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Game Mechanics Master Mode: a gamemode that I think would make a lot of the game much more appreciated

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by martinluvy, Sep 26, 2023.


What do you think?

  1. Cool idea

  2. Cool idea but needs work

  3. Wynn doesn't need this

  4. Let me see poll results

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  1. martinluvy

    martinluvy Travelled Adventurer

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    One of the main problems in this game (I think) is that so much of the really well made content (namely dungeons or quest boss fights) is skipped or cheesed by either being over-levelled or having someone carry you. This isn't necessarily bad since not every game has to be super difficult, but I think there should be an option to make the game hard, and I don't think the current gamemodes allow for that.

    HIC(H) from my experience is fun, and definitely makes the game more challenging, but not in the way that I think most players understand difficulty, the hardest part about it is inventory management lol (sorry if I am wrong HIC players I am only up to combat lvl 40).

    So, I propose this idea of a new gamemode: Master Mode.
    Master Mode has four main gameplay changes, I'll explain all of them and why I think they're important.

    - Incoming damage is increased by maybe 50% (balancing isn't necessary from this thread alone it's the idea that counts), and outgoing damage is halved (same thing). My reasoning for this is pretty self explanatory.

    - XP from grindspot mobs is reduced to 5% of what it usually is (or entirely removed). I think grind parties in which a lvl 105 acolyte infinitely heals everyone and people get 300k xp a second by the party buff allows for far too much content skipping, so this is to counteract that.

    - Unable to interact with players who're not within a 5 level range from you. By interact I mean: do dungeons with, and recieve buffs from: this is basically gameplay iron man, it stops the player from being carried, meaning if a player completes Master Mode, they did those hard fights themself.

    - Dungeon party limit of 4: similar reasoning to the previous one.

    - Another gameplay change I am not sure of: only can complete dungeons or interact with other people in Master Mode (reason being to avoid being carried by players with literally double your damage, the reason I am not sure about this one is because it might be the case that not enough people play this gamemode, meaning solo players would be left behind)

    I understand that this idea is rough around the edges but I would love to hear what other people think, as I've always wished there was a way baked into the game that forced me to really appreciate some of Wynn's earlier fights! Please let me know!
    Elysium_ likes this.
  2. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    I feel like instead of applying an account-wide challenge, you could limit this to encounters such as The Nameless Anomaly (but on Master difficulty). I honestly don't see the reason to make the experience harder for quests, but dungeons, raids and altars are fair game.

    As is, though, it's closer to an ironman+ challenge mode, which is an appreciable change to the gamemode itself. RuneScape's Ironman modes are close to this minus the incoming damage and XP reduction changes.
  3. martinluvy

    martinluvy Travelled Adventurer

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    I think it's pretty different to Ironman+ by virtue of the fact that it has nothing to do with inventory management or item acquisition, just the fights themselves. But this might just be because I'm only thinking about the definition of Ironman in Wynncraft.
    I understand not making it harder for other gameplay, the reason I figured it should be a flat value change is because I figured it would be way easier to implement, as it would just be equivalent to a permanent ID on the character.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  4. Nynnf

    Nynnf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I like this idea apart from it just seems unnecessary, making the game having less content shouldn't really be a gamemode or limiting the fun experience. I understand where you're coming from to make the game more difficult but restricting the player doesn't really challenge anyone, what i'm trying to get at is it'll just be inconvenient so I think people won't play it if it was implemented
    Deusphage likes this.
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