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Game Mechanics Poison Rework

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Gotauia, Apr 3, 2024.


am I insane?

  1. a little but keep cooking

  2. you need to be locked up

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  1. Gotauia

    Gotauia Poison Maniac

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    I've had this idea for quite awhile now, I forgot about it since I stopped playing Wynn for a bit, but I decided to have my annual Wynn play session about 3 days ago and this idea came hunting me back anyways...

    poison S U C K S

    I do understand that poison has always been a weird topic, completely unreliable in pvp since it only deals about 10% of its damage to players, and its pretty easy to see why, getting hit by a 12000/3 s poison debuff would suck, but completely gutting a stat for it just feels wrong.. so here's my idea

    Replace the poison stat with 3 different stats, and add a new resource bar to the player (the armor bar is unused nudge nudge)

    The new stats would be Poison damage, Poison % and Poison armor %

    This new resource bar would be a poison indicator, indicating how badly poisoned you are

    This bar would fill up whenever you got hit by something poisonous, the amount of it'd go up by would be the determined by the attacker's Poison % stat

    so if I had Poison % at 5 and hit you once, your poison resource bar would go up by go up 5%, if I were to hit you again it'd go up to 10% so on and so fourth

    now the amount of damage you would take would be determined by the Poison Damage of the attacker

    Poison Damage would be the Maximum amount of damage you could do with your poison, you'd only be able to do this damage if the enemy's bar hit 100%

    so if someone got your poison resource bar to 50% and their Poison damage is 5000 you'd take 2500 damage every tick

    this was about as much as shared the last time I wrote about this idea, but since then I've thought about how we'd be able to balance this new, kind of broken Strat and so, poison armor comes into play

    ticks would work differently now, every time poison would tick you'd take poison damage and your bar would go down a certain amount, the base amount would be 25% but if you have poison armor it'd go down even more

    so if I were to hit you for 50% of your bar and my Poison damage is 1000 you'd take 500 and your bar would go down by 25% (the next tick would do 25% so it'd be 250) and 35% (the next hit would do 15% so it'd do 150) depending on poison armor

    Now abilities are going to need a little tweak if this is to happen and I think that if the poison % stat is halved on abilities I'd suffice (abilities would apply 2.5% if you had 5% poison %) or if you guys are INSANE have different scaling for different abilities (could also just attach this to the damage scaling of an ability, an ability that does 200% damage would do 200% of your poison% (10% if you had 5%) and an ability that does 20% would only apply 20% of your poison% (1% if you had 5%)) but the numbers are entirely open for change!

    I feel like these changes, while a bit complicated to implement are entirely possible, and would make using the poison stat more fun and rewarding, whilst not being too aggressive or broken and keeping the current playstyle alive (switching between a high Poison damage weapon to a high poison % weapon) while allowing new playstyles to bloom and thrive

    I'm not very good at putting my ideas to words, so if you made it this far thank you for listening and if you are a bit confused just contact me on discord "gotauia" I'd be happy to discuss this idea further

    ineedhelp likes this.
  2. King__Bob

    King__Bob Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Poison armour seems like a stat designed solely for hunted, and PvP in Wynn is very much not a focus, so I think introducing new IDs just to try and balance PvP is a bad idea, when one could just half poison ticks against players instead if it is too strong.

    Poison that stacks in some way depending on the number of times you apply it is an interesting idea, but I feel it would still be not particularly viable due to the same thing that made it suck with 2.0- a lack of synergy with the ability tree. Finding some way to make poison work with the ability tree is in my opinion crucial if you want to make it viable, as even if you buff the numbers enough that it does good damage, the fact that it simply stands on its own would make it very boring. Changing poison depending on how it is applied could fix this issue, although in my opinion that becomes far too complex a solution for what is not really a particularly major ID.

    Honestly I'm not sure how one would go about fixing poison, and I think it may be destined to just become a flavour stat, where items that used to rely on it are given other stats instead (toxo base when??).
  3. Gotauia

    Gotauia Poison Maniac

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    I don't see why mobs cant have a certain amount of poison armor as well, and I feel like certain classes could already use poison very effectively without needing to integrate it into the skill tree (assassin and all its subclasses come to mind)

    the only thing id have to agree is that poison is a very small ID and that itd be a lot of effort to implement this to something so minor in the game, but I feel like if poison gets this treatment, and it leads to something meaningful it could lead into bigger changes with the other elemental damages, which could be very fun to see
  4. King__Bob

    King__Bob Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Zero mobs do poison damage, therefore the only time the poison armor IDs on the player's armour will be used is in PvP.

    And my other point was poison will never be a competitive damage source without being boringly broken unless it has support from the ability tree, and adding poison support even just for one archetype per class when they would be filler nodes 90% of the time doesn't seem like a very good solution.
  5. Gotauia

    Gotauia Poison Maniac

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    oh yeah, i see your point now, we'd have to make a whole new set of enemies for this update to actually work... dang ig i can only hope 3.0 is the poison update :sob:
  6. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    While I don't think this would work within major changes to a lot of enemies, I'd really like to see poison reworked. It's in such an odd place right now, and doesn't really make much sense to build for. They can tweak poison values to compensate for it no longer being effected by strength, but it's basically just worse raw melee.

    It's essentially pointless other than as a slight DPS buff without a full poison build, and even then it's pretty unimpressive compared to, well, everything else, but they can't buff it too much because it requires nothing more than occasionally hitting an enemy, so the second it achieves decent DPS it would overtake everything else.

    I like the idea of a rework, but I don't know if what you're proposing could be done or that it makes a lot of sense. I like the idea of having it slowly building up and making it into more of a status effect that players have available, but I think that may be more work than it's worth to properly implement.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  7. FlyingNon

    FlyingNon Assassin enthusiast HERO

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  8. King__Bob

    King__Bob Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Toxoplasmosis sucks in 2.0 wdym?
  9. FlyingNon

    FlyingNon Assassin enthusiast HERO

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    I guess :v but I can still believe lol
  10. King__Bob

    King__Bob Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I pray everyday for toxo to be given base damage and the poison becomes more of a nice flavour buff. (its not happening)
  11. FlyingNon

    FlyingNon Assassin enthusiast HERO

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    fr that or they make toxo+plague actually work lol (like decent dps)
  12. King__Bob

    King__Bob Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Plague wouldn't help toxo at all, as all plague does is spread poison easier- and since shaman has the best aoe in the game and you only need to tickle a mob once to apply poison plague literally does nothing for it.
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