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Project MEDIA Rank

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Epic_Chonker, Jun 17, 2023.

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  1. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    Allow me to get straight to the point.
    There’s a power imbalance within Wynncraft.
    This can be observed on the purchasable in-game ranks, which give you advantages over others for a certain price. However, I want to draw your attention to another issue: the staff members.

    These pawns have successfully infiltrated our community. They pretend to be one of us, just another player who managed to get into such a position due to their hard work. Perhaps. However, they have been corroded by premises of power and fame.
    The one behind the curtains is called Salted. He has chosen to sit on his golden throne, merely observing as us “peasants” do his bidding.
    Ever since these individuals came into power our community has been slowly losing steam. So much unbridled potential stems from the roots our server hangs onto. And yet, instead of cultivating our success these pests have chosen to forsake us, leaving nothing but a path of destruction behind.

    Dear Wynncraft players, is it not our duty to stop this? Are we supposed to simply watch as our beautiful community fades into irrelevance, due to the misdemeanors of a few simpletons who chose to play God?
    I think not. Something must be done.
    My friends, I believe I have found a solution to this problem. Allow me to present:

    The MEDIA Rank

    This rank is worn by many content creators, as long as they abide by a distinct set of rules.
    These individuals also pertain to Wynncraft’s elite class. They’re not our friends.
    All they do all day is upload soulless content to their channels, made specifically to cater to the TikTok audience. They are prying on the children of today, hoping to get a few clicks via bright colors and fast-paced editing.
    Case in point: linus01
    An anonymous user which doesn’t break Wynncraft Forums Rule 5. (Watch your backs, the staff will do everything in their power to stop our rebellion)

    Every video published by linus is an attempt at extorting every cent out of their viewers. How do I know this? Well, it’s quite simple. As I have been taught, if you check the page source of a Youtube channel you’ll be able to look for the “is_monetization_enabled” string. In linus’s case, this value is set to true. Furthermore, if you check any of his videos and do the same trick to check the page’s source, you’ll find that the “yt_ad” parameter is enabled, meaning that his videos are indeed displaying ads.
    Compare this to the Adventures With HippieSnuggles Youtube channel, which used to present Wynncraft guides similarly to to the style of linus’s content, but has all of these parameters set to false.
    In conclusion, there’s no reason to think linus is not getting paid.

    As I was doing my research on this entity’s Youtube presence, I couldn’t help but notice a few oddities. It would seem as though linus had been able to get into contact with Salted for an interview of some sorts. Interesting…
    I did some basic research and I found that this had not been an isolated case. Apparently Salted had also appeared on a podcast of the aforementioned HippieSnuggles channel.
    And who doesn’t remember the videos TommyInnit published about Wynncraft? The staff team even gave the Youtuber a tour of the server’s inner workings. That was one of the greatest publicity stunts the server had seen!

    These content creators… their influence… it wasn’t due to some in-game rank, nor was it because they were staff.
    They were just random people… random people like us.

    Are you beginning to put the pieces together now? It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you are able to gather enough of a crowd your influence will be massive. If someone within our community, someone that TRULY cared, was to step up and become one of those influencers, we could make our voice be heard. We could finally entice change. Just imagine a reality where every single Minecraft player knew what the word “Wynncraft” meant. That, my friends, is the world we deserve.
    And so… a reality I can bring.

    Perhaps not too surprisingly, I have decided to step forward. Friends, trust me, with me by our side, we could truly achieve something great here. Allow me to explain my plan and you shall see why I’m the best candidate to be this movement’s ambassador.

    The whole point of this revolution is to gain access to the MEDIA rank, therefore being able to bridge the gap between the community and the higher-ranking staff. This image, courtesy of my team, summarizes the main concept.

    But anyway, the main way I hope to achieve MEDIA rank is by having a Youtube channel. From there, I’ll just need to meet the rank’s requirements.

    First of all, I’d like to say that unlike most others, it is not my intention to gain any kind of revenue from my content. However, it is to my knowledge that videos which display ads are favored by the algorithm, so if it’ll help the channel grow then that’s a sacrifice I must make. Still, I won’t make a cent from these advertisements.

    The problem with many Wynncraft Youtubers is their content. Most simply make videos on Wynncraft, a very niche topic, and the ones that don’t have a horrible upload schedule.
    I seek to solve this problem. It’s quite simple, really.

    Stealing Content
    Thanks to Youtube’s new “Shorts” video format it’s never been easier to steal content and profit from it. All I need to do is compile a few posts from social media and put some Minecraft parkour in the background. With a method like this, the 1000 subscriber requirement will be easily met, and the MEDIA rank shall be ours.

    Online Persona/Presentation
    Unfortunately, I must take into account viewer retention optimizations if our channel is to grow. One such thing is adopting some form of e-girl persona online. I believe the chosen term is “PNGtuber”. Whenever I give an opinion on a chosen matter, an anime girl avatar should appear and speak in a girlish voice.


    Alright, alright. Look, it’s a simple plan, nothing notable. You may be wondering why it has to be me. Why can’t someone else step forward and be the one to save this community? Well… it is true that I have my hands a bit tied. Just like most of you, I don’t have any fancy equipment. I don’t have a fancy webcam, with a fancy microphone that allows me to record fancy videos on my fancy computer. And, most importantly… I’m not really special.
    I’m here to make a change. I have a dream, a beautiful dream, and I won’t stop until it sees the light of day. I’m not just going to learn from my mistakes, no, that’s dumb. I am going to do everything in my power to strive for perfection, to be a better person.
    Furthermore, I never wanted the MEDIA rank. Its existence takes away from everything I aspire to be and everything I am. Everything WE are. However, once the fateful day comes and that dreadful rank presents itself, I shall wear it with pride. Not for me, but for our beautiful community.

    My brothers, I need you to believe when I say this. Our insurgence shall not go unnoticed.

    But enough talk.

    Community Exposure
    I’m sure that by now you’ve noticed the sheer amount of great content that goes unnoticed in this community. It’s honestly ridiculous, but at the same time it makes sense. After all, the current systems put in place barely do anything to incentivize interaction with the more artistic side of the community. I, however, propose a solution.
    I could manufacture some form of video-newsletter, showcasing all of the most intriguing projects produced by this community. Just think about it for a second, once our Youtube channel grows large enough, we’d have a platform that allows us to present our community’s creations to an even bigger audience, one which exceeds the bounds of Wynncraft.
    I believe this to be a win-win situation for all of us.

    It is clear that we would not be able to interview someone as highly regarded as Salted, not at the start. But as our channel grows we could interview some members of the community. I believe it would be optimal if we were to pry on some of the insecure, low self-esteem staff members. Their desire for any form of validation/attention would make them susceptible to taking interviews; we could maybe even obtain some classified information regarding their plans for the future of Wynncraft.

    Summing Up

    Hopefully, by now you’ve realized all the staggering benefits my leadership could bring. All I need is a little help, YOUR help. You too can become a part of this movement, an agent of change.
    There is very little the parasitic staff members can do to impede our uprising. They can try to silence us, maybe even deny us access to the fateful MEDIA rank, but nothing they do will ever truly quell our unrest. I promise it.
    If you choose me as you savior, trust me, the flame our passion brings shall not go extinguished. Our light shall banish the shadows, and then a new era of exuberance will be born.

    But until then, close your eyes… and dream of a better place.

    Hey everyone! I’ll keep this brief, the text you’ve just read was made by our “Boss”. He assembled a team, and ever since then we’ve been working hard to make this project come true. We’re all just so glad to finally show you what we’ve been working on! :)

    Due to unfortunate circumstances the other members are either physically or mentally incapable of fulfilling their roles, so I’ll be taking over for the Q&A section.

    Q: What is the objective of this project?
    A: As mentioned before, we plan on restoring Wynncraft’s prestige, both as a game and as a community!

    Q: How can I support this project?
    A: You can either choose to simply subscribe to our cause, or you could even become a team member. After what happened last week, we’re sure to need a few more helping hands! xD

    Q: What’s the name of the Youtube channel?
    A: Haha, this is a bit awkward, but not even He seems to have anything in mind yet. It’d be a huge help if you guys could maybe suggest a name!! :D

    Q: Why should I trust you people?
    A: Because our only goal is to help this community grow and flourish, kind sir!

    Q: Do any of you have names?
    A: Just like any other human being, we sure do! But He thinks that it’s better to remain anonymous, so we follow His word. This way, nobody feels left out. Which is a good thing! It’s a group effort!! :)))

    Q: (Vision-related queries)
    A: We have this IT guy, right? He made this database that has lots of information, including a list of questions our company gets. Essentially, he was asked to make a catalogue containing only the most frequently asked questions (so we could do this Q&A!). But the problem is… I think it’s unfinished? The file I was sent contains a LOT of questions related to eyesight. I wanted to ask the IT guy about it, but he’s unavailable. So like… use glasses? I don’t know man, I’m not the eye doctor.

    Ok, that sums up the Q&A!! :D I hope you guys enjoyed it. Feel free to ask questions down below, I’ll be sure to answer them! (At least I think I’m supposed to)

    Bye bye!! :)
  2. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    You are Mad and a Fool
  3. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    i'm happy for you or sorry that happened idk i'm not reading all this
    Bwitty03, Nynnf, 7DaysAgo and 13 others like this.
  4. IceHorror

    IceHorror Wynncraft Architect CHAMPION Builder

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    what did I just read
    luckeyLuuk and itay_ like this.
  5. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Before reading fully: "Another 'down with the bourgeoisie' thread?"

    After reading: "Okay this is the first 'Make me part of the bourgeoisie' thread I've seen."
    Caulan, Dr Zed and Sir_Doomed like this.
  6. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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  7. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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    Worry not, my dear child. It is normal to be apprehensive when faced with the unknown.
    The vile Staff have made their way into your mind, shattering it in a thousand pieces.
    Lay down the chains that bind you to an iniquitous rationale, and allow me to gather these fragments.
    Then, you shall be rebuilt. Within you, new hope.
    You shall finally perceive the warm touch of our blinding light.
    Is this not the culmination of a perfect world?
  8. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    this is hilarious lmao ive never been in one of these crazy conspiracy threads before, kinda honored ngl :p
    luckeyLuuk and Melkor like this.
  9. Nero101X

    Nero101X My contract with Wynncraft is complete. CHAMPION

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    You got this, man! I've been at it for a while but to no avail. Hope you can do better. :saltedhappy:
  10. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    My man forgot to take his meds lmao
    7DaysAgo likes this.
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    The channel name should be “The Wynners.”
    Uniimog and Sir_Doomed like this.
  12. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    You've managed to merge a conspiracy theory with a political speech, and I'm not sure whether to be impressed or horrified.
    creature likes this.
  13. Epic_Chonker

    Epic_Chonker Well-Known Adventurer

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  14. djkitt3

    djkitt3 Well-Known Adventurer

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    The Power of Curiosity: Unlocking Personal and Intellectual Growth

    Curiosity is an inherent human trait that drives us to explore, discover, and understand the world around us. It is the spark that ignites the flames of knowledge and propels us on a journey of personal and intellectual growth. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of curiosity and how it plays a vital role in shaping our lives and expanding our horizons.

    1. Fueling Personal Growth: Curiosity is the driving force behind personal growth. It compels us to seek new experiences, learn from our mistakes, and adapt to new situations. Curiosity prompts us to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and step out of our comfort zones. It encourages us to embrace change and cultivate a growth mindset, fostering resilience and self-improvement. By nurturing our innate curiosity, we embark on a path of continuous learning and development, leading to personal growth in various aspects of our lives.

    2. Inspiring Intellectual Growth: Curiosity is the catalyst for intellectual growth. It propels us to explore diverse subjects, delve into complex ideas, and seek knowledge beyond the surface level. Curiosity encourages us to engage in critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis, enabling us to expand our intellectual capacity. It sparks a thirst for knowledge and inspires a lifelong love for learning. Intellectual growth is not limited to formal education; rather, it is nurtured through curiosity-driven exploration and a hunger for understanding the world around us.

    3. Fostering Creativity and Innovation: Curiosity and creativity go hand in hand. Curiosity drives us to question the existing norms, imagine possibilities, and think beyond conventional boundaries. It fuels our desire to find innovative solutions to problems and challenges. Curiosity prompts us to connect seemingly unrelated ideas, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements. By embracing curiosity, we tap into our creative potential and unlock a world of endless possibilities.

    4. Cultivating Empathy and Cultural Understanding: Curiosity nurtures empathy and fosters cultural understanding. It drives us to explore different perspectives, engage with diverse cultures, and appreciate the richness of human experiences. Curiosity encourages us to listen, learn, and empathize with others, breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity. By embracing curiosity, we develop a broader worldview, enhance our interpersonal skills, and build bridges of understanding across various communities and cultures.
    Curiosity is an invaluable trait that fuels personal and intellectual growth. It empowers us to embark on a journey of continuous learning, creativity, empathy, and cultural understanding. By nurturing our innate curiosity, we unlock our potential, expand our horizons, and create a world enriched by knowledge, innovation, and understanding. Let us embrace curiosity as a lifelong companion and unlock the doors to personal and intellectual growth.
    hmtn likes this.
  15. person614

    person614 idk what im doin with my life

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    wow insane you dont even have a yt channel lmao.
    10000% copy and pasted or chatgptd
  16. djkitt3

    djkitt3 Well-Known Adventurer

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  17. DuoFace

    DuoFace Wynncraft Everything Enjoyer Media CHAMPION

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    I would never be a soulless content creator who no care about community *eats cereal*
  18. SSurvivor64

    SSurvivor64 Watcher of the Realm

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    oh wait
    I’ve missed so much of the ARG
    I almost forgot about it
    Last thing I saw was the creepypasta
    And then Wynn rage comics went quiet
    But I stopped meticulously checking this account
  19. GlitchPlay

    GlitchPlay Well-Known Adventurer

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    what the fruma
    DrGREEN likes this.
  20. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    I can’t tell if he’s serious or not.
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