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Game Mechanics A "Material Pouch" of sorts, and why you need it

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ThomasThePencil, Oct 20, 2023.


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  1. ThomasThePencil

    ThomasThePencil Deranged Combat Warp User CHAMPION

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    hi! I'm Thomas. you might know me, you might not
    I'm here to explain to you why gatherin' materials is painful (it's not why you think it is)

    I'm not here to explain to you that materials are painstakingly monotonous to gather due to only one material bein' available at the vast majority of levels for most profs
    I'm not here to explain to you that the gather process is incredibly borin' since it's just left- or right-clickin' on a node and waitin' patiently for it to finish
    I'm not even here to explain to you that the XP gain from later crops proportional to what you need to reach the next level is abysmal and adds an additional layer of hell onto the existin' layers of it

    no, I'm here to talk about the aftermath of it all
    I'm here to explain to you why havin' a surplus of these materials is the most awful thing known to man

    the problem
    this is a blacksmith! there are a lot of them, and they're all collectively cool. they'll buy almost anything off of you --- weapons, armor, accessories, mastery tomes, you name it --- all for substantial sums of emeralds, which I assume they earn through a pawn shop hosted somewhere past the borders of Llevigar. or maybe it's in an area we players can't access, because of course we can't. then again, these cities are the size of peanuts compared to how big they actually ought to be, so the pawn shop is probably left out for size concerns

    anyway! now that I've met up with the Detlas blacksmith, I'd like to sell some things, please
    this is the sell menu. there are 8 slots for you to put things into the menu to sell. as an example, I've placed 8 1-star Gold Ingots, a lower-level craftin' material used for things like weapons and armor, into the sell UI to be sold in exchange for these dubiously-legal emeralds

    notice that there are still 56 in my inventory
    this is because each slot can only ever hold one item. this is fine in the context of things like identified weapons or armor, because you're only ever goin' to have a few of those to sell, to the point that all you need is a couple of sells to completely clear out your inventory. however, if you're ANYTHING like me and have gathered obscene sums of things like high-level fish or grains in an effort to reach high fishin' and farmin' levels (and, of course, for cookin' reasons), you've probably ended up with a pretty hefty surplus of these items in your inventory which you then have to spend a good 15-20 minutes clearin' out with the help of one of these very friendly blacksmiths

    now, initially, you might say "well, why not make the blacksmith accept more items? you usually have more than one inventory of ID'd items if you're lootrunnin' or mob grindin' or something", and to that I say "well, yes, but actually no"
    a larger sell menu wouldn't really solve the problem, instead only mitigatin' it for me to come back to this issue in a few months

    no, what I'm proposin' is a rather funny idea which might've been suggested before I dunno

    the bag
    I call it the bag but it's a Material Pouch. it does the same thing as the Ingredient Pouch, but for materials instead

    please elaborate on the what this is very vague right now
    oh, right, I need to explain every single possible detail for the average player to understand

    now, obviously, since most people aren't gonna gather two full inventories of something at once, my proposal isn't to make a full-on 27-slot material pouch. no, my suggestion is more along the lines of, like...a row. 9 slots. it doesn't need to be a whole chest's worth of slots (though it'd certainly be nice, as that is a LOT of space), it just needs to be a decent amount of space not directly tied to main inventory slots to easily store materials obtained directly from gatherin' or pickin' them up

    it'd also have the quick-sell functionality innate to the existin' Ingredient Pouch, which would not only be incredibly easy to do based on the fact that it literally already exists but would also allow for extremely easy mass sale of surplus materials that doesn't rely on the-

    why don't you just sell on the Trade Market bozo
    god damnit
    okay. hear me out. why don't you just sell trash ingredients nobody cares about on the Trade Market? they'll surely sell...after about a week of nobody carin', which is precisely my point
    the primary issue with sellin' materials on the Trade Market bein' the only way to get them outta your inventory is that while yes, it does sometimes provide a greater return, it's also a very long wait, especially if the materials in question aren't already popular to buy (and that subset is very thin), and sometimes, I really just want to get some emeralds in exchange for my materials and go on with my day. in some cases, I'll actually sell off the vast sums of spare Dernic meat/grains I have on the Trade Market, but sometimes I'm gatherin' something that nobody cares about (like Gold Ingots, which I conveniently have as an example up above) and need a way to offload any surplus I have that I didn't actually need and/or only gathered due to needin' to actually level professions
    a way to immediately offload vast quantities of materials without 20 minutes of blacksmith back-and-forth or 20 hours of waitin' for a Trade Market sell offer to fill would be really nice for someone like me who isn't too picky about how much he gets from sellin' surplus mats and just wants them outta the way

    that's it
    that's the post
    I'll go think about openin' a restaurant now

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    Last edited: Oct 20, 2023
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  2. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    you can also use all that gold in Rymek!
    Elytry likes this.
  3. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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  4. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    To get on the topic of the suggestion, I voted for "could be better", but not necessarily because I think that it is a bad Idea. I do agree that the limited inventory is a problem. However, in my opinion, just adding more pouches for different categories of items feels like a bit of a lazy and uninteresting solution. I don't really have a different suggestion to solve the problem if I'm honest. I'd just appreciate something that is a little more different from what we already have.
    For the blacksmith they should just add the ability to sell stacks instead of individual items (but I assume this is more difficult than it seems, otherwise they would have done it already).
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    You're thinking of the ingredient, this is the material.
  6. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    oh you're right, oops
  7. ThomasThePencil

    ThomasThePencil Deranged Combat Warp User CHAMPION

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    see, it's funny because it's the Gold Ingot material and not the Gold Bar item
    (because imagine actually makin' a material also usable as an ingredient. also imagine if the craftin' interface actually let you pick out slots for each item in it)

    blacksmith stack sales seem sensible and even really easy at a cursory glance, but...if it were as easy as one might think, wouldn't it have already been done? allowin' full stacks of items to be sold in each slot not only solves the material surplus issue in a way that isn't Just Another Pouch, but would also future-proof blacksmith sales against anything else that can come in huge quantities and needs to be sold (currently, painstakingly slowly) after the deed is done. the fact it hasn't been done yet suggests that either the blacksmith system isn't entirely cut out to handle stack sales --- though I obviously don't know as much on this subject as, say, CT or the cowman would --- or there have been too few people runnin' into this problem for it to be reasonable to focus on

    which, y'know. fair enough, but also
    Krooza likes this.
  8. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    This post deserves so much more recognition.
  9. Krooza

    Krooza Professional dumbass HERO

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    i think the ingredient pouch should actually accept all ingredients... is that not a good use of it? If the pouch is expanded and will accept gathered materials that would be the best solution imo. Its convenient and no extra inventory slots are used.
    voted could be better
    also bump
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