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Game Mechanics Arrow Rain Counting as a Miss for Removing Focus

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Rellik, Jan 19, 2024.


If this is actually an intended "feature", should this be removed or changed?

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  2. No...

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  1. Rellik

    Rellik Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    Hi, I'm making an Archer Build with emphasis on DPS utilizing the "Focus" charge's damage buff.
    This works fairly well as I can effectively keep the charges at a maximum of 7, so long as I don't miss a shot. The way I do so is to use the "Guardian Angels" skill. They don't miss as they automatically strike on the enemy, so as long as they hit an enemy at the required 5 block distance, I stack Focus charges.
    Now, the problem with this method is that one thing, that doesn't make sense to me, ruins it. The ability by the name of "Arrow Rain", which is required to unlock "Guardian Angels" if you want to also unlock "Focus", as doing the other option to unlock "Guardian Angels" locks "Focus". As I stated in the title, once this ability activates at the end of "Guardian Angels", it counts as a missed shot due to it shooting many projectiles in all directions—even if some of those projectiles hit an enemy, it still counts as a miss, thus removing all Focus charges.

    This feels like a mistake/bug and not an intended feature, and it would be appreciated by us Archer players not to have our choice in builds restricted by a possibly bugged technicality. Please change it so it doesn't count towards missed shots on Focus, because it's theoretically impossible NOT to miss some projectiles with Arrow Rain.

    Many Thanks, a Concerned Player.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
  2. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    Cope - this is the drawback of trying to use Frenzy with Sharpshooter imho
  3. Rellik

    Rellik Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    I don't see your point. Arrow Rain has nothing to do with it; Frenzy drains per second, no other skill influences that. Frenzy is absurdly easy to maintain, no matter the build, but especially with Guardian Angels as they continuously stack its speed buff so long as you are within range. Sharpshooter's "Homing Shots" makes that all the more easy. Your comment has nothing to do with the problem I pointed out, but thanks for stating your opinion.
    Vacuum Cleaner and Elysium_ like this.
  4. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    You are trying to combine a precision-based archetype with its polar opposite, of course there will abilities that counter each other.
    BlueTheSniper and Melkor like this.
  5. 100klemonreimu

    100klemonreimu Poison Warrior Supermacy

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    I barely play archer and may be biased, but the whole arrow rain ability should be removed. It is just a useless lag machine.
    Tfarcnnyw and ineedhelp like this.
  6. xihuanchirenrou

    xihuanchirenrou Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    But like, you can just build focus with bryophyte roots and/or fire creep. Its not that hard to not miss and build focus with just spells anyway.
  7. Rellik

    Rellik Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    I get what you're saying, and you're right in principle. That is why most of Boltslinger's skill tree is blocked when using Sharpshooter's Abilities. However, Arrow rain is an ability that makes sense to use in tandem with any Archetype, as it effects Arrow Shield as a base, not Guardian Angels in particular. For Sharpshooters who want a more "offensive" aspect to their only defensive skill available to them, it makes sense for that to be a viable option as it has no real connection to the other Archetypes. That is why Arrow Rain isn't listed under any Archetype in it's description. If Arrow Rain didn't strike any enemy at all with its effect, then it might make more sense for it to count as a miss and remove Focus Stacks, but even if it strikes an enemy, it doesn't count as a successful hit. Arrow Rain also has an issue with registering hits in general, sometimes not striking anything even when multiple enemies are within its range.

    Using Guardian Angels with Focus aside, Arrow Rain on it's own shouldn't clash with Sharpshooter abilities like Focus. It is a means of using offense as an defensive measure, and has little relation to being precise in distant fighting.
    luckeyLuuk and 100klemonreimu like this.
  8. Rellik

    Rellik Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    Sure that can work in a sense, but it's too inconsistent for my tastes. It only works if they stay put and stand in it, and that's very rarely the case as most mobs will be constantly moving and some even teleporting. The main reason I use Guardian Angels as I mentioned in this post is because it's a solution to those uncertain variables that I have no control over. Either way, whether I use Guardian Angels or not, Arrow Rain is a nice augment to Arrow Shield that I love using and it sucks to have that ruin a Focus build when by all rights it shouldn't.

    That's my opinion, anyway.
    I can meet you half-way there. I don't agree that it should be removed entirely, as I actually like Arrow Rain as a concept, but I do wish it be edited in a way that makes it inconsequential to progressing down the Archer Skill Tree in general. The way that I HAVE to use Arrow Rain in my build here is quite upsetting in all honesty, due to this issue with Focus I mentioned in this post. It would be nice if they made it like the "Windy Feet" ability; easily accessible if desired, but not required to reach farther down the skill tree along that path.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
    luckeyLuuk and 100klemonreimu like this.
  9. xihuanchirenrou

    xihuanchirenrou Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Honestly, fire creep and bryophyte only serve to help you build focus juuuuuuust a bit faster. Most of the time my focus is coming from just having phantom ray hit a lot instead of reliance on another ability. And let's be real, phantom ray isn't the hardest ability to aim, and you only need one hit to not lose focus.
  10. Rellik

    Rellik Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    I'm sorry to say, but you are wrong on that first claim. Focus has a 1.1 second cooldown on how fast you are allowed to gain another charge, so you can't get it any faster with either ability than what you can manage with Guardian Angels alone, or even with just a fast attack speed weapon. (It says this on Focus's description in the skill tree) You are right in saying the aforementioned abilities and Phantom Ray can build it just fine, but from my experience, Guardian Angels builds it the most reliably and without mistake or lag-spike screwing it up.

    With that said, I'll reiterate that my problem isn't with building up Focus with other abilities. I have no qualms with other Sharpshooter abilities in this case. My problem is with Arrow Rain canceling out Focus, even when it hits an enemy. With Arrow Rain not being an ability tied to any Archetype, using it in combination with Sharpshooter shouldn't cause any clash if used correctly, and yet it does for no reason I can figure out. This is what I wish to have changed, hence the creation of this discussion. Thank you for your replies and opinions.
  11. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    Saying arrow rain should build focus is like calling a machine gunner a sniper
    ineedhelp likes this.
  12. Rellik

    Rellik Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    I'm sorry, but you're hugely overexaggerating things. And it doesn't have to build Focus at all, my point is that it shouldn't remove Focus because it's impossible NOT to miss some of its resulting projectiles. It's an AoE attack and as long as it strikes an enemy, it shouldn't count as a miss and shouldn't impede Focus Charges.
  13. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Arrow rain is quite literally the most "fling arrows everywhere any hope they hit" spell in the game. I see no reason it should be made to work with sharpshooter. Using guardian angels to build up charge is not an intended feature as far as I'm aware, and so I can't imagine they'd remove the only major downside to that. Think of it this way; you get free focus by using guardian angels, you just have to spend it quickly.
  14. Rellik

    Rellik Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    Although that's arguable because Arrow Rain seems to function as a "single, 360 degrees AoE" attack instead of a "many projectiles" attack on the coding side of things, with the arrow animation being purely cosmetics, I guess it becomes just a matter of opinions when it concerns whether it makes sense to be a downside to using Guardian Angels with Focus or not. From my perspective, it shouldn't be a detriment to Sharpshooter in the Wynncraft Developer's eyes as it isn't something that is "Overpowered" or "Game Breaking/Changing" in any sense. There are other builds for other classes that reach 80k-100k DPS, yet the farthest I've gotten this build to reasonably manage is around the 40k DPS range. Why does it need a downside that's based on shaky ground in the first place?
    Besides, forget about using Guardian Angels with Focus, using Arrow Rain on it's own with Sharpshooter shouldn't clash so long as it hits an enemy as Focus intends you to do. As the description says, Focus doesn't technically mean you have to be this "Super Accurate Sniper of Awesome Skill", it only says you have to "Hit" your target. Not "Accurately hit your Target", just "Hit". If the Skill Tree doesn't list Arrow Rain under any Archetype in particular, why shouldn't any Archetype be able to utilize this? The only reasoning I've seen people raise against what I've brought up is that "Arrow Rain doesn't FEEL like an ability Sharpshooter should work with", but Arrow Bomb is an AoE attack that doesn't need exact aim, it's not something you'd expect from a "Distance Fighter" like Sharpshooter, yet that doesn't receive any complaint. But Arrow Rain is a problem, even if it successfully strikes an enemy? Now, if Arrow Rain misses entirely, no damage at all; then I would be more inclined to agree with you that it would deplete Focus. But even when Arrow Rain hits, it still doesn't register as such by Focus.

    That's the part that doesn't make sense to me. AoE skills strike a whole area, so I get that you guys don't think that it should work with a "Precision" Archetype like Sharpshooter, but Arrow Bomb is a main, necessary skill to have for all the Archetypes and all of them utilize it in some fashion, so AoE's in general shouldn't be "conflicting against Sharpshooter's characteristics."
    To sum it up, since Arrow Rain is a generalized skill due to not being under any Archetype, and Focus only requires you to land a hit, why should it be a problem?
  15. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    Why is it so hard to upload images to forums...
  16. Tfarcnnyw

    Tfarcnnyw Skirl CHAMPION

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    I use this build for lootruns and am very happy with it.

    I think the arrow rain downside is a natural consequence of forcing these archetypes to work together.
    The tree is designed so that you can mix archetypes but compromises need to be made to do so.
    Are you using any mythics and still max out at 40k?
    Since its inconsistent based on if I am running out of mana or how much focus I have its hard to say how much dmg I get, but I am seeing numbers anywhere from 60k - 120k on a dummy with a Freedom.

    I don't see why it wouldn't be intended, and the focus isn't free.
    Not missing is the hard part, hitting every 1.1 seconds isn't.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
  17. Rellik

    Rellik Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    No, I'm too poor for mythics lol. And that 40K number I mentioned is just for guardian angel's damage alone, if I add the other skills then it goes higher. If I went for purely DPS on my equipment I'm sure I could get guardian angels higher than that but that makes me too vulnerable to damage for my liking
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