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World Old Chat option. For the love of god. Please.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Triflame, Aug 6, 2023.



  1. I dislike the new chat looks

    32 vote(s)
  2. I like the new chat looks, though an option to choose would be great

    20 vote(s)
  3. just get used to it lol (though the old chat is still in older versions)

    14 vote(s)
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  1. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    Edit: I'd like to restate I'm pushing for an option to view old chat on newer versions, not revert every change. If the option exists on 1.12, why not give that option for newer versions? I am also not taking issue with the rank colors in chat, but the icons.
    I know a lot of people are likely already aware of the new chat look in 2.0.3. A lot of people are also likely aware of the feedback thread I made about it in the Discord (which, by the way, is one of, if not the most supported suggestion in recent times). I made myself clear in the suggestion itself but I'd like to say the same here:

    The new chat looks like a cross-breed of MCC and a random P2W SMP.

    For all I know I could be alone with this statement but what I loved about Wynncraft was its oldschool feel, the rough exterior complimented with well-polished (or less) content. This is also a problem with the Silverbull Syndicate color scheme, which looks terribly colorful and out of place for the world of Wynncraft, one filled with magic, various hellspawns, war, corruption, decay, and whatever else is plaguing the provinces.
    a classic case of "get used to it lol." instead of giving players the freedom of choice/feedback
    chad @Tealy take

    Putting the Silverbull colors aside, since they're only a part of the endgame feature of Lootrunning (or the socialist economy regime to be exact), the new chat look genuinely makes me recoil. I'd like to say that the chat looks perfectly normal (as the server pack has two versions - 1.12 and 1.17+) in older versions, which means the old chat isn't entirely gone, just restricted to people not playing on the newest releases. The Hero Beta made the new chat visible for everyone, even on 1.12, yet the live release split pack versions to include or not to include the chat.

    My suggestion is simple: give some sort of option to people on newer versions NOT to use the new chat. People on older versions can already enjoy Wynncraft in its old form, yet those on newer versions are forced to look at an MCC ripoff. Do note: I say an option, not an entire reversion. Some people may have liked the changes and that's fine. I'm only asking for a version of the pack on newer versions that doesn't include any chat changes.

    Link to the suggestions thread: https://discord.com/channels/143852930036924417/1124693935466491935/1124693935466491935
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
    Mardeknius, BethJerry, Wommby and 9 others like this.
  2. sithvsjedi

    sithvsjedi Well-Known Adventurer

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    Additionally I think it would be possible to add a toggle, as it seems that the chat showing [][][][] on 1.12.2 is fixed.

    People say "well 83 people isn't the entire server" but those people could easily react with a likent and not elaborate if they disliked the update, I have seen I think 4 people (which is more than some changes, but not a ton) people like the change.
  3. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    i heard a theory from someone in dms say that wynncraft is rebranding itself to appeal to an average tiktok audience and the more i think about it, the more sense it makes. the new content book looks like a kindergarten story book and don't even get me started on the ranks and silverbull

    additionally (edit: this is not my message, just an opinion of someone commenting on the designs):
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
    MlecznyHuxel99 and sithvsjedi like this.
  4. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    News flash: there was still color in the chat before the update
    Also it takes up less space
  5. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    personally a fan of how the new chat looks although an option to toggle it wouldn't affect me either
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  6. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    the colors didn't look overproduced though
    Ingo and sithvsjedi like this.
  7. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    my brother in christ. wynn has robots and UFOs. it doesnt need to limit itself to drab medieval colours when it already doesn't limit its themes to that. and just because things are more colourful doesn't mean wynn is trying to market itself to tiktok kids, it means wynn is just trying something new with its artstyle. something cleaner. smoother. sure it looks "corporate" but corporate looking bad is subjective. i'd say it's just wynn trying to look more professional.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
    Sprite, Elytry, CashorCard and 4 others like this.
  8. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    the screenshot isn't mine, though you can see the general looks wynn went for - nothing that sticks out too much to keep a tame palette. sure, i can see the professional argument but the visual 2.0.3 changes look like tiktok marketing to me
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    if you haven't noticed, wynn has actually been making its art styles more colourful for years now. i'd say one of the key aspects of the "EO build style" is that it uses more vibrant blocks than a lot of previous wynn builds ever did. this is beyond tiktok. also, making things more colourful does not exclusively attract a younger audience, it just makes the world seem less drab and depressing and instead more hopeful and alive. i like it.
    Sprite, Elytry, Aya and 7 others like this.
  10. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    I don't mind the new chat look too much but more options is always nice ngl
    Aya, CashorCard and sithvsjedi like this.
  11. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    the buildings having a more vibrant look is nice and lively, i agree. the gui's oldschool look has a charm to it that feels very natural for an mmorpg. colors work for buildings, not for guis/game elements imo.
    Aya and Castti like this.
  12. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    This entire post seems like it is filled with a frankly unsettling amount of hatred towards the developers and their new UI, and prefacing it with a "with all due respect" doesn't absolve you from that very blatant amount of malice you are showing towards the content team.

    In any case, the new chat is far cleaner than the old one which has way too much going on next to someone's name. At the very least, the new chat UI is simply cleaner. It takes up less space and as many people stated, the colors just simply look better.
    As for the lootrun menu, I can agree that it looks very silly, but the strange amount of spite you seem to have towards this new UI and the people who made it is completely unwarranted.

    As Samsam said, it seems to simply be Wynncraft trying to look more professional. No, it's not made for TikTokers or MCC or anything like that. It's just Wynncraft trying to differentiate itself from regular vanilla Minecraft so that it can stand on its own legs and prove that it is a completely unique gaming experience that cannot be found anywhere else, something it has been doing for literal years now. Overall, the UI doesn't look like it's made to appeal to TikTokers or anything like that, but rather made to appeal to fans of other MMO games such as Final Fantasy XIV and Runescape.

    Anyways, yes it would be nice to be able to change the UI back to the old one, but my brother you need to calm yourself cause it ain't that serious.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
    Spouuops, Sprite, Elytry and 9 others like this.
  13. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    note the dates when the original post vs response was posted - getting a straight up spit in the face by a content team member saying "we're doing you a favor you just don't know it" while the thread was growing to be one of the most supported suggestions was straight up ignorant in my eyes. it's been a month since the update came out and even longer since the start of beta, yet despite the critiques nothing was altered. i think you can see where that malice is coming from

    clarification edit: i am not saying everything should be changed just because most people say so. point is, the ct response (singular) is very dismissive of people disliking the change just saying "yeah we made the change without asking for feedback, i know y'all dislike it but you'll thank us later!"
    my point isn't clean or not clean, i'm talking about the charm it has. wynncraft always had a more vanilla approach to gui and this is what i enjoyed, the oldschool climate. besides, a more detailed display next to the name suits mmorpgs more in my eyes
    compare the gui to likes of tome menu or ability tree then; wynncraft can make wonderful and graphically appealing interfaces if they so choose but as some people i talked about the update called it, wynncraft turned into a mobile game from a gameplay perspective. and i may be crazy saying this but the oversimplified interfaces that need to flash massive buttons in the user's face feel like tiktok audience at its finest
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
    Aya and sithvsjedi like this.
  14. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    First off, I doubt that CT member meant any disrespect of any kind.
    And second, Wynncraft like I said has been drastically changing in order to NOT have an "oldschool" Minecraft look specifically because it has grown to become its own game, even if they still technically market themselves as the "Minecraft MMO".
    And third, I can understand what you mean by the lootrun menu being too weird, but the chat UI is absolutely fine and looks far better than before. No, the colors are not an issue because they're pretty much the same colors that literally any MMO chat screen uses.
  15. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    ok i give up this is going nowhere

    wynncraft corporate artstyle moment
    MlecznyHuxel99 and sithvsjedi like this.
  16. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    if only the people from the critique suggestion came to the forum thread as well. i honestly don't get the problem behind a chat appearance option especially since i feel this topic was completely dodged by people in charge inside the discord thread
    sithvsjedi likes this.
  17. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Put Fruma on hold boys, we gotta solve some real problems.

    It doesn't matter lol. I'm sure you'll be able to tolerate it eventually.
  18. Triflame

    Triflame the 69% man CHAMPION

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    i experienced a stroke reading this, i should ask for financial compensation

    in the last month+ (or however long it has been since the update came out), wynn managed to:
    • remake the questbook into a kindergarten storybook with its palettes
    • turn the silverbull comapny into this mcc-looking mess, claiming wynn has been too ugly with the grays (tome menu and ability tree speak volumes on how to make something wonderful without adding overproduced colors)
    • ruin the whole economy by creating a terribly easy way to obtain mythics, devaluing what people worked for in a singular update (it's still in shambles after all the balance changes)
    • create an oversimplified gui and chat to compliment mobile game gameplay the lootrun update created
    i could be going insane but something tells me wynncraft is putting on a commercial face for all the tiktok newcomers (who by this time should be in endgame already) while directly spitting at any critique from people who played the game for much longer. i'm sure it would take zero effort for devs to incorporate a version of the pack with old chat for newer versions, there's a 1.12 version of the pack that has the old chat textures. the thread became the actual most supported suggestion in the longest while on the discord server, yet nothing was done in response to the backlash the change received, except a half-assed "ermmm you'll thank us later!!". in addition, shrugging it off as something you'll get used to is a blatant showcase of ignoring feedback until people get bored of it, the recent case of 2.0.3 release and the economy crumbling took a damn long time to patch, because instead of fixing what's broken there's a clear preference for fixing what isn't broken and having people deal with whatever happens regardless of how much they dislike the change.

    tl;dr - please have a tiny pause from the bright colors for the tiktok kids and give a simple option to have the old chat for newer versions, or hell, even vice-versa. wynncraft pursues the idea of giving players a choice, be it builds or archetypes; there's no reason not to do the same for a simple chat change
  19. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    I personally think wynncraft could just revamp the gui it just made. Instead of just a toggle, I loved to see something new, but I still think they could made it more in line with the rest of its texture pack, maybe making the buttons look different, changing colors and font.
  20. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Not sure what I said in my reply that gave you a stroke, it was pretty simple.

    I'm well aware that many people don't like the new chat or content book GUI's, but the line between people who do and don't like it is pretty evenly down the middle (as shown by the 17-17 split in the poll rn).

    Moreover, the added color to chat is so fucking minimal that it is barely noticeable, I don't even see my chat when I'm not paying attention to it. You do realise that text pre-2.0.3 still had colors right? Like, you can literally see it in your own screenshots. I guess you can complain about it being to "tik-toky" but it really isn't that off brand for WC. Let me guess, are the un-ID itemboxes "tik-toky" too? This isn't the first time WC has added color to the game.

    Ability Tree and Tome menu are good examples of visually-appealing greyscale GUIs, but in what world does that mean that everything has to be grey-scale? Not everything has to be emo grey-scale medieval. Suggesting that sounds like something a 13 y/o trying to fit in with the cool kids would want. Ironically more childish than colors.

    Completely off-topic mention of Mythic prices I see. Mythic prices going down doesn't mean the economy is crumbling, it means a small close in the wealth gap with Mythics (and Shinys) still be the most valuable commodities. (I do agree that the way some things were implemented was poor though.)

    And finally, even if all you want is the option to change back to old settings, you don't need to be this toxic about it. Yelling about how the new colors is kiddiefying the game and the CT is actively trying to kill their server to pander to a new audience and being like "uwu all I want is the option uwu" is super entitled. I'm not even against an option to switch chat styles, but the CT has more things to worry about than somebody's complaits about a fucking GUI, a perfectly functional GUI. No need to demand them to add an ultimately functionless feature that I guarentee you takes more than "zero effort". 3 months down the road you'll be used to the GUI anyway; or you will still be frothing at the mouth in agony over a videogame display, but that's your problem at that point.

    Also did MCC kill your family or something? Jeez.
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