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World Old Chat option. For the love of god. Please.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Triflame, Aug 6, 2023.



  1. I dislike the new chat looks

    32 vote(s)
  2. I like the new chat looks, though an option to choose would be great

    20 vote(s)
  3. just get used to it lol (though the old chat is still in older versions)

    14 vote(s)
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  1. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I don't know why this discussion had to involve MCC or TikTok or whatever; like I understand where the OP is coming from, but I feel that the convo has strayed too far into whether Wynncraft is emulating TikTok or MCC. It's like those old discussions about the EO style being overused, but somehow worse.

    For the record, I am not opposed to having toggleable chat options. I have voiced my opinions about the new chat system and quest book UI, and there are some things I do like and some things I don't. But after playing the update, it really is nothing to get THIS worked up about; like Tig said I barely start to notice it anymore. And I'm sure 99% of the playerbase probably feels the same way too. I've been here for almost 10 years at this point, yet I don't feel the need to (ab)use my nostaglia to trash this hard on the new designs.

    If you really can't wait for them to add options or revert their changes, then there are always resource packs you can use.
    point_line, Elytry, tig and 5 others like this.
  2. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    compare it to the discord thread having 83 upvotes and only receiving one (1) major ct response. the point i'm trying to make is if wynn cared for its active playerbase's opinions there'd be more/better official responses, except what we got is "it's better source trust me bro"
    you're right to make this argument because i made my stance on the color very barebones - in terms of chat i am perfectly fine with the new colors for player names; in fact i prefer them over the old because the shades blend in significantly better. the problem lies within the icons which feel like a simplification of an already mmorpg-like system for the kids with post-tiktok low attention spans. the actual issue with colors happens in case of silverbull and content book

    what i'm trying to say is introducting chat icons feels equivalent to babysitting people who can't read numbers
    i have no idea what you're waffling about, color works in moderation as to not break the immersion of the general climate wynncraft has; the extent of color silverbull went for feels... off.
    it's not off-topic, it's to show they managed to make all these changes in one update. "closing the wealth gap" my ass, it only benefits people who dedicated their life making cat noises in wynncraft general chat instead of playing the game. it discredits everything the already wealthy players worked for over a long period of time in favor of giving to people who can't think outside of the box.
    i'm trying to prove a point that a lot of these changes happened coincidentally in one update. i wouldn't say "kill" either, just ignore the feedback of those complaining about the new looks
    there's a difference between a building style and a general appearance change happening after bringing a galore of kids to the server. i understand how you can see it went "off-topic" but i believe it's still on topic to say ct will ignore whatever feedback will suit their newfound corporate look and whatever benefits the new audience. i'd like to point out how long it's been without any proper response from ct on topic of the chat (with the exception of the discrediting message) despite the sheer size of the thread on discord (emphasis on discord because the size of that thread is way beyond the forums). allow me to quote myself here:
    i would use one if i could, believe me. except there's none
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    It’s not that they are purposely ignoring feedback. It’s just that they wanted to try something new and stick with it for the time being.

    Look, I understand how it feels that you’re being ignored. During the 2.0 Beta, there was a 24 hour timer every time you reset your skill tree. Everyone was up in arms against it because it made no absolute sense to wall off the entire point of the update and make it more difficult to test and play with. Yet the CT didn’t respond at all. So the playerbase waited and became even more disappointed when ability shards were introduced. I was fairly disappointed too, but instead of bashing the CT/admins, I just asked Salted why these changes were made and he gave a thoughtful response. I didn’t 100% agree with it still, but I could see where at least he was coming from. When the update finally released publicly though, everyone’s worst fears never came to pass. Out of all the classes I played since then, I never had a shortage of ability shards and no one complains about not having enough either. So in retrospect it really wasn’t anything to get worked up over.

    Same thing goes for 1.18. I absolutely hated professions and some of the CT’s responses to criticisms (or lack thereof). Even to this day, I still don’t like professions. But looking back on it, I went way overboard with my responses to that update. And at the end of the day, Wynncraft was still alive and well. So I’m saying from personal experience and from others that you really shouldn’t be dying on this hill.

    P.S. I think you’re being a bit overdramatic about the server being flooded with TikTok kids. There have always been kids that played the game, and none of them have single-handedly destroyed the game. It’s a Minecraft server… MINECRAFT
    Samsam101 and DrGREEN like this.
  4. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    so basically the same case as what happened with ability shards as you said but in visual form which you should have a choice for
    whomp whomp
  5. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    Not sure if you got the memo but the staff has their hands full with fruma. I’d rather see fruma than the same chat we had before
  6. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    you're acting like it's a long addition to implement
    sithvsjedi likes this.
  7. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I think you completely missed the point of what he said. He said that it's the same thing as with ability shards; people get worked up over it and then eventually realise it is not a big deal at all.
    Even if it isn't a hard thing to implement, it's still precious dev time that could be spent on Fruma, now instead wasted on implementing a mechanic to appease people who don't like the fact that their chat looks slightly different, and then having to fix bugs with it, etc. It's such a miniscule thing to get worked up over, and the aggressive way you've responded to the whole thing is not going to motivate them any more to implement this.
    Spaghetti Man and Dr Zed like this.
  8. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    there's a difference between gameplay and visual implementations. visuals you should be free to adjust, gameplay is set in stone
    there can't be bugs if you just copy what's in the 1.12 chat and/or remove the useless characters, if you consider something you could do in such a short while a waste of time.
    sithvsjedi likes this.
  9. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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  10. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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  11. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Beacuse the mods nonchilant responce to a damn chat gui is indicitive of them not caring about their playerbase. It's not like it's a game breaking bug that's causing major problems, it's a frivilous visual feature. Maybe CT is ignoring this "feedback" is because all of the "feedback" is immature and related to a massively subjective feature.

    I don't understand the point of this at all. You spent so much time complaining about bright colors but then you suddenly pivot to the chat icons, which, beed I remind you, already existed. The only difference is that now they take up way less space. If your ultinate complaint here is that you don't like the new chat icons that take up a whopping 5 fucking letters worth of space in the chat, then why are you railing so fucking hard over it? It does not matter.

    Fucking what? I was waffling about what you were waffling about. You were the once using the greyscale GUI's to complain about the new colors? If the colors in the chat and the content book "break your immersion", then that's 100% your problem. Chat and the quest book were always the 2 things that were needed for functionaly but didn't make sense for immersion purposes, but if the colors in them are what puts you over the edge then, as I said, that's your problem.

    This is by far the nost outrageously stupid thing in this thread. You're over here saging that the new update only "benefits people who never played the game" when the people who got hurt by this are the ones that were in Lootrun discord making cat noises and not playing the game. News flash- spending 3 hours following the exact same route that a robot specifically pickout out for you is not "playing the game", in fact, it was an unintended feature. The reason people didn't have Mythics before is because they actually where playing the game, and any time they tried to obtain a Mythic they would be met with toxic discord scrubs saying shit like "I claimed this world", as if using a fucking bot to find an unlooted world gave them a fucking birthright.

    The truth is, this has nothing to do with your overall suggestion, other than to give you reason to cry about your net value tanking (you're still richer than 99% of WC players).

    As I have said, they are "ignoring" (not ignoring, just not acting on) the "feedback" because the "feedback" is frivilous and subjective.

    This kind of shit happens with change everywhere. Dr Zed made the point that people did this with Skill crystals, which are a total non-issue after the only functionally problematic thing about them was immediately fixed.

    Everyone was rioting over the quest chat changes a while back. And while there are no doubt still people that don't like the new system, the anti-hype has died off and everyone has, well, gotten used to it. Because it's not game breaking and it is technically functionally more effective (cutscenes).

    Same with the texture changes Minecraft had in 1.14, or whatever that update was. People were bitching non-stop over the new textures to the point where the forced Mojang to keep the old textures in the game, a feature that a vast majority of people don't use because the new textures look so much fucking better and because the stipid nostalgia for the onld ones has worn off as we've gotten used to the new.

    One final note, the reason that I am entirely ignoring your discord like ratio is that discord is a toxic shithole that has been far more damaging to WC than Tik-Tok or MCC will ever fucking be (pre-update lootrunning).
    DrGREEN, Elytry and Samsam101 like this.
  12. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    on Discord wynn suggestion threads, from what I've seen, people do not often actively dislike posts unless they're really fucking bad. I'm sure thoughts are just as mixed there, in reality.
    point_line likes this.
  13. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    It’s just monkey see monkey do with likes and likents
    Also while I dislike the new content book and chat I completely do not see how it ties into TikTok or mcc. They just added color to it lol.
    Plus about the mythics thing. It might seem like you’re losing a ton of money but after all the mythics have been in loot pool a few times their relative prices are going to stay the same. If anything you’re “gaining” money because Le keeps getting more valuable and valuable.
    tig and Samsam101 like this.
  14. turtletop

    turtletop Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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  15. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    Okay seriously
    I do not get this at all.
    Really? I always struggled reading the old chat because I'm bad at abbreviations and there was a ton of unnecessary information that cluttered chat and made it so much harder to read. Now there's like 5 characters-worth of space used up, it's organized, and easier to read. Really, it is easier to read the new chat. It's more optimized and tbh, in my opinion, just better.

    And about the icons. The old chat had icons too!

    How are you getting so worked up about this? If new chat bothers you so much, then just play in like 1.16 or whatever for old chat. It's not worth getting mad about, especially not worth blaming the wynncraft team for not responding to your complaints about a visual issue that can easily be resolved by playing in an older version.
    DrGREEN and Krooza like this.
  16. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    what if i don't wanna miss out on likes of artemis updates because 1.12 was left in the dust and you can't even view id% for shiny mythics
  17. Elytry

    Elytry Provider of Mildly Thought-Provoking Discussion VIP

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    Is it only 1.12 that has the old chat?

    Why in the world would you need to view id% for shiny mythics?
    Also do you really hate new chat that much?
    DrGREEN likes this.
  18. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    If you hate new chat this much and refuse to see otherwise just play on 1.12 and don’t put up a fight anymore about the chat.
  19. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    i see your point about the lootrun GUI stuff and i thought the same at first too, though during development i got used to it. i disagree with the chat though, i really think it's an improvement.

    but man what's with the vibe here? you ain't fighting a multi-billion corporation, the entire "art department" of wynn is like 2 people trying their best. calling their work "atrocity" is rude as fuck and feels personal for a team of that size. we aren't doing things for nefarious reasons, we just wanted a cooler chat. it's unrelated to tiktok or whatever other conspiracy you got going, here's me showing my idea to fey 7 months ago before i even thought about the wynncraft tiktok


    no wonder the team avoids your threads when this is the vibe you're bringing straight in the first post
  20. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Alright time to stop lurking in this thread: my take: both the lootrun and chat guis are bad and there definitely be an option to toggle the latter between what it was and what it currently is. But my god, this is just a goddamn arrangement of text that barely affects anyone how it is configured. You do not need to get this worked up over such a minor issue in the game, it'd be like if I started to scream how newer cosmetics tend to have a more simplified look compared to older ones, but I do not care whatsoever. Add a toggle, yes, but do not cause a riot over this.
    Dr Zed, sithvsjedi and Triflame like this.
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