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World Chambers of Suffocating Smog

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ThePurpleEmerald, Jan 16, 2024.


Thoughts? (Comment Feedback/ Suggestions if you can)

  1. Good concept, it will be a great addition (Yes)

  2. Good concept, could use some improvements (Give Suggestions)

  3. Not a good concept, could use some improvements (Give Suggestions)

  4. Not a good concept, it will not be a great addition (No)

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  1. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    When the Toxic is Creeper​

    Chambers of Suffocating Smog
    A Haze Cave Mini-Proposal


    Purple wait I thought you
    Yes Hidden Side I know shut up

    Okay MOVING ON

    Love is in The Air? Wrong. Gas Lea-
    I think I can say for almost everyone here that regardless of any buffs or curses, the Haze Cave might be the one loot cave that pretty much most players here... dislike. Quite a bit.

    Well, even if it isn't a full-on dislike it's still something that most would not enjoy at a fundemental level. Not necessarily because of terrible mob design or natural difficulty, but bec- wait, wait a minute, no, it is absolutely because of those things. Or rather, the mobs are half of the problem.

    First off, both the Toxic Cloud mobs along with the Toxic Creeper miniboss have a concerningly low amount of health as compared to pretty much every other cave enemy in the Silent Expanse. You might think that they serve as glass cannons, but the Toxic Clouds don't target the player half of the time for some reason, and the Toxic Creeper usually dies way too fast before even the weakest level 101 player even gets to find out what it does.

    (Speaking of which off-topic but can you give Toxic Creeper and Explosive Beast their legs back its been missing from their models for like almost two years now and they float around like top-heavy slugs pls k thx)

    The second issue is the main mechanic of the cave. Waiting.


    I have no idea who on earth designed the Haze Cave this way, and I'm not sure if anyone here is aware of this, but if there is one thing you know about Wynncraft players, is that standing in a room filled with enemies who have pitiful health, barely target you most of the time and deal little to no contact damage even with a significant amount of curses on while AFKing for a full thirty seconds is something said Wynncraft players do NOT like to do.

    Even like a generic boring token door or smth is way better than this why the hell is there a timer for BOTH the first room AND THE MINIBOSS


    Anyways you all know the drill here I come with the funny content suggestion

    The Haze Cave
    I'm terrible at writing and have no idea how I wrote Gone With The Wind and the Charon and Summoner suggestions I must have been possessed that's the only explanation

    So I'm going to skip any further elaboration and talk about the thing

    First things first: The goddamn entrance

    Step 1 4 bettr wyoncraft: Increase brightness (I can't see a goddamn thing)
    Step 2 4 bettr wyoncraft: Slabs (Also a clean path from the main road to this cave thx)

    (Choose better slabs I have 0 creativity)

    Actually on second thought like half of SE caves are kinda in really hard to reach spots anyway so I guess this doesn't really need to be fixed nvm disregard


    Sorry that was annoying me and needed to get it over with moving on

    Chamber 1
    Ok cool the main meat of it

    I got the sudden inspiration to make this like a day or two ago so I present to you some stuff

    When you enter, you'll immediately be met with a new change - the entrance is now a dropoff into the room.


    Not necessarily to prevent the player from escaping, no (although there will be barriers that the player teleports past), but also to prevent the enemies from escaping. I will explain these two reasons in a moment.

    The second change that you will notice once you drop into the arena is that the door at the back is no longer timed - it is replaced with a wall of toxic gas!


    The center of the arena now displays a counter that instructs the player to kill 10 mobs in order to be granted access to the next room. Should be pretty simple, right? The Toxic Cloud mobs are still here, and they were pretty easy to deal with.


    Toxic Cloud
    (Note: I can't control the amount of particles for the Toxic Cloud, door for the first room and the toxic patches I'll be talking about later, just assume that there are a lot less particles on all of them to account for lag.)

    The Toxic Cloud is now an enemy with slightly slower walkspeed than usual along with Crawl AI, which causes them to make frequent pauses as they are persuing the player. To encourage the mobs to further spread out, all Toxic Clouds will cast an occasional Teleport spell to spice things up.

    Their spawning is somewhat custom, with one Toxic Cloud appearing from a randomly chosen crack in the wall every few seconds or so, eventually capping off at a maximum of 5.

    Most Importantly of all, however, Toxic Clouds are invulnerable to all forms of attacks, which means that they cannot be damaged nor affected by the player. Upon contact, the Toxic Clouds will deal heavy damage to the player they are targeting. The entrance dropoff is to prevent them from being kited out of the cave.

    Different from their original role of a regular grunt mob, the Toxic Clouds are now small arena sweepers that heavily discourage the player to remain in one spot for long periods of time.

    Bloated Toxicant

    The Bloated Toxicant is now the new common mob of the Haze Cave. Equipped with a regular Melee AI, moderate walkspeed, a very occasional Charge spell and eventual Self-Destruct spell, along with the low health of about 10000 hp, the Bloated Toxicants initially appear to be an easy group of enemies to deal with. Just kill ten of them to progress, right? Well, not so fast there.

    First off, unlike the Toxic Clouds, the Bloated Toxicants will instead be forcefully ejected out from whatever crack in the wall they are randomly chosen to appear from, landing somewhere near the middle of the arena where all the exciting stuff happens. While they maintain a somewhat quick spawn rate, the cave still attempts to keep a maximum of three alive before it attempts to create any more.

    [​IMG]Another angle of Bloated Toxicant

    Now, for their main weapon: Upon death either by the player or from its Self-Destruct spell, the Bloated Toxicant will immediately burst, creating an extremely large patch of toxic gas which is marked on the floor with a rough circle. These toxic patches last for up to two minutes, effectively persisting until the player finishes the entire cave.


    Do you see the problem here now? These small scorpion-tail six-legged bugs aren't grunts, they are deathtraps. If you aren't careful, their massive patches will cover a large portion of the arena. You have to kill ten of them.


    Walking or flying over these things will immediately slow the player down, along with dealing about 15% of their maximum health every half a second. Yes, the patches are THAT dangerous. Remember the barrier wall accompanying the entrance dropoff? Yeah, good luck cheesing this room at a safe distance, not gonna happen.

    With enough of them covering the arena, you're going to be trying to watch your step as you fight enemies and avoid whatever other threats you encounter in the room. Don't worry though, the Toxic Clouds and Bloated Toxicants are the only danger in Chamber 1. It's only a 'tutorial' room for the Haze Cave mechanics after all, don't need to make a spelunk loot cave that complicated.


    Chamber 2
    Man that room sure was a little tricky, almost stepped into the ten different patches of toxic gas spayed around the room that I couldn't camp in one place and kill from a distance because of the invulnerable Toxic Cloud mobs

    But nothing to worry about time to kill the miniboss again


    wait what is that


    Toxic Creeper - Phase 1

    The Crystallized Beast is a passive mob that also serves as the first phase of the Toxic Creeper. It doesn't have any functional AI nor does it cast any spells, and really just serves as a massive wall of 180000 hp that the player is required to get past to progress.

    (Also a little bit of a tangent but I really love the visual of the player needing to crack open the crystal that has both the boss AND the loot chest inside of it. It was one of the first ideas of this suggestion that popped into my head at the beginning and I'm personally kinda proud of coming up with that)

    While inactive on its own, it is by no means undefensive. First off, dropping into the arena via teleporting through another wall of barrier blocks will trigger the spawning of the mobs within it.

    The Toxic Clouds and Bloated Toxicants are also present in this room, and while still sharing the same spawn rates as the previous chamber are arguably a bigger threat, given the increased maximum Toxic Cloud count from 5 to 7 and the fact that the Bloated Toxicants are no longer the kill requirement of the room, requiring the player to constantly deal with them until the actual miniboss has been killed.

    The crystal itself is also not unresponsive. As the player damages the crystal, it retaliates by causing Toxic Stalactites to fall around the player's vicinity. Toxic Stalactites are telegraphed by a marker on the ground along with a thin beacon of flame particles, and while the relatively long-lasting telegraph may make the initial impact easy to avoid, the real danger is in the form of the toxic patch of gas that the fallen stalactite leaves behind, which behaves exactly the same as the patches created by the Bloated Toxicants, only smaller in size.


    Whittling down the health of the Crystallized Beast mob down to 0 will cause it to implode, finally unleashing the Toxic Creeper.


    Toxic Creeper - Phase 2

    The Toxic Creeper is a passive mob that appears once the Crystallized Beast has been killed, and serves as the "second stage" of the battle. It has the standard Melee AI of following the player and an increased (and well-deserved) 135000 health, along with a generous set of spells as shown below:

    Spells (In game ticks):
    Heavy Charge (20)-> Heavy Charge (20)-> Meteor (30)
    Charge (15)-> Meteor (5)-> Charge (15)-> Meteor (5)-> Charge (15)-> Meteor (20)
    Heavy Charge (30)-> Heavy Explosion (1)-> Heavy Flamethrower (40)

    The Heavy Charges are mainly to discourage the player to stick near the walls of the arena or circle the room via said walls because we all know how devastating a sufficiently power Heavy Charge can be if the player is anywhere within a mile of a block higher than the ground level. The meteor, on the other hand, is somewhat of a main source of regular damage asides from the miniboss' melee along with an additional element accompanying the Toxic Clouds that discourages the player to stay near a spot for too long.

    Unlike the crystal stage of the fight, the Toxic Stalactites will now appear constantly around the player rather than when the boss is damaged.

    The broken crystal itself remains as such for several minutes or until the chunk is unloaded, effectively keeping the loot chest within exposed until the player either dies or kills the boss.

    The boss' attacks, combined with all the other hazards that are still appearing in the arena makes this a fast yet hectic fight, the player being careful not to step onto the ever-increasing surface area of toxic patches that are slowly covering more ground in the arena every second, while being forced to develop an aggressive fighting style towards the main boss itself in order to finish the fight as quickly as possible.

    It fits the theme of the entire cave being flooded with suffocating, poisonous inescapable gas, and also doubles as an effective game mechanic that, for lack of a better phrase, requires the player to actually use their brain.

    Finally killing the boss will immediately cause all toxic patches on the ground to despawn (If... that's even possible to do here) so that the player can safely collect their loot.

    I would do a short explanation/ documentary regarding my design decisions on certain aspects of this mini-suggestion, but it's getting a bit late and I'm feeling a bit lazy at the moment, so if I don't do it tomorrow in this main post then I'll probably talk about it whenever someone questions me about something in the above Haze Cave proposal. Asides from that, that's all from me.

    Haze Cave concept: Idk whoever CT made the thing
    Literally all the new mechanics: Me
    Inspiration for the new mechanics: I... I don't know, gas??? It's still just me
    Bloated Toxicant Head: https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/head/30240-glowing-one
    Bloated Toxicant Tail: https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/head/34628-radium-irradiant

    I have some feedback on a certain mechanic or two in this suggestion. ...you won't get mad if I share my opinions, do you?
    A: By all means, go ahead! Type all you want! I thrive on feedback, and always welcome constructive criticism! People talking about it down in the replies also encourages discussion from others as well, which leads to more feedback! I may not ever work on this project ever again, but it will be of great help in future projects such as The Hidden Side when storytelling or content of similar design come into play!

    Q: This feels a little bit too complicated for a regular loot cave.
    A: No it isn't. I tried to make the cave as simple as possible without ending up with something too boring and generic.

    Besides, I would argue that only actually real gimmick here are the toxic patches. Everything else in said cave is literally just regular Wynncraft mob mechanics all I did was design the cave's mechanics around this single new hazard

    Q: Will you ever join CT?
    A: No. Please stop asking. Like, actually this time. This isn't a bit I've genuinely given my reasons for it ages ago it'll be nice to not get the same response all the time thanks

    Q: What's your gender? Are you not actually a guy?
    A: This gag's getting a little old I might retire it

    Q: Wasn't there an additional question in this space?
    A: ...well, you just asked one. There's a question now.

    ...............okay, bye, have a nice day!
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2024
  2. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    Nice job, this sounds really fun and difficult!
    Elysium_ likes this.
  3. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Just updated health because the boss felt too easy even with the health buff
    Crystallized Beast: 100000 -> 180000
    Toxic Creeper: 80000 -> 135000
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2024
    100klemonreimu likes this.
  4. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    o no :surprised pikachu:
  5. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    I’m glad we can all agree the haze cave makes no sense
    KaiserSpin likes this.
  6. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    This is cool, but...
    This guy exists and I think it's a bit weird how there's a mob that should be called smthn similar to this given the first phase. Toxic Creeper in some way implies a connection between the creepers found in the pigmen ravines and/or RoL.

    ...I got it. Make that guy look even more mutated and sickly.

    Other than that neat suggestion.

    Edit: Also for the fuck of it ig ill give a fictional non-canon script spell name: Chlorine Pheromones for the bug guys (for headcanon, this is bc the pheromones would be toxic chlorine gas that is emitted by them when a bug dies so it creates a safe haven for others?)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
    Elysium_ and xihuanchirenrou like this.
  7. Silent Boss

    Silent Boss Critically Shameless

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    I feel like there would be too much toxic gas everywhere. maybe less but bigger patches would be better?
  8. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Toxic creeper should be changed for something else
  9. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    It's always a good day when ThePurpleEmerald makes another thread.
    Mardeknius and Da Homeboi like this.
  10. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    The correct solution would be to change the model and/ or name of the Explosive Beast
    Yes that too
  11. xihuanchirenrou

    xihuanchirenrou Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Classic PurpleEmerald W
  12. lilk0408

    lilk0408 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    heavy flamethrower :disappointed: lantern keeper flashbacks

    one thing about this suggestion is that it seems to make Haze Cave heavily benefit glass cannon builds, because they’ll be able to kill stuff and move on before the poison clouds build up enough to be concerning.

    this is further exacerbated by the clouds dealing %max hp damage, because that basically treats tank builds and glass cannon builds the same. then again, the %max hp damage might be the only way to get through health shenanigans with lootruns
  13. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    That's kinda the point tbh
    This cave isn't meant to be easy

    But yeah the whole size of the patches really depends on how it fares in a practical situation. In which case, minor balancing adjustments are of course to be expected
    Silent Boss likes this.
  14. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Oh hey I almost forgot about this thread
  15. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    Nice thread, but it seems unfair. if you are not high leveled, you cannot acces ur suggestion. THat is why i think this cave should be moved directly to the emerald trail on the ragni suburbs. It should be directly across from the Pigman Outpost cave. All mob stats are unchanged.
    Elysium_ and Sir_Doomed like this.
  16. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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  17. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Oh shoot the images are dead
    Good thing I still have the originals, I’m going to have to move all of it to Imgur
  18. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    I gotta be honest I do not remember posting that above message yesterday

    Welp images fixed, along with the ones in the Charon and Summoner suggestions. Go check them out if you haven't already!
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