damage and defense stats are wrong in the detailed data to the right. The real numbers are in the edited ID info on the left of the screenshots.

    • Mana regen is 47/5, not 57/5
    • Mana steal is 5/3, not 10/3
    • Raw health regen is 404, not 447
    • Healing Efficiency is 4%, not 13%
    • Raw Elemental Damage is 200, not 235
    • Reflection is -29%, not -18%
    • Thorns are 110%, not 130%
    • Walk Speed is 31%, not 55%
    • Sprint Regen Bonus is 23%, not 31%
    • These are the stats for my total elemental attacks: upload_2024-7-25_18-28-24.png


    • Nimble Tome of Combat Master I+II
    • Surefooted Tome of Marathon I
    • Pulsing Tome of Defense Mastery I
    • Tome of Defense Mastery
    • Courageous Tome of Defense Mastery I
    • Ephemeral Tome of Mysticism I
    • Tome of Scavenging Expertise I

    Skill Tree: Just use the link for this, it saves that properly:


    Damage and Defense:


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2024
  2. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    god i wish everyone gave feedback as well as you, ty for this, im making a bunch of changes based off this :thumbsup:
    MlecznyHuxel99 and Barrylowe like this.
  3. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    Great! I love these World Events and want them to turn out as good as possible. Thank you.
  4. Chocobutter

    Chocobutter Well-Known Adventurer

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    Don't be fooled that low-level events seem to be scaling up to level like you're getting a 1:1 fight no matter what or that there's this sudden jump in difficulty in the later levels. That's just what world events are like doing at their recommended level. Having done Haywire defender/scarecrows and others at around their suggested level and 105 they are NOT REMOTELY COMPARABLE in terms of difficulty. Defender of the plains for example practically one-shots at level and runs you nearly out of the clock trying to take him down without a movement spell and only one spell for damage at your disposal. A fresh player on the server who isn't completely optimizing as they go along wandering into these events is running into something as difficult as a dungeon boss at level or harder while an endgame player gets what looks like an intendedly-matched opponent is in fact about as difficult as running around perfect-build decking random silent expanse mobs. Maybe it's not so bad with the death penalty removal for standard characters, but any more power to those early fights risks making them virtually impossible at level especially for a player that still hasn't touched their ability tree and/or automated their 1st spell hand to eye yet.
  5. Barrylowe

    Barrylowe Well-Known Adventurer

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    I did them all at a later game level, and at early game for world events below level 30. If you look at my earlier feedback, I said that those events should be made easier in my opinion a lot of the time. Due to the way the system works, tweaking the scaling at higher levels does nothing to the earlier ones. I don't have a good build and I believe the early game events could be made twice as hard for the late game ones.