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Game Mechanics Coop Gamemode

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Crokee, Nov 22, 2023.


Should Coop gamemode be added?

  1. Yes

    48 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but make changes (comment on them!)

    7 vote(s)
  3. No

    2 vote(s)
  4. Unsure

    5 vote(s)
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  1. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    Coop gamemode is a challenge where players in a cooperation must work together to progress the playthrough. All players in a Coop group will share the same character bank, with the max number of pages being the number of pages the HIGHEST ranking member can get multiplied by the number of players in the coop. The difference is, EVERYONE in the Coop group will have a shared leveling system with the same combat and professions level as each other, and it takes significantly LONGER to level up any skill. This means each player must contribute or the gamemode causes the playthrough to get significantly grinder than usual. For example, starting a Coop group of 4 players with one of the players being Champion means the max shared character bank pages will be 40, but it will require 4 times more XP to level up any skill or combat.

    This gamemode strives to increase cooperation between players significantly due to how the shared leveling and banking system works. Below will describe the gamemode in full detail.

    Mechanics of Coop Gamemode
    This gamemode, just like other gamemodes, must be created on starting a new class. The difference is upon creating a new class with the gamemode, the player must send invitations to up to 3 other people (total group of 4) before being able to play the class. The players that can receive the invitation must have an empty class slot available and they must all accept it within 7 days. The player sending it can cancel or resend the invitation(s) at any time. The players receiving the invitations will be notified upon logging on a new class to accept or deny an invitation. To avoid spam from random players, only players that have friended each other can send invites to each other.

    A new gamemode icon will look something similar to a handshake, but in pixel format. This will be placed first in the order of sequence in relation to all other gamemodes (CHUICH, pronouced TWh-itCH like Twitch)

    Figure 1: Example of the Coop icon in chat. Icon should be pixelized to match chat.

    Shared Character Banks
    As stated in the introduction, players share character banks if the Coop is not on Ultimate Ironman mode. The number of max bank pages will be the number of pages the HIGHEST ranked player in the Coop can get, multiplied by the number of players in a coop, up to 40 pages for 4 players. The shared character bank starts with 4 bank pages. The price of each page will be the same as if buying 10 pages x 4 classes. Only 1 person can access the bank at a time with a cooldown of ~3 seconds to ensure the server saves the data and players don't lose items. This is due to how loss of items can happen in shared banks such as the guild bank, where multiple players depositing and withdrawing items multiple times a second across different worlds can glitch items into nonexistance.

    If another player (Player 2) wants to access the bank, a warning/message will show up on the player (Player 1) that has the bank open to let them know Player 2 wants to access the bank. If Player 1 does not do anything for the next minute, and Player 2 is still within access range of the bank, the server will force close the bank on Player 1 and let Player 2 know that the bank will be available to use in ~3 seconds.

    Shared Leveling System
    All Coop players in the same Coop group will share the same combat and profession level as each other. The amount of XP required for Combat XP and Professions will also be multiplied by the number of players in the Coop group as well. If there are 4 players, it will take 4 times as long to level up. When the Coop group levels up in anything, every member will receive the same level up message, no matter the distance nor world.

    Lootrun level is not included in the system, similar to how other gamemodes still utilize the same lootrun level.

    Party Buffs
    To slightly alleviate the steep XP leveling requirement, creating a party with other Coop players will give a 30% Combat XP buff to nearby players as usual like normal parties, but Coop members can also enjoy a 30% Gathering XP boost AND a 30% Crafting XP (can be a new ID but not needed) boost to all nearby Coop players as well. This new buff to parties CANNOT apply to other players in the party that are not in a Coop. Only the party leader's Coop will apply this boost to their own Coop and not of other players's Coop if other separate Coops exist. These buffs cannot stack, and they are also additive to other similar IDs.

    It is entirely possible for a Coop group to level faster than a non-Coop class due to other multiplicative buffs like guild territory perks and tomes. This only occurs when ALL players in the Coop group actively grind nearby each other, and as such, it is not very ideal other than niche cases like Profession XP grinding.

    Upon logging into a Coop class, if there are any other Coop players in the same Coop group online, the server will send a message to all online members that a player has logged into X world and will recommend a party. A party is NOT required, but it is highly recommended due to the higher XP requirements needed to level up.

    Coop Lootruns
    This subsection is also spun-off as another, separate suggestion here.

    Coop players can either start a solo Lootrun or a Coop Lootrun. The player that starts the Lootrun can send invitations to other members of the Coop and are given 1 minute to accept in chat (the leader). Any number of players can join the Coop Lootrun, up to the maximum amount of players in the Coop (4 max). Everyone must be online in the same Lootrun location to start it.

    The type of Beacons and the % chance of Vibrant Beacons will be determined by whoever has the highest Lootrun level.

    Each player in the lootrun will get their own client-sided loot upon completing a challenge, just like how it is solo.

    All mobs' HP will be multiplied by X times, where X is the number of players in the Coop Lootrun. Everything else on mobs is unchanged.

    To start a challenge, all players must be within the circle of the starting area before beginning the challenge.

    All time obtained or removed will be multiplied by x1.25 more than a solo Lootrun to account for waiting for players to finish each challenge. This multiplier is applied in everything, such as completing a challenge, green beacons, traveling in between challenges, and missions that remove time as well.

    Upon completing a Boon/Mission challenge, the leader will choose the Boon/Mission. Other Coop players can vote on the Boon/Mission, with stacks appearing beside the Boom/Mission as the votes. However, these votes are merely a suggestion, and the leader will ultimately make the final decision.

    If a player logs out of a Coop Lootrun, that player has 1 minute to log back in, or they will be kicked out of the Coop Lootrun. Upon being kicked out, the player's Lootrun will be converted to a regular, solo Lootrun, while the others leftover will continue their Coop Lootrun. If the resulting number of players in the Coop Lootrun equals 1, both players will be converted into a regular, solo Lootrun.

    To kick a player out of a Coop Lootrun, the leader can /party kick.

    At the end of the Lootrun, all players will have the same number of rerolls, pulls, and sacrifices as calculated by the Lootrun. Sacrifices for calculating extra pulls at the end will be determined by the summing all players' extra pulls from each of their previous run divided by the number of players (average), then rounded down. Each player will get to roll their own loot, as well as choosing to sacrifice their pulls or not individually. Each player will still get the same amount of Lootrun XP as usual. If there are players with a daily Lootrun not used yet, the daily will only apply to whoever still has it individually.

    Only the leader can end a Coop Lootrun prematurely.

    Other Mechanics
    Crafting/buying healing potions will not stack automatically. They will only stack when they are overlayed on top of each other or on an already stacked healing potion, up to 30 uses as usual. This allows players to trade healing pots before stacking. Honestly, this should be it's own suggestion but I will make it explicit here for now.

    It is possible for Coop players to kick another player out through a vote. If all except the player being kicked out agree to kick out the player being kicked within 7 days, the player will get kicked out and lose ALL their gamemodes that are active, essentially becoming a normal class. The items in their inventory will stay with them, and they will lose access to the shared character bank. If Hardcore is active, the number of max allowable deaths will be decreased by 1. Any remaining deaths will not change, unless the number of remaining deaths is above the max allowable deaths, to which it will also decrease by 1 as well. If there are only 2 players in the Coop group, only the person that started the Coop group can kick, and after confirmation, both players will lose ALL their gamemodes. Through kicking, it is possible to fully de-coop Coop mode at a cost of also losing other gamemodes as well. You cannot all agree to de-coop Coop mode like how you can de-iron Ultimate Ironman and Ironman modes only and keep the rest of the gamemodes active.

    It is not possible to leave a Coop group if Ironman (not Ultimate Ironman) is active. This is because it prevents stealing items in the shared character banks. There is no point in preventing leaving for non-Ironman Coop groups as stealing will still be viable regardless.

    Unique Interactions with Other Gamemodes
    Unique interactions with Coop gamemode occur when combining other gamemodes together. Everyone in the Coop will have the same gamemodes applied to them as well.

    When combining Coop with Hardcore gamemode, a shared death system will be created. The number of deaths allowed will be based on the number of players in the Coop. With 4 players, it will take 4 deaths before everyone's Hardcore badge will turn gray. If there's only 1 death that occurs in this 4 player Coop, everyone's Hardcore badge will still be red. This helps Coop members who may be having ping or lag issues to not lose their progress as long as they still have not met the threshold to graying their Hardcore badges.

    Players can hover over their badge in chat to see how many deaths have occurred.

    Figure 2: Markup of Coop description as well as the shared death system for Hardcore.

    The % of items dropped upon death is the same as usual Hardcore.

    Ultimate Ironman
    When combining Coop with Ultimate Ironman gamemode, Coop players will still be treated as a regular Ultimate Ironman, with exceptions. Players in the Coop can trade and buff each other, but they cannot do so with players outside the Coop. They still are not able to pick up items dropped by players outside the Coop, but they can pick up items from players within the Coop. They cannot use the trade market nor use the bank as usual. Their ingredient pouches will be converted to an all-usage pouch as usual, but without sharing. In order to share items, players must trade with each other.

    To de-Ironman, the group must ALL agree to de-iron. Everyone will be downgraded to Ironman while keeping other gamemodes active.

    When combining Coop with Ironman gamemode, Coop players will be treated exactly the same as Ultimate Ironman as described above, but they will have access to the shared character bank, up to 40 pages (10 pages x 4 players) depending on number of players in the Coop. The restriction on ranks for bank pages will be removed, just like regular Ironman, so there will always be 10 times X bank pages, regardless of the highest rank.

    To de-Ironman, the group must ALL agree to de-iron. Everyone will be downgraded to non-Ironman while keeping other gamemodes active.

    When combining Coop with Craftsman gamemode, Coop players can only use crafted items just like regular Craftsman gamemode. Obviously, there are some exceptions like being able to use quest items. Nothing special.

    When combining Coop with Hunted gamemode, Coop players will be on permanent Hunted mode. They cannot kill each others' Coop classes. However, a Coop class can be killed by the second players' non-coop class or a different, separate coop class even if the second player is has a class that's part of the same Coop. For example, Player 1 and Player 2 has Coop A, with each of them having classes A1 and A2 respectively. Player 1's class A1 cannot kill Player 2's class A2 and vise-versa, even if they are not friended/guildmates/partied. Player 1's class A1 can still die to Player 2's class X or Player 2's Coop B class B2 and vise-versa, even if they are not friended/guildmates/partied.

    Combining All Gamemodes (CHUICH)
    Taking all the described gamemodes and combining together, all Coop players will have:
    • Coop
      • X times longer to level up
      • Buffed party system
    • Hardcore
      • Shared death system with X deaths
    • Ultimate Ironman
      • Can only trade and buff each other
      • Cannot use bank
      • Cannot use Trade Market
      • Access to Ultimate Ironman pouch
    • Craftsman
      • Can only use crafted items with exceptions like quest items
    • Hunted
      • Permanent Hunted mode
      • Cannot kill other players playing on the class that is in the same Coop group


    What are your thoughts? The idea came from Hypixel Skyblock in terms of their Coop profiles. I really like the idea of Coop profiles and tried to port it somewhat over to Wynncraft, with a bigger emphasis on cooperating by using a shared bank and shared leveling system. With Wynncraft being an MMORPG, it's quite sad that there are only a few game mechanics that relate to the MMO aspect (TM, raids, ??? quest, other quests but is less buggy when done alone).

    Obviously, this gamemode is optional, just like all other gamemodes. It gives quite a unique twist to the game, with even more twists when combining with other gamemodes. I am currently trying it out with a bootleg version of Coop HUIC with 3 other players to see how it works out and sort of as a proof of concept.

    If you are interested in a proof of concept of how this gamemode would work, I stream this weekly on Saturday 4pm EDT here.

    Forgive my figures, I am not an artist.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2023
  2. xia_hannii

    xia_hannii Skilled Adventurer

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    I think shared death system would be kinda scuffed, if one coop member gets mad at the others they can literally die four times and ruin the entire coops HC status. Maybe if there was a way to kick itd be fine but i approve otherwise. Thumbsup.
  3. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    There's no avoiding that. Just like all coop games, a player can sabotage the playthrough at any point in time. See coop profiles in Hypixel Skyblock for reference in terms of scamming.

    The gamemode is meant to be played with friends. You can do randoms if you really want but there is risk if they cannot be trusted. The only sure way at least for avoiding scamming items is to make sure all your items that you don't want stolen are on your class or in your account bank, basically treat the Coop character bank pages as like a guild bank.

    A kick is interesting though. I will need to sit on this for a while to think this through, but I'm worried about how that affects the sharing aspect as well as if there are any other gamemodes active.
  4. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    certified awesome suggestion
    Elysium_ likes this.
  5. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    Okay I thought of it.

    It is possible for Coop players to kick another player out through a vote. If all except the player being kicked out agree to kick out the player being kicked within 7 days, the player will get kicked out and lose ALL their gamemodes that are active, essentially becoming a normal class. The items in their inventory will stay with them, and they will lose access to the shared character bank. If Hardcore is active, the number of max allowable deaths will be decreased by 1. Any remaining deaths will not change, unless the number of remaining deaths is above the max allowable deaths, to which it will also decrease by 1 as well. If there are only 2 players in the Coop group, only the person that started the Coop group can kick, and after confirmation, both players will lose ALL their gamemodes.

    It is not possible to leave a Coop group if Ironman (not Ultimate Ironman) is active. This is because it prevents stealing items in the shared character banks. There is no point in preventing leaving for non-Ironman Coop groups as stealing will still be viable regardless.
    Elytry likes this.
  6. Voxels

    Voxels your local multi Wynncrafter HERO

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    I’ve been thinking a co-op ironman gamemode would be fun, but it never occurred to me for some reason to extend that to all gamemodes. It seems so obvious in hindsight.
    Elysium_ likes this.
  7. FireHeart27

    FireHeart27 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION Builder

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    :eyes: I love this so much, crokee on the good suggestions again as always
  8. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    not really sure about the multipliers of the shared leveling system
  9. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    I'm guessing because usually only 1 player would carry right? Like those group projects? Yeah, hence why it's called Coop gamemode. The point is to FORCE players to actively grind together, especially with the party buff as mentioned. If all 4 players did all content together (x4 XP multiplier requirement), there's no XP/level difference than if each one did them on their own, other than mob/professiong grinding in a party, to which Coop would be slightly faster.

    Of course, people have lives (I hope). You can still grind on and off on your own, just make sure other people carry their weight as well, or split up the work.
  10. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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  11. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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  12. Logic_Prevails

    Logic_Prevails Just A Random Wynncraft Veteran VIP

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    Love the idea, my only suggestion is to make the group have a max of 5 players (you and 4 others). This way a group could have every single playable class being played rather than one class out with you and 3 other people (max group size 4).
  13. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    Right now co-op play is sort of unbalanced. If you fight a boss with multiple people you will usually shred it much faster than what is probably intended if it isn't a raid boss. This should be solved for the game as a whole by having all bosses scale their health and stats when there are multiple people fighting them, and similar for minibosses and maybe for some regular mobs (like increased spawnrates in some dungeon rooms or something) in order to make the game not become unplayably easy.
    Aside from that, I like the idea and think it is very much needed. I recently thought I kind of wanted to try doing a co-op playthrough with some friends or something and then realized the many problems with that in Wynncraft at present, and your suggestions solves many of them.
    Crokee likes this.
  14. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    I would agree, but how would it exactly scale on trigger? If it scaled within 5 seconds after entering a boss arena, you could just have 1 person go in while the rest sits outside and goes in once it spawns. You can't have it scale mid-fight as well as it will screw players up badly. Only way I can think of is only putting it in a sort of instance like a raid where (Coop) players would queue up and then they all enter at the same time.

    For now I would put it without scaling to keep it consistent with how party playthroughs usually go (playing with friends).

    I went with 4 because raids are 4 players, and generally 4 players is a nice number people are used to playing as in multiplayer.
  15. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    This is what I had in mind. Require all the cooperating players to enter the dungeon / boss room together and after that nobody can enter (or anybody else who enters gets sent to a different instance of the dungeon/boss/content). If the players are in a party, the scaling can just happen automatically based on the number of players in the party.
    It's annoying when a random stranger comes in and kills the boss for you anyways, so it would already be helpful.
    I don't think the current situation with co-op balancing is really desirable or ok at all. The whole game except for raids and other required co-op content is balanced around singleplayer, and even there way too many things haven't been balanced for 2.0..
    Crokee likes this.
  16. Phanleanhkhoi

    Phanleanhkhoi Severely skill issued adventurer

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    bump . very goog suggestion plez plez implement!
    Crokee likes this.
  17. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    My main issue with the suggestion is that it feels less like a challenge mode and more of a formal party system. The main challenge just comes from when you’re leveling and not all of your party members are too. But as long as everyone grinds more or less than same amount of xp, everyone should grind the same amount of xp they would’ve grinded solo or even less given the 30% xp bonus. Beyond the profession xp party buffs and shared bank, everything else is already replicable in-game, so there feels less of an incentive to do the game mode compared to just doing a party.

    Which isn’t necessarily bad and this suggestion would still improve the game. I just feel like a co-op game mode can do a lot more in terms of changing the gameplay to make it more unique and challenging. Like sharing the same combined health pool and received damage, or when a party member dies, everyone else dies or when a party member teleports, everyone else teleports to the same place with them.

    Also, I don’t think profession levels should be shared. The reason is that discourages specialization within the group and instead creates redundancies. Because unless you want to grind 2 to 4 times the amount of xp for A profession, you’ll need to have others do the same profession as you. But the group doesn’t need 3 people to be the same level in armoring when 1 person can do and share their crafted gear with their group. Instead, it would make a lot more sense for each person to cover different professions so that way more items can be covered. Like Amy does weapons, John does boots, and Bob does consumables.

    Overall, it’s a good suggestion on its own, and I would just want it to go further to change the gameplay to make it more unique and challenging.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2024
    Crokee likes this.
  18. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    You bring up good points on Coop being more of a glorified party system. The main thing I suggested this my way is because of dev time. Very few players actually play a gamemode, and dev time would probably be more valuable on creating content instead of a different way to play the game. The way I suggested this gamemode does not require much dev time (I think), as it is mostly inventory changes that were already somewhat implemented by character and guild banks and some minor number updates like professions.

    I disagree with your example suggestions as I believe it will become very annoying to have to play with. Although a shared health system is pretty unique and intriguing to a masochist like me, actually having to play it with other people is a different story. One day you are minding your business with your Coop members and then the next thing you know, everyone dies because one of your members skill issued during a fight (like one shotted or something). At least with my system, there's a buffer where even if no one except you is contributing to leveling, it is not so sudden.

    I can try to think of ways to spice it up more but not like your example suggestions. I think mechanics that are shared but not in ways that are sudden are better.

    This reduces the Coop gamemode to only be combat and inventory related. I think it cuts out quite drastically the coop aspect of the gamemode unless you divide up the work like how you stated. More likely though, it will be 1 person doing all the professions while the rest does combat. Combat is way easier to do than professions though. There's also another aspect where in a Coop HUIC(H) playthough, 1 person could just only professions while the rest do combat, which means Coop mode carries players through the challenge by skipping a lot of the grindy aspect (professions).

    For this, I do not agree with your suggestion.

    I only thought of this now, but I remember there's a suggestion laying around with using instances a couple years ago by a very popular dev that made a fanmade Wynncraft content server (Novalescent). This requires a lot of dev time as a world could be running multiple instances at once creating more possibility of lag at the worst case. A way around it is having servers dedicated to one or multiple instances without an actual wynncraft world or so which costs money to host. I believe it probably won't be too much more lag, if at all, on average since most of these instances will be extremely rare on a per-player basis.

    In addition, this has already been done through warring towers, housing, and forgery boss fights, so I will rewrite that section to expand these instances across ALL boss fights.
  19. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    The dev time is a fair criticism; though most suggestions do require a decent chunk of dev time or time from the CT. But imo I don't think it would be as intensive as say a quest or a new region, and more on par with stuff like Lotem's Better Quest Book that did get into the game.

    I understand why you'd want a more laid-back experience when it comes to this game mode too.

    That's the thing; if professions are so grindy, why would most people voluntarily take the brunt of professions and give away their crafted items? Plus, I really don't see how what you said is any different from the status quo. My friends and I could just agree right now that Tom does the professions and he gives us his crafted gear throughout our normal or HICH playthrough. But like I said, I doubt Tom would think that would be fair and instead he would want the rest of us to help out too due to how grindy professions are.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2024
  20. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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