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Guilds Problems with guild wars

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Mocomochi, Dec 22, 2023.

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  1. Mocomochi

    Mocomochi the mocomochi gang VIP

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    hi its Mocomochi !!!!!!
    Well, I'm here to talk and yap about something we all have to do at least once in our Wynncraft endgame adventure – guild wars. It's pitched as this cool mechanic that lets you grab territories, play diplomat with other guilds, meet more players, and learn some top-secret war tech and whatnot. Sounds fun, right? But in practice, it's not always that great.
    If you've ever engaged in a war before (and if you haven't, it's worth giving it a shot with a serious guild or approaching it in a proper manner to fully grasp the context of this discussion), you've likely noticed that it's a highly repetitive mechanic. It demands numerous hours, dedication, and, most importantly, skill.

    Issue with Repetitiveness:

    While it's commendable that wars require a substantial investment and even a random level 1 guild, let's say, "Park [n]," can quickly snatch your territories, making it challenging to hold onto them for an extended period, it poses a significant hurdle for new guilds and inexperienced players. Learning the ropes of effective warfare and engaging your guild becomes a daunting task due to the lack of comprehensive documentation. Everyone seems too focused on their own objectives, neglecting the opportunity to help others start their journey into wars and guild-related activities. Witnessing the same guilds dominating repeatedly without any new ones gaining prominence is disheartening.


    During my late-night contemplations, pondering the mysteries of why the content team seems a bit goofy (shoutout to Volt7), I've brainstormed various ways to enhance Wynncraft wars. The goal is to bring joy to players (blame fey if its bad they didnt answer me)

    here goes nothing

    Enough of yapping, here is the suggestions

    Diverse Objectives:

    Introducing a diverse amount of objectives could significantly improve the guild wars experience. Going beyond the normal territory capture, consider adding missions that challenge guilds to complete unique tasks. These tasks could offer rewards that, while not beneficial at all times, present an element of variability. To maintain balance, limiting the rewards to a like maximum amount of emeralds per goal with a daily cap is suggested.

    Special Events:

    Implement periodic special events or competitions that changes the casual tower hitting gameplay. These events might include rare spawns, time-limited bonuses, or global objectives that engage all guilds simultaneously. Example would be some random territory with double resource generation for a limited duration

    Tactical Warfare:
    Making terrain advantages and environmental hazards. For instance, adjusting damage and defense parameters based on a territory's location, such as giving ocean-based territories enhanced resistance to water attacks, adds a layer of strategic complexity.

    Upscaling SR:
    Season rating is all the same; you capture a heavily defended territory, and you get, like, 200 SR only. There should be upscaling based on the territory that would benefit both defenders and attackers. For example, holding a very high territory would give you, like, 1x season rating, and holding a very low one gives you 4x. But sniping a very high one gives you 10x, while sniping a very low one is just the normal.

    Tutorial System:

    An interactive in-game tutorial system could significantly help new players understanding the concepts of guild wars. This system might include practical exercises, comprehensive explanations of commands, and simulated war scenarios. Offering a hand to new players to ensure they are better prepared for future wars.

    Territory Map:
    lack of guild territory map is funny, this tool would allow guilds to efficiently monitor the status of their territories, both in-game and during periods of offline activity, facilitating strategic planning and coordination.

    so in conclusion i would like first to thank you for reading all of this i love you, and second i think those features i mentioned should be atleast considered beacuse guild content rn is so cool but not as much explored, and its like the phrase i saw recently, "Wasted talent is the saddest thing in life".

    btw we need more content team working on guild stuff since linny was the only one and linny dont even war anymore so rest in peace, and nelston made a video and helped me with this thread go watch it

    i spent 3 hours doing this :sob:

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  2. TheNelston

    TheNelston only ironically afk in the head HERO

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    guild post spotted neuron activated
  3. Disuseful

    Disuseful Your local Idiot Co pooron CHAMPION

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    i feel like terr events and area specific bonuses might be a bit shaky but if done right would be very awesome and cool and awesome
    it could probably even balance out some claims being objectively worse than others
    JuanTheShoe likes this.
  4. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    hi! Very cool of you to make a suggestion about guild wars! The more people ask for war changes the more likely it is for the current situation of guilds to be noticed.

    But there are alas, some issues in this.

    So let's cover them one by one, maybe you could use this feedback to improve the suggestion thread

    1. Please expand what you mean by Diverse Objectives, cuz you are saying these will enhance the guild wars experience, by saying that diverse objectives can be used to war with more than just capturing territories, which is an interesting idea, but I don't see how this might play out in practice, so please expand upon this if possible

    2. The special events are cool in paper but will further complicate the already complicated eco in territories and strategies, which further creates a barrier for getting into guilds

    3. The tactical warfare honestly sounds cool, I like this

    4. SR already upscales based on how late into the season you are btw

    5. Tutorial I completely agree with

    6. Territory map already exists without needing mods btw, it's just hard to navigate it due to vanilla limitations, go to your advancements section in the options
  5. lampdrawsfar

    lampdrawsfar Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    lit chatgpt
  6. Mocomochi

    Mocomochi the mocomochi gang VIP

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    I just asked it fo fix the grammar i swear i could not post the non fixed one
  7. Mocomochi

    Mocomochi the mocomochi gang VIP

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    btw i meant the territory map on like the website without having to join, i think i wasnt very cleaver on it. thanks for you feedback tho :like:
  8. Calluum

    Calluum Cal CHAMPION

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    I mean it's all been said like 50 times and been ignored 50 times kinda crazy, gl
  9. WynnicWither

    WynnicWither Certified RiftALTer Glazer CHAMPION

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    The biggest problem in guild wars is me not being there
  10. Capuchinaa

    Capuchinaa Newbie Adventurer

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    hm intresting information
  11. Tfarcnnyw

    Tfarcnnyw Skirl CHAMPION

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    I'm in one of the lower level guilds that has taken a few territories for ~30 min but hasn't held a position on the map.

    I think the two biggest problems with guild wars are on the strategic part and not the gameplay of the battle.

    1. The territory map is extremely scarce, so naturally only a few top guilds are able to participate.
    2. By far the most important thing to succeed as a waring guild is for someone to be continuously online to take back territory.

    I think giving every guild an HQ that's not tied to the map could help.
    You can attack the HQ either specific for that guild, or with auto matchmaking.

    One way this could interact with the existing territory map, is if a guild is holding territory on the map you can't attack the HQ directly.
    I'm thinking of this as the HQ is a walled city and the territory is the surrounding land.

    Neat but optional feature would be for the HQ wars to be a siege on the guild housing plot.
  12. AlphaCloud

    AlphaCloud Wawa VIP+

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    I've stopped playing wynncraft because of how stale the guild scene got, but I still reminisce of times when I enjoyed playing.
    @Salted pls fix
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