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Game Mechanics Fixing Scripted Dialogue Timings

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by I_am_Mindless, May 31, 2024.

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  1. I_am_Mindless

    I_am_Mindless The Bard of Wynn CHAMPION

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    I'm sure I can speak for a few people when I say that automatic dialog in Wynncraft is mostly fine, but there are times when it gets tough to keep track of what's happening.
    This was partially addressed and bettered with the new dialogue system introduced 3 years ago.
    But of course, it's to be expected that as with everything, it needs some tweaks.

    Some sections in the game follow an automated dialogue script, whether to match a Quest's Lore or just to complement a cutscene, it happens. Everything is fine for most of these automated dialogue sections, but this is where we get into the nitty-gritty:

    Text needs time to be read and understood, the biggest offender of this being AntiKythera, The Seaskipper Captain and Bak'al. They are prime examples of automated text walls.

    For the majority of their lines, it's digestible and appropriately timed. Still, when they get into the larger sections of their dialogues, you have difficulty keeping up with what is being said, especially during said cutscenes. A recent example I can name for a fact is the Wynnplains Ultimate Discovery, some of Bak'al's lines end up being too long to read at an appropriate pace during his first encounter with the soldiers and during his showdown with Bob.

    My proposed solution for this would be to review the sections where a lot of dialogue is spat out and increase the time for each piece of dialogue by 1-3 seconds depending on how long the line takes to read out loud at a moderate pace.

    Before I post this though, I do want to make clear as to why I've decided to put out this thread. I'm a voice editor in the fan voiceover project, Voices of Wynn, and usually I'm tasked with voices that require a lot of editing, mainly for the FX, so for example I was tasked with Bak'al. His lines are constantly cut off, despite the voice actor recording them at a natural pace, even if at times it gets a bit slower for dramatic effect. The lines I mentioned in the Wynn Plains Ultimate Discovery are cut straight in half, despite him talking at a more-than-reasonable pace. It was then that I went on YouTube to look at walkthroughs of secret discoveries and quest, and doing so I've realized alot of those content creators repeatedly mention how they couldn't read the dialogue quickly enough.
    In any case, I hope this can be considered for a future update or even as a discussion topic.
    Feel free to ask me any questions below, I'll try my best to answer them.
  2. Stonefriend

    Stonefriend Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Please dont do this for the seaskipper its already waiting simulator i dont also want to be forced to press shift
  3. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Above. Definitely not for seaskipper.
    luckeyLuuk and Stonefriend like this.
  4. I_am_Mindless

    I_am_Mindless The Bard of Wynn CHAMPION

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    I'm not asking for a shift interaction, I'm asking for more time for automatic lines such as the Seaskipper's, so basically, you'd wait an extra 1-3 seconds depending on the length of the line, though Seaskipper isn't my biggest gripe, it's definitely more Bak'al and AntiKythera
  5. Stonefriend

    Stonefriend Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thats cool as long as its not in areas where you have to wait because of it like the seaskipper
  6. xihuanchirenrou

    xihuanchirenrou Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I love seaskipper. Such a goofy quirky guy.
    Tzelofachad likes this.
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