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Game Mechanics My vision of a better Wynncraft

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Stratiformis, Oct 20, 2023.

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  1. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    Hello everyone, I'm sorry in advance if this thread is too long. I've tried to keep this as short as possible

    1. Custom blocks and sounds as well as 1.12 Minecraft noteblocks and perhaps even voiced quests
    2. FREE custom models for all the mythic, legendary, fabled and set items.
    3. Completely new Mob's and NPC's AI
    4. Hardcore mode (not the one that already exists, but the one in which you would get significantly less XP and significantly worse equipment, so that you would actually care more about dungeon items, mask merchants, time fragments, content that people tend to forget about).
    5. An off-hand use or use of F button for more spells and combinations like combination with an F itself or make F toggle between one set of spells and another (like regular R-L-R does one thing and R-L-R after pressing the F button does another thing) OR a Hypixel Warlords like system, where you just have button items in your hotbar and they cast a spell by just holding them so basically you press 2,3,4 etc on your keyboard and voilà.
    6. An option to toggle between an old dialogue system and a new one (because of the new system, cutscenes containing dialogues in them look really weird (if you don't press shift quickly) if not completely bad)
    7. In-game item guide, there's nothing more to say
    8. Rewritten Lore with added quests about Bob (about Bob's training by Twains, his fight against the Dern beast/sealing of the Dern beast), and the Twains (other member's story, not only Theorick) (I know that both have their libraries, but wouldn't it be epic to actually see it in the questlines?). Also in my opinion, Wynncraft should get rid of it's Minecraftness by removing things like slimes (or retexturing/remodeling them), villagers, creepers etc and adding more unique creatures instead. Furthermore, fixed potholes/added explainations about things like Qira (we literally know nothing about her), corrupted dungeons's lore or their complete replacement by Gavel Dungeons for example, aaand my favourite plothole - the uncertainty of the cause of War of the Realms. P.S more uses of the Door of Time
    and changed names of the characters, cmon, Dullahan and Baal? It's not serious, Wynncraft can definitely do it better, cuz even a simple anagram of some of the CT member's nickname would be 1000000% better
    9. Ocean Revamp and of course more quests and lore (at least an explanation of Dern's influence there as well as Dern's beast reasons to attack this region in a first place, cuz aren't they busy with more dangerous and important enemies like humans and elves as well as Orphion)
    10. Reoccurring, rewarding (not only cosmetically) global events (like for example world boss which all the server has to deal damage to) I think it's a GREAT idea to KEEP MORE PLAYERS ONLINE.
    11. More new content apart from revamps of the old one (there's nothing more to say)
    12. An option to scrap legendary+ items into the essence/dust corresponding to the rarity with which people could craft a random item of that rarity and of the level range of course (like for example I have 20 legendary essence on my lvl 90 class and I craft a random legendary item of like 88-92 lever range)
    13. A craftable regular item modificators (basically a powder-like add-ons for the gear). Wouldn't that motivate more people to invest their time into professions?
    14. Fixed economy, less infinite sources of LE in the game (mob drops, quests, every way of getting emeralds apart from player-to-player) and more ways to spend them in-game (like more expensive potions or more ways of gambling for example)
    15. QoL changes: ability to see the reward chests of all the loortun locations in one place (so you don't have to spend soul points just to see which location you should loortun today), stackable dungeon keys and materials, mythic notification etc
    wxhlf, Bixlo and Enderae like this.
  2. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    What about Fruma?
    Phanleanhkhoi likes this.
  3. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    Fruma is already a confirmed update, what I posted here, is my vision of a better Wynncraft and of its better future. Personally, I don't see Fruma as a big update and I would prefer all those things that I've mentioned in this thread over Fruma. Well, I don't know what else is going to be in this update apart from Fruma itself, but I'm already dissatisfied with the fact that this so-called province will be as big as Corkus if not smaller.
    P.S. A message to CT members: you can consider this post a suggestion
  4. AvgHypixelPlayer

    AvgHypixelPlayer SKYBLOCK ON TOP!!! HERO

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    10. Reoccurring, rewarding (not only cosmetically) global events (like for example world boss which all the server has to deal damage to) I think it's a GREAT idea to KEEP MORE PLAYERS ONLINE.

    Meister2022 exists for a reason
    Smallersnail and Earthbrine like this.
  5. Elytry

    Elytry Fractal VIP

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    Lore/Story - Hive Drabbles: Tasogare Oyaji | Wynncraft Forums
    Also, read the whole thing. Got that? (Enjoy 15 pages of text.)

    If you want to play Hypixel Warlords, play Hypixel Warlords.

    I was gonna ping Liquid Emeralds for this one, but they're already here.

    Deusphage likes this.
  6. AvgHypixelPlayer

    AvgHypixelPlayer SKYBLOCK ON TOP!!! HERO

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    this isn't finished yet, but it is still readable
  7. ThomasThePencil

    ThomasThePencil Deranged Combat Warp User CHAMPION

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    alright. let's unpack this a little
    1. okay, so:
      1. custom blocks are a modded thing and as far as I'm aware there's no resource pack functionality to add them; keep in mind Wynn is designed to be vanilla-compatible as a server
      2. custom sounds could maybe be done through the resource pack now that we're confirmed to be officially movin' to a later minimum version, but that really depends on how willin' the team is to do additional new-sound design on top of everything else that already has to be done
      3. 1.12 Minecraft note blocks are already able to be used, and even used in the case of the Nameless Anomaly raid music, suggestin' the team is open to usin' them in the future
      4. voiced quests? mate, there's a mod for that
    2. as someone who knows all too well how many items are in this game...I'd love more unique item skins, but this simply isn't feasible without makin' the pack unreasonably enormous
    3. haven't they already made strides toward this, and then had people complain about it
    4. a second Hardcore will not improve the game any more than the first one did (it didn't), and will do nothing but give people that put too much emphasis on accomplishment even more to boast about
    5. I initially meant this referred to the prospect of offhand items and WEW that'd be a balance Cataclysm (laugh) just waitin' to happen, but actually it refers to spell combos. I'd like the idea more if the offhand key weren't F by default. that doesn't really much well with left- and right-click from an input standpoint, now, does it? also, if you want to play Warlords, go play Warlords
    6. the new dialogue system is here to stay, and if nobody else that bitched and moaned about the change could get a toggle in for over a year, then I'm sorry, but you're not gonna have any better luck
    7. Wynntils already has an in-game item guide amongst a plethora of other useful features. one could also make the argument that a similar feature could be added to the newly-revamped content book, but CT's mileage on that may vary
    8. at this point, I'm convinced there are 5 different iterations of Wynn lore, with each subsection of CT followin' a different one. if we can't even get a single agreed-upon iteration of the damn lore, how are we gonna get new lore that has to fit into or enhance what's already there? furthermore...well, there's a reason this place is called Wynncraft. if we were gonna move to a less Minecraft-y feel, I think we'd have moved to a standalone game model long ago
    9. you say this and then go on to countermand it two points later so I'm not even gonna bother explainin' how the ocean revamp is a long-standin' myth
    10. so, Monumenta does something to this effect, and I think the only real reason it works as well as it does (fairly well) is because Monumenta is much smaller by comparison. a world boss on a server of Wynn's scale would require not only an amount of health comparable to the 32-bit integer limit and sizable DR to not die in 5 seconds thanks to how hard the game's been damage-crept over the course of 2.0 and onward, but also a singular world capable of handlin' the hundreds of people that would flock to the first sight of a world boss preparin' to spawn in. it's a cool idea, but not feasible with the 40-player cap of a given world that Wynncraft has
    11. Fruma is the next major update and is planned to be a pretty heavy expansion to endgame with, based on what we've heard and what an endgame expansion would fundamentally need to entail to be interestin' long-term, around 20 levels of content --- and given that it's higher-level than even the Expanse, I can't see much of a reason why you would not only dismiss it as "not a major update", but not even bring it up anywhere in your original post...
    12. again, if you wanna play Warlords, go play Warlords. lord knows it needs the player count more than ever, what with SkyWars/Bed Wars and SkyBlock bein' the only things on Hypixel that anybody really plays anymore (where are my fellow TKR enjoyers at)
    13. professions need more. this is not that "more". I already have enough of an end goal for professions; the problem is that the path that needs be taken to get there is unfathomably borin' due to the monotony of resource gatherin'. the most recent update has taken steps towards alleviatin' this issue with unique new resources to be collected with a high enough level in each gather prof, and while I think there definitely needs to be more, it's certainly a better option than whatever balance nightmare this would be
    14. there seems to be a somewhat common misconception amongst players that fixin' the economy is as simple as pressin' the "fix economy" button and addin' features designed to fix the economy. the fact of the matter is that a multitude of LE dupes, increasingly lucrative real game features (seriously, have you SEEN how much lootrunnin' with the new system can make you, between mythics, the new augments, and sheer raw LE?), and any number of in-betweens have resulted in emeralds becomin' so easy to obtain overall that the economy is unlikely to ever really recover. that said, I do agree with and support the idea of addin' an actual money sink to the game, as that's something that Wynn currently sorely lacks --- this means that there's no real way to actually get emeralds out of the economy entirely in reasonable quantities rather than just player-to-player transfer with a slight tax (I'm lookin' at you, Trade Market), meanin' that emeralds will mean less and less as more of them enter the economy, and thus, it'll be harder and harder for people to get into business. keep in mind, though, that there is a level of responsibility on players to actually use whatever money sink they add for emeralds to leave the economy substantially instead of just enterin' it or continuin' to just be traded between players
    15. not really a criticism as much as it is a personal two-cents: as someone who does a LOT of fishin' and farmin', the main QoL feature I'd want that isn't mentioned is a better way to sell off materials in particular en masse. currently, you have to painstakingly sell individual materials in sets of 8 to the nearest Blacksmith, and this is a MASSIVE time sink that doesn't help me get anywhere any quicker. ingredients get a special bag that can hold like a billion of 'em and lets you sell everything in it on the spot, no 15-20 minutes of Blacksmith abuse required. can we get that treatment for materials?
    overall, this feels mostly like a massive mish-mash of ambitious ideas without a whole lot of the specific whats or hows needed to get there. I think you'd have done a lot better to pick ONE point and make a post centered on that in the suggestions section

    now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go practice what I preach real quick, because that material bag idea is actually pretty important to me
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2023
  8. AvgHypixelPlayer

    AvgHypixelPlayer SKYBLOCK ON TOP!!! HERO

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    I made an idea for #10 -> http://bit.ly/406Vp2K
    Stratiformis likes this.
  9. Bixlo

    Bixlo Got drip like pablo HERO

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    cool boos but unless thats in like lvl 120 areas thats kinda op lmao. I def like the idea of world bosses tho
  10. turtletop

    turtletop Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    Elysium_ and Bio like this.
  11. AvgHypixelPlayer

    AvgHypixelPlayer SKYBLOCK ON TOP!!! HERO

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    what is a "boos"
  12. Bixlo

    Bixlo Got drip like pablo HERO

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    boss* i have slight tism
  13. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    A reply to ThomasThePencil
    1. See OriginRealms
    2. Have two resource packs with light being default and heavy being optional, besides it wouldn't make the RP any significantly heavier, just look and see how much of a paid shit is already there
    3. No, spinning mobs and dumb bosses are still there. Oh yea, almost forgot to mention: stupid quest NPC's having a conversation while looking at the player, instead of looking at eachother or regular NPC's like Corkus citizens casually swimming in the lake or Olux mourner casually jumping on the graves.
    4. Well then, RIP all the forgotten low lvl content (this is a big issue because they've been trying hard to get players to actually use this content)
    5. Maaan, you're not getting it. I said "Hypixel Warlords-like system" but lemme rephrase that: "Wynntils-like system". Do you like it more this way? I meant a key bind system because the current system is flawed and people are finding solutions through the use of mods. So Wynncraft needs either to fix the current system and add more spells perhaps, or make a key bind system.
    6. RIP cutscenes man. They shouldn't be pauseable.
    7. Wynntils shouldn't be a solution for the lack of such good QoL features. Besides, you said yourself that Wynncraft is designed to be mod-free
    9. It doesn't countermand, I would like these two things to be made at the same time (both revamps and something new). And please don't say it's not possible for the CT.
    10. 1. I have no idea what is Monumenta. 2. The world boss was a mere example.
    11. Say what you want to say, you can't convince me otherwise, because it's still a Corkus sized "province". Besides, if I had given a choice between Fruma or Dern being the next update, I would've chosen Dern without hesitation (sorry but I'd rather see a story of a realm that is behind every problem in the world of Wynncraft, than a story of some North Korea like dictatorship)
    12. When I learned about their plans for adding crafting to the game, I didn't think about fucking gathering, so I thought that we'd get something like Warlords (scrapping items and crafting new and random legendary item with that scrap) P.S please show me where I said that I want to play Warlords. All I wanted to say is that some little things are done better there. However, it doesn't mean that Warlords is better than Wynncraft.
    14. Time for the first wipe then...
  14. xihuanchirenrou

    xihuanchirenrou Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Definitely some...interesting points and claims made in this thread. Here's a list of my mildly interesting points and claims about more interesting points and claims.
    Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure the spinning mobs is an issue with minecraft itself. Dumb bosses? Maybe, gimme some examples and I'll probably agree, but I personally have no memories of finding any of the bosses straight up dumb from an AI perspective. But NPC citizens randomly jumping on graves or swimming in lakes being an issue? Come on man, that's one of the dumbest nit picky critiques of a game ever. There is an almost zero percent chance that the devs are going to specifically "fix" the AI for these mobs people barely pay attention to outside of fun murder sprees when it is really not an issue for most, if not all of the playerbase besides you.
    I personally really like the low level content. Gone through it 5 times now (I hate power levelling it's so boring, yes I'd rather do ROL 5 times than power level) and I think it's a good experience for people on their first time through. There's a nice questline from the forest to Detlas that I think helps hook new players on the game, as well as introducing vital mechanics of the game to them, like dedicating a whole bit to elemental damages as well as a mini boss fight with tasim, or making you learn about powders, as I think before the questlines addition, you just walked past a powder master in Nivla Forest. (Memory's hazy on this one, so once again, don't quote me on that). Bottom line, hard disagree with the take that low level content is bad which is what you seem to be saying here.
    Back to the actual post instead of replies to some guy, uhhh no. This is just a masochists wet dream and doesn't really provide much for the game. If we want to focus more on gear merchants, dungeon shops, and the like, there could be a mode dedicated to that instead of this arbitrarily worse equipment you would find. Take ChaosDragon's Dungeon Master Challenge for example. Also, how much less XP is significantly less? How much worse is significantly worse? Anyway, this "Hardcorer" mode you propose basically seems pretty pointless and wack, as it seems it might just increase amount of time it takes to play through by decreasing xp gains. Focusing more on crafting and item merchants is great though (even if professions are hell on earth), but craftsman exists, and so do even more arbitrary self imposed challenges, and those don't have the pain in the neck that is less xp gains.
    Not all cutscene type thingies are pauseable(why isn't that a word????). Some of them just automatically skip the the next dialogue after a set time without giving the player the option to move on themself. The ones that do make you press shift to proceed (Like ROL III for example) actually can give the player time to really soak in the dialogue, as well as the scenery around the cutscene(Did I mention the wynncraft builders are really good at their job?). Cutscenes are in no way dead as you seem to imply, at least in my opinion. Also, kind of a fan of the new dialogue system, (̶w̶h̶i̶c̶h̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶s̶ ̶i̶'̶m̶ ̶b̶i̶a̶s̶e̶d̶)̶ and I never really understood the many, many complains it got. I'm just going to chalk it up to people not like change, which is 1000000% understandable.
    Fabled and mythic, I do agree with. Legendary seems a bit excessive, there's a good 445 legendary weapons and armors. Not including accessories because that would be stupid and no one sees them, even with wynntils letting you see only weapons and armor, but that would increase the count by 136 more items. Set items, I really don't think need to have custom items for. Some arguments can be made, like how I think champion being kind of underwhelming to some people, being literally just some blue dyed leather, but there are winners, like how the morph sets progression is VERY well shown with the different types of armor or accessory each piece is, demonstrating the level and their name, or the ultramarine set being, well, just blue. You get what you pay for. Bottom line is, there is over 4 times as many legendary weapons/armors alone than there is for fabled and mythic combined, so customly texturing just the top 2 rarities could be feasible, doing it for set and legendary items is kind of silly and excessive.
    Going to take the mask off for a second, I had a stroke when I first read this bullet point. "Rewritten Lore," WHAT DOES THAT MEAN BRO?? As of now, no twains besides Theorick and Mael were really significant, and Mael gets his own (debatably) fun quest, and Theorick gets his own stuff. A lot of stuff actually. Definitely not a wynn lore expert myself, but I don't think the other Twains were significant enough to justify more playtime centered on them. Also, where in progression would that take place? If you wanted to keep it with Big T in Nessak, there's enough content between Llevigar and Nessak to tide players over until they get to Troms. Added quests for Bob would be nice, but there is some stuff about him in secret discoveries, Reincarnation, Bob's Lost Soul, and Fantastic Voyage. I like keeping him as more of a mystery. Also, leave the fight and sealing of Dern beast for until we actually get to Dern. Getting rid of it's Minecraftness would like ThomasThePencil said would be more effectively done by straight up moving the game to another game model that isn't minecraft. Also, what's the problem with creepers? Villagers provide a WONDERFUl analogy for real world problems, and if anything, the change would be to completely remove all villager NPC's in the province of Wynn and replace them with more human-like skins, unless they are straight up villagers from Gavel. Retexturing slimes and magma cubes is completely unnecessary. Fixing plotholes will most likely come naturally later. More uses of the Door of Time? That probably requires additions to the province of Wynn, since I don't think Gavel is aware of its existence. Also, time travel can be kind of boring as a plot device if used incorrectly. Changing the names of characters is not something I think needs to be done, there's already a good number of staff member anagrams/references in there like Jenprest all the way back in the Decrepit Sewers quest. My interpretation of this point was a very vague listing of unnecessary changes to lore. There is no need to go into detail about people like the Twains who we never see, or Qira when we could instead get an explanation for the God among Villagers that is Chef Hamsey. A lot of the story can be left up to player interpretation, and I think that's beautiful, and don't think it needs to be rewritten.
    New content? Yeah I sure hope it does. *laugh track* Yeah, uh, of course we will be getting more new content. That's what the devs are supposed to do. But while they're working on huge updates like Fruma, it's so much easier to pump out decent to well made revamps of old content (Once again, I love the new actual earlygame questline) and focus more resources on their big boy/girl updates.
    Fixing the economy, as Thomas said earlier, is not that easy. More money sinks with actual rewards would be nice, I myself really enjoyed Hypixel Skyblock Slayers, and the risk/reward of dropping 20 minutes and a Million coins or getting a really rare and valuable drop was very fun. Screw HPSB dungeons, Slayers were my best friend. The Quest emerald rewards are great, as for new players without much knowledge of how to make money can make over a stack of LE from doing all the quests. Great way to give them a significant amount of cash for the end game, as most first time players will at the very least have maybe half a stack of LE which should help them acquire decent gear for end game content.
    Wipe? Hell no. Some players may see this as an opportunity or motivation, but a good chunk of the player base would straight up quit if the economy was wiped. I really hope that wipe comment was sarcastic.
    Off hand is a cool feature, don't really know how it would be handled. Maybe there's a suggestion post with a dev saying that it's unfeasible or something. The hotbar solution for spells is bad in my opinion. Until they remove soul points, we only have 6 slots. Taking up probably 4 slots since there are 4 spells would bring the already constrained hotbar down to 2 slots. A lot of builds have useful offhand items, like cspring builds carrying around a gales force for walk speed, some GMA builds having crafted HPR bows, etc., not to mention potions for most players. If you desperately want to press a button for spells, I guess you could download Wynntils, but that's a bad suggestion to give, since telling people "get [name] mod" is bad advice so I strayed from using Wynntils as a solution for this whole post.
    Yes and YES to the first and last ones. Dungeon keys are stackable, I have no idea what you mean, Sometimes they bug out depending if you got it from a guardian or a quest but uhhhhhh who cares, drop it in the bank. Materials, assuming you mean ones from gathering professions, are stackable depending on their rarity, so that seems like a brain fart more than anything.
    Elytry likes this.
  15. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    thank you I didn't want to have to type anything in response to this post
    Castti likes this.
  16. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Moved to General Suggestions. If you want to cook up new suggestions, this is the place, not the main Wynncraft forum.
  17. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    I don't think you realize how gargantuan this task becomes the moment you throw in legendary items.
    Mythics and fabled, sure. There aren't that many and only a handful get added each update. It is probably sustainable. Everything else is asking for development hell.
    Elysium_ likes this.
  18. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    the amount of people earnestly responding to "Banned Dernic Shitposter" is honestly depressing lmfao
  19. xihuanchirenrou

    xihuanchirenrou Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i just had a free 20 minutes saturday morning
  20. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    The actual depressing thing is that it's been 5 years since I've got banned for basically no reason and they've never given me a second chance. But I still care about this game and I'm trying to suggest something that would make it better... and I get THIS kind of response from an actual CT member. It's just sad...
    P.S I think that I forgot to add one more thing to the original post here so I'll add it now.
    16. STOP GIVING PERMANENT BANS, especially for those who still remember what the blue mask, adamantine, crystal and stalagmites are
    Have you played in 2014-2015 before Gavel?
    We've had armour skins even for the unique items, then Minecraft policy has ruined it. Everything is possible and the fact that they've made a lot of paid cosmetics already, just proves my point
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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