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Dungeons sky islands dungeon

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by gorg, Nov 4, 2023.

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  1. gorg

    gorg Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    sky islands is pretty lackluster and has very limited content considering how cool the area is. i think a dungeon for this area has very high potential and would be a nice way to get combat xp. : )
    Elysium_ and Da Homeboi like this.
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    It has a lootrun.
    You can also make this argument for a bunch of places, like kander forest, or dark forest, of light forest, or molten heights.
  3. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Having one form of content is not a valid excuse for lacking another, in my opinion. You can't just slap a lootrun every few hundred blocks and expect people to be satisfied with the content there. Lootrunning is not the only thing you can do in Wynncraft, and should not be the only thing you do in Wynncraft.

    I, for one, agree completely that for such a unique and large area, the Sky Islands is fairly lackluster when it comes to content. Sure, it has a few quests and a lootrun camp, but that's about it. It even has a second half beneath it, which also severely lacks content. I think that Gavel as a whole would benefit from actual dungeons being put in certain places. Now that Wynn has its own raid, I don't think that Gavel having raids as a replacement for dungeons is a valid argument. Raids are harder to access, harder to complete, and require a group of people. Gavel dungeons would offer more solo content to help with making leveling up easier and more enjoyable. There's just so many possibilities with Gavel, and it makes me sad knowing that a lot of potential content is going to waste because of the lack of unique dungeons.

    Saying that the same argument can be made for even more places in Gavel just proves even further that the lack of unique dungeons makes for less content to do in the unique areas. For example, the boss fight at the end of DnD IV is quite underwhelming IMO. It could absolutely be its own dungeon, and would make a great one. The whole of the Molten Heights is something completely unique in all of Wynncraft. Same with the Sky Islands, there's so much potential. Unique dungeons in Gavel would be something that would only bring benefits IMO.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2023
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  4. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    It doesn't prove it needs it, it proves that Gavel has done fine with The Forgery. Our attention is focused almost entirely on Fruma, and if we were to add a dungeon to Gavel, it'd probably be Dullahan's castle.
  5. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Gavel has done fine with The Forgery, but it definitely is not the best it could be. In my opinion, there’s huge room for improvement with the addition of new, unique dungeons. I do understand being focused on Fruma, and I’m not trying to get the CT to stop working on Fruma to add a dungeon to the Sky Islands. However, I do think that adding unique dungeons is something that should be considered in the future.
  6. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I think the main issue is the fact that this is what The Canyon Colossus is supposed to be. If TCC is lackluster in filling this role that is a problem that should be solved by changing/improving TCC, not by adding a whole new dungeon to distract from it.
    I do find the Sky Islands is a bit lacking in content though. It's one of my favorite-looking areas in the game but I typically find the time I spend there to be pretty boring since there isn't really anything to do, it's basically just one quest for each level you are there. I haven't done the new lootrun though, and I would imagine that has made the situation much better. This is an issue that exists with many of the areas in Gavel which often have very cool designs and lots of promise but don't have the kind of content the areas of Wynn get. The forgery does not fix this because (among other problems with the forgery) it concentrates all the dungeons of Gavel into one single location in an otherwise relatively unimportant location outside Cinfras, meaning it obviously is not improving the Sky Islands or CotL or other areas.
    Please do that
    and you should
  7. gorg

    gorg Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    and yeah you should, but i suggested sky islands since to me it has the most potential and it is being completely wasted. there are about 4 quests in the entire area and before the lootrun ive had to do mini quests and even those werent enough, i then had to grind sky island mobs for xp and it really sucks. i will admit i havent played the lootrun but it seems to me you substitute grinding mini quests and mobs for lootrunning, which is a step in the right direction but its not nearly enough for what i think this area deserves

    a sky islands dungeon would bring another quest, which would help to remove a lot of that grind

    i remember having a problem like this with molten heights, but to a lesser extent

    yeah release fruma first, you can come back to this at any point

    i really do not care for the realm of light questline, i think its stupid. there are (for the most part) enough quests that let you progress through the dark forest and other areas, whereas in sky islands there is basically nothing, which is why i suggested this to begin with.

    the alternative is to just add more quests to sky islands, but i think the area that would benefit the most from a dungeon would be sky islands

    i think tcc is fine, but its definitely not enough content for sky islands especially considering it requires 4 people
    Elysium_ likes this.
  8. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    The point is that TCC is a big enough deal that it should be the main focus of whatever big climactic thing you are going to have in the region. I do also find that it being a raid limits it a lot. I kind of hope some measures get added to allow players to do raids without having to wait so long for party members, since there is in my experience typically nobody waiting at TCC. Decreasing the requirement to 3 people might help, maybe even letting players play with AI allies or something? (That would probably be really bad though.)
    But whatever it is I don't think adding a separate dungeon or something similar to distract from TCC is a good idea
    Ninja_VK and Elysium_ like this.
  9. gorg

    gorg Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    i am sure they can coexist the same way silent expanse has eo and tna. tcc is in a weird spot anyway, since everybody either plays tna or notg
  10. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    the problems with adding regular dungeons to gavel are like
    1. as soon as you add 1 dungeon, there is now an expectation that other areas in gavel need a dungeon
    2. if you add a bunch of new dungeons there is the precedent set that every dungeon up to level 100s stuff should also have a corrupted version. do you just add all of these to the forgery or do you leave them out? do you rescale other forgery dungeons so that the gavel dungeons have gaps to fill?
    3. gavel has like 30 levels of overlap with wynn. should there be a new dungeon every 5 levels?
    i'm not entirely opposed to the idea of gavel dungeons i just think they could be a problem, also gavel has its raids now which cover most of the old dungeon-y themes gavel had already set up. you'd need to introduce new lore to make gavel dungeons work in many cases.
    Deusphage, luckeyLuuk and Elysium_ like this.
  11. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yeah, there are some inherent issues with adding unique dungeons. I hope that, if dungeons were to be added to Gavel, there would be more than one. I don't really know about the Forgery issue... the only solution I can think of off the top of my head is to just remove the Forgery, but that definitely isn't the best option.
    I don't think that having the levels of dungeons overlap would be too bad of an issue. They are completely optional.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
    gorg likes this.
  12. gorg

    gorg Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    i think adding multiple dungeons in gavel would address the weird lack of unique dungeons from galleons graveyard to fallen factory. forgery is a little complicated but honestly i think unique gavel dungeons would be a good replacement but i understand that you probably wouldnt want to remove forgery. i would definitely prefer unique dungeons instead of just buffed versions of existing dungeons.

    either way i feel like you could just add 2-3 dungeons in gavel so that you arent adding a whole ton onto the forgery.

    you can also completely bypass this issue by just adding one dungeon in sky islands and then ignoring the rest of the areas but idk lol
    luckeyLuuk and Elysium_ like this.
  13. WynnicWither

    WynnicWither Certified RiftALTer Glazer CHAMPION

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    Add conscription to Fruma

    (All Wynncraft players with at least ONE lv.106 class MUST work on fruma)
    Bwitty03 and gorg like this.
  14. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    These two haven't really coexisted, in my opinion. TNA kind of steals the spotlight and I tend to forget EO is even there. TNA is way harder and way longer, and actually profitable and worth the time for most players. I feel like TNA really needs to have a required quest or something (ideally a post-EO quest) because right now it steals all of EO's thunder.
    I don't think we should be letting The Forgery take away from the prospect of adding new dungeons. Corrupted Dungeons are kind of uninspiring just by their very nature. They're a kind of ok way to fill in parts of the game with content when the CT is busy doing other things, but I'd take an original dungeon with no corrupted variant over a corrupted dungeon any day of the week.
    EO doesn't have a corrupted variant either, and it shouldn't, at least at this point.
    Bwitty03, luckeyLuuk and Elysium_ like this.
  15. gorg

    gorg Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    i think eo and tna serve different purposes. dungeons to me have just been a way to progress through the main game through getting combat xp or buying items. eo is important for progressing through the final part of the main game and then tna serves as postgame content. idk they dont really detract from each other but i feel like they could relocate tna to be behind eo somewhere
    luckeyLuuk and Elysium_ like this.
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