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Issue with Level 20+ quest and not getting help via a party

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by MargauxTheArtist, Aug 2, 2023.

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  1. MargauxTheArtist

    MargauxTheArtist Queen of the Frogges VIP+

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    I've tried several times to start up a party to help me with several quests that are above Level 20, while I'm a level 40+ Warrior with all the right gear and all the right weapons. Most of which I know I have trouble with, because I know my skills are not the best of the best. And every time someone joins the party, the moment they find out which quests I'm trying to do, they up and leave the party.

    The only explanation I got for this behavior when I brought it up in the discord? "Nobody likes to do lower-level quests, even for newbies and people who have been playing for a long time but still need assistance. Oh, and it's a gear and skill issue." Well, I've gotten all the right gear since then, and even up until I stopped playing a few months ago, I still couldn't complete any of those level 20+ quests on my own.

    My older sister, who's been playing on multiple non-Minecraft MMOs since before I was born, told me that one of the core components of an MMORPG is that it's easier to play with a party rather than alone. Knowing this, I'm... shocked that the culture of this server is to basically leave the newbie players and the players who aren't the best on their own to fend for themselves. I thought this was meant to be an MMORPG server, but it's more like a get-good-or-give-up-on-ever-playing-on-this-server-after-level-20 kind of MMORPG server.

    Forgive me for sounding so angry. This has been on my mind for months, and is why I've stopped playing for a good while now. I wish I could start playing again, because I really love how cathartic combat is for me, but with the way the culture of this server is, it seems very unlikely for the foreseeable future.
    wxhlf likes this.
  2. Zelli

    Zelli Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I'm really curious to know what quests you are talking about (are you struggling with all 20+ levels quests or just a few of them) ?
    Also, are you struggling because of fights or anything else (puzzles etc.) ?
    If it's fights, is it because you die too quickly, you are not dealing enough damages, or anything else ?

    It's really strange that you struggle with quests since most of them are considered easy (especially lower level ones), even stranger when you say that you are taking them at a higher level with the right gears as you should just destroy the mobs.

    As for most MMORPGs, Wynncraft's quests are intended as solo content (with the exception of one quest requiring multiple people) so it's not really normal to struggle so much even as an unexperienced player.
    Though, I think it's more interesting and fun to play in a group rather than alone so I'm really sorry to hear that people are not willing to help you.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
  3. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    All quests are designed to be done alone, excluding one specific outlier, and Wynn is an inherently easy game, to the point many people request that we make stuff more challenging. If you are struggling with quests, id advise using the wiki, but if the game at such a low level poses such a challenge for you, Wynncraft just might not be the type of game for you
    The game was literally designed with the idea that you would be solo for almost all of it, so it's not too surprising that the culture reflects that. Players will very willingly and gladly offer advice on how to do things, what gear is good or tricks and tips when fighting certain bosses or doing certain quests, but the general consensus is that players would be doing most of the game on their own
  4. MargauxTheArtist

    MargauxTheArtist Queen of the Frogges VIP+

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    Never mind then. I'm just gonna leave Wynncraft altogether.

    I'll be sure to let any potentially new players know about the pitfalls of the party system in the early stages of the game, though.
    tig likes this.
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I don't see why. You just have to approach it more as a single player game for quests
  6. MargauxTheArtist

    MargauxTheArtist Queen of the Frogges VIP+

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    I've tried that. It's not working for me.

    I thought that one of the major points of an MMORPG is that you don't have to play through quests without any help at all. I thought that this also applied to Wynncraft, where you could play through the quests by yourself, but if you're having trouble with that, then you could get a party to help you. Turns out, the party system doesn't have much of a point if you can only use it if you've completed almost all of the quests and already have friends who play Wynncraft.

    My older sister has been playing other MMORPGs for longer than I've been alive. Longer than most people of Wynncraft have been alive. And according to her, one of the major points of an MMO is to play with a group of people through quests. If this isn't the point of Wynncraft, save for one singular quest, then what's the point of even having it as an MMORPG? Why not just get rid of the party system if people are only gonna use it for one quest, and those who are a lower level than 105 aren't gonna be able to get help on the other quests when they need it?

    And here's another reason why I'm leaving: It's because I'm obvious so god-awful at playing Minecraft in survival mode and doing parkour that I may as well just give up on Wynncraft, as much as I enjoy the combat system. Plus, if it is true that other MMORPGs require you to play through the quests by yourself, and that Wynncraft is much easier than other MMORPGs, then I may as well just write off every single non-Minecraft-based MMORPG in existence! Which makes no sense at all, right?
    wxhlf likes this.
  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    As Zelli asked, what quests do you struggle with? What kind of quests do you struggle with? Also out of curiosity, what items do you have?
    I can help with some of them if you want (start a convo and we will see).

    also I would like to note that the party system is for more than one quest, but yeah, the game is mostly solo
  8. SoulyHere

    SoulyHere She/Her

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    Hello, I'm a experienced player of the game. I would like to clarify some of the points you made.
    First, not all players are irrsponsible of helping players. There are other helpful people on the server, which take their time to help newbies out.
    Secondly team-plaing is available for dungeons, where more players usually means easier gameplay in dungeons. For higher levels, there is also Raids, which must require a party to play.
    Furthermore, for quest, if you're questioning on certain step stage, wiki can help you out.
    Some of the step stages cannot be re-enter after a player have finshed the quest, so I'm afraid that's why some of the players you have met can't help you out. Thus, if you're looking for team coorperation, I recommend you to find players with similar level as you to play with you, and they can go through the stages with you together.
    However, there are also some challenging quest that allows players that have finished the quest to re-enter, whihc they can assist them in tough challenges.
    Lastly, may I know the gear you're using and what quests do you stuck on? I would kindly provide assistance and suggestions for your gameplay.
    I hope that can clear out the frustration you have in the game.
  9. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Good work on this total bullshit reply, it's nice to see a fucking staff member tell a new player to that the game is easy and that since they're struggling with it they're bad and just need to get good. It's no fucking wonder that OP immediatley decided to stop player after a staff member unloaded this flaming pile of trash on them. Pushing that the game is supposed to played solo in a fucking MMO.

    And then to say "I don't see why". Like, how the fuck do you "not see why"????

    I don't know how long you're going to get away with your endless toxic replies to everything, but please fuck off with this shit.
    btdmaster, wxhlf, Bart (MC) and 7 others like this.
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    (I would like to note that according to the stats they haven't played for 5 months, which is somewhat interesting)
  11. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    as others have said above, most content in this game is designed to be played singleplayer. which, yeah, is weird for an MMORPG. but really it only applies to quests, and i see quests as more of... a means to an end? you play them for the exp and rewards. they aren't really designed as a multiplayer experience (besides ???, a level 80 quest requiring 4 players which i hate) although they mostly still work with multiple people. if you're struggling with level 20 content i'd say it's likely a gear issue rather than your skills, so it would be nice to know exactly which quests are giving you trouble and what gear you're using for them

    also it's worth noting that dungeons, boss altars, and raids are all good to play in a party. it might be hard to find other people to play these with early on, but boss altars are intentionally very difficult so don't feel bad if you can't complete them, and dungeons should be doable enough as long as you have sufficient gear. there's also a limited-time party minigame releasing later today, if you wanted more proof that wynn isn't fully designed to be played alone.

    her response wasn't even toxic here. her 1 mistake was not entertaining the idea that this person doesn't have good gear and instead suggesting that they leave. she's greatly improved on the "toxic responses" issue recently actually

    you, on the other hand, can probably tone it down on the aggression. this message reads like you were angrily sobbing while typing it. there's ways to get your point across without coming off as extremely angry and upset, and doing this typically makes your point more clear and understandable to the person it's aimed at
  12. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I have no idea how you can call me toxic when you type this out. It wasn't my intention to say 'get good and suck it up', I was trying to provide the perspective of the players who didn't help the player with the quests. Wynncraft quests are designed singleplayer first, many of them have a lot of quirks when theyre done with multiple players.
  13. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    Which quests are you stuck on? I can help you with completing whichever quests you need help with.
    Also, Olinus10 has some great quest guides on youtube if you get stuck.
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