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Pets & Horses Rework horses

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Alathreon, May 2, 2024.

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  1. Alathreon

    Alathreon Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    While horses is cool as a simple feature, where whenever you have enough money, you can get a better horse (if you are lucky), it could be a lot better. The horses themselves could also be a lot more unique.

    Note that what I am going to provide is just an idea, what I want is just to improve them.

    A horse could have several stats:
    - Running speed
    - Jump strength (make so when a horse jumps, it will be a lot faster in the air, allowing to jump further and adding an alternative way of moving by spamming jumps, but also giving more step assist, from 1 blocks to 3 blocks)
    - Stamina (which could be used for jumping and sprinting)
    - Sprint speed (a multipliyer on the Running speed, sprinting will cost stamina)
    - Ram strength (used to deal low damages but high knockback to monsters)
    - Stealth (allow to be unnoticed when on the horse)
    - etc

    Horses will also have a nature, capping their stats : if a max stat is 100, a nature may allow one stat to 100, one to 80, one to 30 and the rest to 60. This will force diversity and prevent to make an absolute best horse. On top of that, there will be a all-rounder nature which allow each stat to be 70 max.

    And finally, a horse will also have a unique colors and patterns.

    Several horses can be breed together, giving a baby with a third of the stats from the mother, a third he stats of the father, and a third of random stats. Horses will also have a 33% chance to share the mother nature, 33% chance to share the father nature, and a 33% to have a random nature. And finally, the baby may also inherit several colors and patterns from their parent, making them unique.

    Certain items can also be used in order to guarranty a stat or nature to be passed during breeding.

    The way breeding works is simple : the player will be able to set father and mother in a ranch, a baby will be born at the same rate as soul points are gained by the player (both for online and offline).

    Then the player will be able to sell the horses to the ranch merchant, to the player market, or use them for himself.

    The player will also be able to train their horse, where they will be able to further chose which stats they want : let's say a horse stat can be further improved by 50 maximum, but a horse can only train a total of 125 stat points, limiting it to for example, two max stats and half max stat.

    Horse will also have accessories :
    - Hoof : the player will need to make a choice between two hoofs : Silent hoof which would increase their Stealth, and Race hoof which would increase speed.
    - Dress : dresses will in general reduce Stealth but improve stamina, and armored dresses will reduce sprint speed but increase ram strength.

    Current horses can be transformed in a horse with a all-rounder nature and stats depending their levels : the first horse in the game could be a all 20 stats while the best could be a all 70 stats (max all-rounder).

    It's my first time posting a suggestion, or even a thread, sorry if I didn't do something correctly.
  2. FlyingNon

    FlyingNon Assassin enthusiast HERO

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    I like to click this spell called Teleport but that's just me
  3. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    I think horses are intended to be a mostly early-mid game fearure. They don't need to much depth, because I feel like that's needless feature padding, and that dev time could be used on other issues.. What you have suggested is cool though. Ram strength is definitely a useful feature, though. If they were to give any update to horses, I think it should be in the form of small abilities that can be applied to horses, but only one can be used at a time. I think Ram and the existing Cavalryman are a good place to start.

    Need Idea, but I don't think horses need that much depth, considering that they are designed to be a simple way to get from A to B, and not too much more. There is still merit in parts of your ideas, though.
    Deusphage and Elysium_ like this.
  4. Alathreon

    Alathreon Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I agree that horses are a early-mid game feature, and I think that it's not good, especially because classes like mages, can just teleport. I really don't like a feature that would only be good up to a certain point and I believe horses should improve to still be at least somewhat useful even later in game.
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I don't know where you get the notion they're not useful lategame and endgame. They're travel without sprint of mana cost, faster than walk speed most of the time. Unless you have a build that makes you zoom, or are using an idol or warp, horses are still good late in the game for travel. Its not like you're going to be sedentary in one place even during the endgame, and while there's a fair bit of fast travel, theres still a fair bit of land travel between locations that can be made incredibly easy with a horse.
  6. Alathreon

    Alathreon Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Sorry I totally misunderstood.
    I meant that working to get a better horse is basically just paying once you have enough, there is nothing else to it, and at the end of mid game, you have best horse, it won't change for the rest of the game.
    I feel like there is a ton of missed potential here.
  7. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Raising the cap for horses or giving them extra stats doesn't fix the issue you have with them. It just changes the price tag associated with having the best horse.
    FlyingNon likes this.
  8. FlyingNon

    FlyingNon Assassin enthusiast HERO

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    I feel like the only class you use horse late/end game is shaman.
    Archer maybe but escape+storm isn't bad
    Mage got that tp
    Warrior idol
    Assassin Acrobat

    you can argue shaman got blood connection+tremcoller and some crap but I will never agree
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