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Game Mechanics Improving storage sharing between classes

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Kiano Claus, Jul 16, 2023.


What is your opinion?

  1. Solution 1 should be implemented

    0 vote(s)
  2. Solution 2 should be implemented

    4 vote(s)
  3. I don't like these solutions

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Kiano Claus

    Kiano Claus Travelled Adventurer

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    I've played Wynncraft for some time now and have a few classes at decent level. But it is a little annoying to have to share the bank between my classes, because it is always filled to the brim with story items, weapons and mob drops to use later.

    I have seen other people suggest to just seperate the banks for each class, I used to think in the same way. I also saw that a lot of other players won't like it if this would be implemented with the main reason being "Trading items between classes won't be possible anymore". I understand that this is useful for a lot of people but I think I have a suggestion that could solve this "problem" without disabeling the whole feature.

    I have two solutions that in my mind should be possible and pretty easy to implement.

    1. Have a variant of Iron Man where the bank is not shared between classes (trading and the bank are still allowed). This way a player can chose if they want or don't want items to be transferable between different classes

    2. Have a second different kind of chest in the bank. The "enderchest" that is shared between classes would still be present but there would also be a different chest, different color or shape, where the contents of it is not shared and is unique to that class/character. This would mean that the storage a player is able to acces would be much larger but that is easily negated by balancing the storage pages between the shared and not-shared storage.

    This is my suggestion and would personally love to see be implemented. But I would also like to see what the community thinks about this.
    luckeyLuuk, JM5544 and Elysium_ like this.
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Are you aware of the existence of the misc bucket
  3. Kiano Claus

    Kiano Claus Travelled Adventurer

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    Yes, I am aware of the misc bucket and although it can be used to store some items like quest and untradeble items. But that doesn't solve the "problem", it can just clear 1 page of the bank at most 2. What I'm trying to suggest is a way to make the bank storage less crowded when dealing with multiple classes/characters.
    luckeyLuuk, JM5544 and Elysium_ like this.
  4. happygoose8

    happygoose8 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    i feel like this would make sense to be in the game maybe only 1 page though because it is a free page of storage or maybe to just add more bank pages or make the a little bit cheaper
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
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