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Game Mechanics The Lair of Death Raid Idea

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Jack303_, Jun 16, 2023.


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  1. Jack303_

    Jack303_ Cataclysm enthusiast

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    *Sigh* Here we go again... So I came with a few ideas of a raid that prob harder than TNA (Or easier for that matter...). This raid are pretty much located on the other dimension of Nether portal so basically we can enter it but we didn't get corrupted. anyway, let's get straight to the concept

    When The Existence slowly decays…
    Discovery Lore: The Nether was known as the source of corruption in Wynn, mostly after those who enters it will get corrupted or sometimes even worse stuck for eternal. Behind the portal lies a king who’s the true source of corruption responsible for the whole event that happens in Wynn, even those corruption fears his breath...

    -Coordinates: ???
    -Minimum Level: 106
    -Max Party Level: 530
    -Quest Required: Source of Decay (A very long level 106 quest)
    -Runes Required: 5 Tol Runes
    -Players Required: 5

    -Rewards: Charm of the Nether, Liquified emeralds, Mastery Tomes, Corrupted Dungeon Keys, Mythic Boots

    -Room 1

    [1/4] ???: “Hm? Who dares to enter the portal?!
    [2/4] ???: “Wait… how did you not get corrupted…? HOW?!
    [3/4] ???: “Eh, doesn’t matter… You must be some special human if you dare to challenge me and didn’t get corrupted as soon as you enter this nightmare…
    [4/4] ???: “I wish you all the best of luck, mortal…

    -Sacrificial Room

    In this room, the party must sacrifice 1 player to stay at the altar in the middle of the room. That one player must stand on the altar for 3 minutes while the other players protect the player from all the mobs. After 3 minutes have passed, a portal will open beneath the altar and the challenge will be completed.

    -Hunting the Root Room
    The party begins at the corner of a large maze. The players must spread inside the maze to find corrupted roots and kill them, and the root will be located in a random place while also dealing with some powerful mobs. Once a player kills the root then the challenge will be completed.

    -Room 2

    [1/4] ???: “Impressive, you manage to pass the first challenge…
    [2/4] ???: “I’m quite confident that you are some special humans…
    [3/4] ???: “Well unless you’re a failure…
    [4/4] ???: “Then I am very disappointed with your existence…

    -Sun of Death Room
    The players will start in a huge hellish cave with parkour to pass the room, while also there will be a Sun who’s going to hunt a player for every 10 seconds. The Sun will only attack a player that is moving and burns them giving true damage. If a player falls then they must start all over. In order to pass the room, the players must do the parkour while avoiding the sun. Once all players are inside the pit of lava at the end of the parkour, the challenge is completed.

    -Corruption Betrayal
    In this room, the players will face one of their teammates (randomly) who got corrupted and they will have higher stats than the player’s stats both in offensive and defensive stats. The player who got corrupted will die but did not lose their soul points as it was scripted. After the players kill the corrupted one (AKA the mob who mimics their builds), the corrupted player will be revived and the party must enter a portal so the challenge is completed.

    -Room 3

    [1/4] ???: “HAH! I knew it!
    [2/4] ???: “You humans are special! I am truly impressed so far!
    [3/4] ???: “I’m getting impatient when meeting with you all!
    [4/4] ???: “I will wait for all of you in my chamber, heheheheheh…

    -The Door of Freedom Room
    In this room, the players will be inside of another hellish cave but they are faced with a colossal door in front of them. They must break through the door in 2 minutes, but after 2 minutes passes and the players didn’t break the door in time, they all will be killed instantly and the raid will be failed. If the players manage to break the door within 2 minutes, then they can pass and the challenge completed.

    Name: The Door of Freedom
    Level: 200
    Health: 10.000.000 (10m)
    AI Type: -
    Abilities: -
    Elemental Stats: -
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (The Door of Freedom Room)

    -The Deafening Silence yet The Shining Darkness Room
    In this room, the players must walk straight to the bridge literally just straight while having the endless time of blindness effect. All they need to do is to walk silently through the bridge to pass the room. The players shouldn’t make a loud noise such as: Sprinting, casting spells (all spells), powder specials or jumping, if the players make one noise, then a scream can be heard meaning a beast has awakened. The players must stay still and do nothing until the beast makes a growl means it went back to sleep, then they can continue. If the beast has awakened and the player makes another noise, the beast will kill that player instantly and then go back to sleep. Passing the bridge will complete the challenge.

    -The Boss Fight

    [1/5] ???: “Heheheheh… I have an extremely high expectation for you all…
    [2/5] ???: “I welcome you all, mortals…
    [3/5] ???: “But unfortunately, I guess your journey truly ends here…
    [4/5] ???: “Because I, The Wither King, will be the one who annihilates inferior beings like you!

    The Wither King, Subtitled, The Existence Annihilator, is the boss of The Lair of Death raid. It has 4 phases, and you will have to defeat all phases to beat the raid.

    Phase 1, Stay Away!
    The Wither King’s first phase is also known as the Stay Away, The Wither King will enable the unbreakable shield that makes him invulnerable to any attacks. All players must stay away from him for at least 10 blocks for the 20s, otherwise, the shield will keep activating and the players will never move into the next phase, but the boss or the wither king itself will not having a fast movements.

    The Wither King deals extremely high damage to all players ignoring their elemental defences, and since attacking him is useless at this phase, it’s better to actually run away from him and stay within 20 blocks from him in order to deactivate its shield so the party can move into the next phase. The Wither King will also spawn 1 Chaos Wither to follow random players and shoot Wither skulls at them.

    The Wither King
    Level: 500
    Health: 60.000.000 (60m, Invulnerable)
    AI Type: Melee
    Abilities: Heavy Charge, Heavy Teleport, Heavy Vanish, Heavy Multihit, Heavy Flamethrower, Heavy Push, Heavy Pull, Heavy Explosion, Huge Wave, Meteor, Heavy Arrow Storm, Heavy Thunderstorm, Heavy Wither Skull, Heavy Soundwaves, Heavy stomp
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 1)

    Name: Chaos Wither
    Level: 250
    Health: 5.000.000
    AI Type: Range (Flying)
    Abilities: Heavy Arrow Storm, Heavy Flamethrower, Heavy Wither Skull
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 1)

    Phase 2, Face me!

    [1/5] The Wither King: “GAH! My shield!
    [2/5] The Wither King: “Well, it doesn’t seem fair anyway…
    [3/5] The Wither King: “Now stop running away like a fool and face me!
    [4/5] The Wither King: “I will take all of you down fair and square!
    [5/5] The Wither King: “COME HERE COWARDS!!!

    After losing its shield, The Wither King is vulnerable to all attacks and its damage output has been reduced for a little bit to make it fair for the players. The Wither King also has a pretty fast movement and it will cast 3 random spells for every 15s so the players need to be extremely careful as the spell damage might sometimes resulting an instant death, and The Wither King will always summons Chaos Wither if one died. The players need to attack The Wither King until it reaches 50% of its max health (30.000.000 / 30m HP) then they can move to the next phase.

    Name: The Wither King
    Level: 500
    Health: 60.000.000 (60m)
    AI Type: Melee
    Abilities: Heavy Charge, Heavy Teleport, Heavy Vanish, Heavy Multihit, Heavy Flamethrower, Heavy Push, Heavy Pull, Heavy Explosion, Huge Wave, Meteor, Heavy Arrow Storm, Heavy Thunderstorm, Heavy Wither Skull, Heavy Soundwaves, Heavy stomp
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 2)

    Name: Chaos Wither
    Level: 250
    Health: 5.000.000
    AI Type: Range (Flying)
    Abilities: Heavy Arrow Storm, Heavy Flamethrower, Heavy Wither Skull
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 2)

    Phase 3, Find me!

    [1/5] The Wither King: “Impressive… Truly, truly impressive!
    [2/5] The Wither King: “But I was wondering if you are this powerful…?
    [3/5] The Wither King: “Is your brain a lot powerful too …?
    [4/5] The Wither King: “Let’s find that out shall we?!
    [5/5] The Wither King: “FIND ME AMONGST MY CLONES!!!

    After moving to 3rd phase, Wither King will split itself into 5 parts and each has 6m HP, The Wither King clones will have 5 different colours and 5 of them will have Wither King’s separated abilities for each clone (3 spells each) and Wither King will not summon the Chaos Wither in this phase. The players must find the right Wither King otherwise if they killed the wrong one aka the clones (The right one will be chosen randomly), all The Wither King clones will be back into full health and the dead one will be revived. The floor will change colours every 30s to a certain colour to show which Wither King is the right one, if the player killed the right Wither King, then they will move into the next phase.

    Name: Red Wither King Clone
    Level: 500
    Health: 6.000.000 (6m)
    AI Type: Melee
    Abilities: Heavy Explosion, Heavy Flamethrower, Meteor
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 3)

    Name: Blue Wither King Clone
    Level: 500
    Health: 6.000.000 (6m)
    AI Type: Melee
    Abilities: Heavy Arrow Storm, Huge Wave, Heavy Push
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 3)

    Name: Yellow Wither King Clone
    Level: 500
    Health: 6.000.000 (6m)
    AI Type: Melee
    Abilities: Heavy Thunderstorms, Heavy Multihit, Heavy Teleport
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 3)

    Name: White Wither King Clone
    Level: 500
    Health: 6.000.000 (6m)
    AI Type: Melee
    Abilities: Heavy Wither Skull, Heavy Pull, Heavy Soundwave
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 3)

    Name: Green Wither King Clone
    Level: 500
    Health: 6.000.000 (6m)
    AI Type: Melee
    Abilities: Heavy Stomp, Heavy Vanish, Heavy Charge
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 3)

    The Dialogue if you killed the wrong Wither King clone:

    -[1/1] The Wither King: “Look, can you just give up, please?
    -[1/1] The Wither King: “When I thought you are intelligent, I guess not…
    -[1/1] The Wither King: “You’re not capable of figuring out which one is me don’t you?
    -[1/1] The Wither King: “I know you feel tired, why don’t you just stop playing and touch some grass?
    -[1/1] The Wither King: “I am… but not me… then who am I?
    -[1/1] The Wither King: “You’re making a fool out of yourself you know?

    Phase 4, It’s Showdown!

    [1/5] The Wither King: “Enough! No more playing around!
    [2/5] The Wither King: “This time you will fight me all by yourself <PLAYERNAME>!
    [3/5] The Wither King: “While I kept your friends’ souls in my jar!
    [4/5] The Wither King: “But I will make this fight even fair so you could win!
    [5/5] The Wither King: “I shall bless you with my strength!

    The Wither King will choose one random player in the party and he will kill the rest (Scripted) so the player that is chosen by The Wither King must face it all by themselves whether they succeed or not. The player will be given a specific offensive buff on this phase given by the Wither King, it will also convert all of its elemental defences to weakness in order to make the fight fair, but its damage is still darkness elements. Wither King will once again summon 1 Chaos Wither while in battle. Once the player kills The Wither King, The Raid is completed.

    Name: The Wither King
    Level: 500
    Health: 24.000.000 (24m)
    AI Type: Melee
    Abilities: Heavy Charge, Heavy Teleport, Heavy Vanish, Heavy Multihit, Heavy Flamethrower, Heavy Push, Heavy Pull, Heavy Explosion, Huge Wave, Meteor, Heavy Arrow Storm, Heavy Thunderstorm, Heavy Wither Skull, Heavy Soundwaves, Heavy stomp
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Weakness
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 4)

    Name: Chaos Wither
    Level: 250
    Health: 5.000.000
    AI Type: Range (Flying)
    Abilities: Heavy Arrow Storm, Heavy Flamethrower, Heavy Wither Skull
    Elemental Stats:
    Earth, Thunder, Water, Fire, Air: Defence
    Drops: -
    Location: The Lair of Death (Boss Phase 4)

    -Special Buff
    In 4th phase, Wither King will grant the chosen player a special buff to help them to fight him.

    Bless of the Wither King buffs:
    +100% Spell Damage
    +200% Main Attack Damage
    +Soul Stealer Major ID (New): Gain 0.5% of their maximum health every time hitting a mob.
    +Decay Touch Major ID (New): When hitting an enemy, there’s a 10% chance to drain the enemy’s health for 0.5% of their maximum health for 10s.

    -Victory Dialogue
    After the player defeated The Wither King, a dialogue will play before bringing them to the rewards room.

    [1/5] The Wither King: “Heh… I guess you all came here for a reason eh…?
    [2/5] The Wither King: “I’m surprised all of you manage to defeat me, well… <Playername> did most the work…
    [3/5] The Wither King: “Well since you defeated me, I shall reward you a worthy reward for stepping your feet here…
    [4/5] The Wither King: “I’m impressed really I am…
    [5/5] The Wither King: “Farewell… and may we fight again for a friendly rematch, warriors…

    -Defeat Dialogue
    But if the players all died in the Wither King’s boss room and in the challenge room, a cutscene will play instead of throwing them out instantly from the raid like the previous raids.

    [1/5] The Wither King: “HAH! As I expected you humans are just a bunch of disappointments!
    [2/5] The Wither King: “I’ve been waiting patiently for you to impress me with your powers but it results in nothing?!
    [3/5] The Wither King: “What a shame! You, mortals, are just failures!
    [4/5] The Wither King: “I’m going to erase your puny souls from existence with a black hole!
    [5/5] The Wither King: “Farewell weakling fools! May regret fills your soul! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

    The players’ souls are getting erased by The Wither King by putting them in a black hole and then they all spawned back in the raid entrance with the text “Raid Failed!”

    -Raid Power Ups
    After each of the three Challenge Rooms, you will be able to choose one of three randomly-selected powerups, increasing in tier from I to III with each successive challenge. In this raid, there are only 2 power-ups you can choose, unlike the previous raids that have 3.

    1. Withered Buffs:
    Tier I:
    +90 Intelligence
    +70 Mana Steal
    +70% Spell Damage
    Tier II:
    +50 Mana Regen
    +Transcendence Major ID
    +70% Spell Damage
    Tier III:
    +50 Mana Regen
    +Sorcery Major ID
    +70% Spell Damage

    2. Enraged Buffs:
    Tier I:

    +60 Strength
    +60% Exploding
    +5000 Main Attack Damage
    Tier II:
    +60 Dexterity
    +Fission Major ID
    +300% Main Attack Damage
    Tier III:
    +5000 Main Attack Damage
    +400% Main Attack Damage
    +Explosion Impact Major ID

    3. Protected Buffs
    Tier I:

    +5000 Health Bonus
    +80 Defence
    +500 Raw Health Regen
    Tier II:
    +5000 Health Bonus
    +80 Agility
    +1000 Raw Health Regen
    Tier III:
    +5000 Health Bonus
    +100% Health Regen
    +Heart of the Pack Major ID

    -Raid Rewards
    1. Liquified Emeralds

    Quantity: 5-10
    2. Tomes of Weapon Mastery IV, Dungeoneering Mastery IV, Slaying Mastery IV, Gathering Mastery IV
    Quantity: 1-5
    Lv. Min: 106
    Notes: Includes Fabled and Mythic Tier IV tomes.
    3. Terror / Armageddoom
    Quantity: 1
    Lv. Min: 106
    Notes: Very rare chance to get compared to any mythics in the game, only this raid exclusive to get
    4. Charm of the Nether

    Quantity: 1
    Lv. Min: 106
    5. Corkian Amplifier IV
    Quantity: 1-5
    6. Tier VII Powders
    Quantity: 1-5
    Notes: Powder may be any element
    7. Tier I Darkness Powders
    Quantity: 1-15
    Notes: Brand new powders only obtainable in this raid
    8. Tol Runes
    Quantity: 5-10
    9. Lutho & Nether Fortress Teleport Scrolls
    Quantity: 3
    10. White Horse
    Quantity: 1

    -How the Brand new Items works?
    1. Tomes of Master VI:
    A better tomes than Tier III
    2. Charm of the Nether: A charm that gave the players high offensive stats both in melee and spells but received 50-100% more damage.
    -Name: Charm of the Nether
    -Level: 106
    -Stats: 5% to 30% Spell damage
    : 5% to 30% Melee damage
    : 50 to 100% damage taken from mobs
    3. Corkian Amplifier IV: Use this while identifying or re-rolling an item to increase its positive ID rolls by 20%
    4. Tier VII Powders: A stronger and better version of Tier VI Powders (Also bringing back some un-nerfed powder specials before 2.0 and cannot be combined with Tier VI Powders so must be combined with another Tier VII powders).
    5. Tier I Darkness Powders: A powder that is specialized for Legendary and Mythic Weapons (Can be upgraded into Tier VII). The Legendary and Mythic weapons will have an extra slot for Darkness powders that deal darkness damage to mobs. Note: Darkness powders are for weapons only and it acts like true damage to mobs since darkness defences don’t exist.
    6. Nether Fortress Teleport Scrolls: A teleport scroll that will bring you to the Nether Fortress (Town).

    7. Terror:

    8. Armageddoom:

    That's my whole idea about a new raid idea suggestion, yeah I know fruma update will come out but I'm just sharing ideas cause it's fun for me personally. I'm so, so sorry I make all of you read this long text because I don't know how to make the "SPOILER" thing. But anyway, please let me know what ya all think about this Raid idea!

    Fun Facts:

    -The mob with the lowest health in this raid has 1.5m health (LOWEST)
    - Like TNA, you can't lose soul points here
    Bixlo likes this.
  2. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    A for effort, but this is not exactly what should be in Wynncraft. If anything this reminds me of a skyblock dungeon.

    For one:
    Corruption does not come from the Nether. It comes from the clashing of light and dark. If anything, this would be the most concentrated beast of corruption. However, you don't do raids for lore and instead do it for gameplay so I'll judge the rest of this.

    This rooms seems to have the player in the altar just wait for 3 minutes. This otherwise just seems like a generic defense room with no other twists.

    This is a neatish concept, except this is pretty much the same thing as the maze room from TCC.

    This actually seems like a neat concept.

    Alright concept at the surface level, but this again brings up the whole player waiting until the challenge is done thing.

    This is honestly a terrible idea. This is just a glorified dps test.

    This is a pretty boring idea too that just be completed by walking. This is also kinda similar to Ozoth in the thanos depository, but that seems to do it way better.

    Staying away from the guy is also a neat concept, but this should be in a quest. This is far too outlandish for a raid boss, and really punishes people who have slow builds, unless the guy himself is moving 1 meter per hour, which in turn would just trivialize this phase entirely.

    Pretty inoffensive, but please elaborate on the script spells it has.

    This is also a neat idea, but the ones that are killed should just stay dead.

    But this is also a terrible idea. This is a raid, which requires team cooperation. Yea, soloing raid bosses exist, but if it's random, then you have to pray that the one RNGesus chose is actually competent. The entire raid is jeopardized just because RNGesus was having a bad day. If anything, this phase should just be removed.

    I think T3 tomes are enough.
    Nether Charm seems too OP.
    Not opposed to cork. amplifier 4.
    T6 powders are enough.
    We don't need true damage.
    TP scrolls are alright.
    I'm not qualified to talk about items so I'll let someone else do that.

    Overall, this has some alright concepts, but this is far too outlandish to implement into Wynncraft, along with some things that just shouldn't be implemented at all.

    (also the dialogue is pretty generic bad guy dialogue. idrk how to improve it though. also deus if you stumble upon this post lay the news upon them lightly)
    Six likes this.
  3. Jack303_

    Jack303_ Cataclysm enthusiast

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    Honestly the reason I thought the nether was the source of corruption because some early game quests such as fate of the fallen, Studying the corrupt, but overall thank you for the correction I must've missunderstood

    Waiting simulator I guess

    Pretty much that's how I get the refrence but instead of guiding, you must find it yourselves

    I got this Idea from the 3rd room the escort room from the orphion's nexus of light room but the difference is that no escorting and parkour to get through all by yourself

    Another waiting simulator i guess lol

    Because DPS goess brrrr. Jokes aside, because there's going to be a player that deals extremely high damage so that's why I make this room

    This room is just a Deep Dark in a nutshell tbh

    As I write there, the boss wouldn't be as fast as most bosses, prob like having -60% walkspeed to make it easier to explain implying the shiled reduce its movements

    My bad but there's only some new spells I add, the rest are found on the wiki, but might as well to write the new spells here:
    Heavy Thunderstorms: Summons 5 lightning bolts to nearby players within 5 blocks
    Heavy Wither Skull: Summons one Wither Skull that'll follows nearby players for 10s but once its exploding dealing high damage while giving high knockback
    Heavy Soundwaves: Emmits a scream that'll freeze nearby players within 10 blocks for 1s (so it's like they feel too noisy with the roar so they can't move)
    Heavy Stomp: The boss will jumps to the air and when it lands on the ground, all players will be launched to the air. If the players didn't use their movement spells or the lightweight major id, when they lands on the ground will take 50% of their health as damage.

    I was thinking about that concept but it'll making that phase easier atm but you're prob have a point

    Honestly the only reason this phase exists is because there's going to be a player whom solo the entire boss fight, sometimes I saw someone manage to solo greg's whole bossfight, and I want to make this phase quite a surprise so everyone needs to be ready in case they are the chosen, but yeah you may be right, instead of chosen the random player and kill the rest, prob choosing them grants them the special buff that the boss give but idk we'll see

    I'm making the boss it's like yeah he's a bad guy, but I want to make him having some respect to the players tbh, but he mocks them for dissapoint his expectation

    Anyway, thank you for your time reading all of this, really appreciate it!
  4. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Still, hoping that pfinder gets you a good party isn't really a great thing to do.
    All of these are pretty decent.
    I'll still stick with the idea it should not exist at all. It's just too flawed of an idea in a raid for it to work.
  5. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Okay I haven't read everything but lore-wise this is really sus

    Also theming's kinda weird
    "The Wither King" seems kinda underwhelming and doesn't feel feel like something that would exist in the Realm of War.

    I will return in the future once I have read everything (maybe)
  6. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Okay I am back here we go

    Is there an explanation as to why we can do so?

    Generic name. As for the subtitle, the wording implies the existence of... The Existence. I'm going to assume you meant to refer to the Physical Plane (Earth) or just reality in general decaying, in which case that theme is more of The Nameless Anomaly's domain.

    I am not sure if you had Wynncraft lore in mind when making this, but in case you actually did, I am here to clear up some misconceptions:

    The Nether (Well, it's no longer called The Nether in-game anymore but still), also referred to as the Realm of War, isn't created by one lone entity. Corruption is the physical manifestation between the ongoing conflict between the Realms of Light and Dark, where Orphion and Dern Beast continue to engage in what is essentially an endless war against each other.

    With the exception of Bak'al, every other creature of Corruption is also shown to be mindless in nature. The last statement would hold little value.

    Isn't it strange design-wise for two raids to be so close together in terms of player progression? I suppose this would be a borderline valid raid if it were to provide the player with Armor Tomes, but I haven't read that far yet. I will retract my statement if I see such in the rewards area later.

    Can I assume that the max player level will be higher than 106 upon this raid's addition?

    Like I said earlier, a little underwhelming of a concept, especially when the boss of the raid of the level right before is a reality-eating metaphysical monstrosity titled "The Nameless Anomaly". Still, I won't judge on name alone, so I'll move on. Just thought it could do well to be cooler.

    You don't have to, but please go into detail on the rewards.

    Also, current mythic boots? How rare do they appear as rewards?

    I can really say why, but this dialogue feels a little... off.

    Also, aren't five people running this?

    Generic Raid Platform room, nothing much to say here.

    While simple in concept, still a good one to use. Haven't been done before, to my knowledge.

    Until now, I have been having difficulty trying to grasp the personality of the boss' character. They are intrigued by our strength, that's the only consistent trait I have noticed from them so far. Perhaps more of them is explored in the aforementioned unlock quest? I will probably learn more later in the raid. Moving on.

    Seems to be a variation of the Nexus of Light's invisible maze. Are there any enemies that appear in the room? Or is the only hazard here the sun? If it is the latter, isn't this essentially just a boring waiting game? What will you do with players who can simply fly towards the exit?

    Jumping into a pit of lava seems strange thematically but then again the absolute mess that is Corrupted Galleon's Graveyard exists. Moving on.

    Wynncraft doesn't have the tech for this. This is essentially Plateau of Reflection except far more complex, since build is also taken into account.

    I suppose one could say the same for my own suggestions, but I do try to keep into account game limitations for that one.

    Under the assumption that Wynncraft does have the capability of pulling this off, however, what exactly is the scaling here? I do believe four other players wailing on a copy with the stats mimicked 1:1 would cause the enemy to immediately die.

    Also this is a little bit irrelevant, but does the chosen player have any engagement in the room at all? Can they help whatsoever?
    If I could give a suggestion, the corrupted player might be able to do certain actions which can constantly "halt" or "repress" the corrupted version of themselves, perhaps to make the fight easier. Regardless, read above.

    So, does this guy want us to die? They seem to want us to reach their chambers, which while common for many villains in media, still seems a bit strange for the supposed source of all Corruption.

    In other words, this raid encourages glassy builds and completely blocks off any tanks. Not too good of a raid design-wise, completely limiting non-dps builds (and potentially most non-mythic builds, even) like that.

    Also, are there any enemies at all? Is the entire room literally only the door with no other hazardous elements?

    By the way why is this called the Door of Freedom

    Jesus Christ what the hell is that name

    So Red Light Green Light. This essentially goes against the build-oriented concept of Wynncraft, and throws everything but walkspeed out of the window. Skill isn't even involved here, it is literally just holding w for a full minute with no further consequences.

    Why are powder specials included here? There's literally nothing to fight.

    Overall, a conceptually flawed room. I don't like it.

    Why is this guy encouraging us to win?!

    Introducing my own boss SUPER ULTRA MEGATRONUS 10000, Ultimate Destructor And Eradicator Of All Of Life And The Universe And Everything

    I apologize. Back to my neutral, impartial, mildly passive-aggressive self.

    So it's a "walking away" simulator for a full twenty seconds. How engaging.

    Also, how big is this arena?

    The Nameless Anomaly, a boss fought at the same level in a raid that is designed around literal glass cannon playstyles, has a little over twenty million health. What kind of player is this same-stage raid trying to find here?

    What are his spell chains? Please elaborate on them instead of just listing the spells he can cast.

    Is this a flavor stat or are you expecting a darkness element to be added alongside this raid?

    Speaking of which, why does the source of goddamn Corruption have the Darkness Element?!

    In other words, no one is ever going to kill any of them.

    Again, who is this guy and why does he play fair his sheer influence literally tore apart an entire goddamn continent for a thousand years and counting

    Holy sweet mother of Azathoth and all else that is Lovecraftian

    Do we just have to guess? This is six million hp!

    Damn, I'm hearing dings like it's a Cinemasins video. Guess this is how Jeremy feels like every movie he narrates. I'll be back later because this one reply is getting too long.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
  7. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Okay I am back here we go (again)

    I would like to make a short detour back to the beginning before I continue

    "easier". "Easier". "EASIER". Funniest joke in centuries.

    We shall continue

    Actually wait I would like to return because I just noticed this
    You said that the Wither King was the source of Corruption, yet the quest name is the source of Decay. Pick one, is this Corruption or Decay? Or is "Decay" literal here?

    Okay now we shall actually return

    I missed this reading it the first time. In this case, how would any single player get the wrong clone?

    Also, isn't this literally just the same as the Door of Freedom? What purpose do the clones serve if you can know at all times which one the real one is? No one is going to "accidentally" kill a clone when all of them have six million health.

    First off, dialogue counter error, but not to worry.

    Secondly, I am this close to being convinced the Wither King is an actual player who decided to impersonate themselves as an edgy Wynncraft boss and are now doing a really bad job trying not to appear otherwise.

    Speaking of which, how long does this dialogue last? Do the clones not regenerate immediately after?

    Absolutely flawed idea, and goes against the entire point of a raid's consistent theme of player cooperation and teamwork. I don't even have an improvement to suggest here, please remove this.

    I feel like I can make a joke out of this


    Got any... "milk"?

    I have no qualms about the buff, but why specifically from the Wither King? Does he want us to lose or not?

    Again, why? This is his last phase, does he not want to kill us all?

    Speaking of which, if he has the capability of one-shotting four of the five of us why doesn't he just do it to everyone? And why now?

    No but like why tho

    So what the hell was the point of this

    We didn't even get rid of the Corruption we just fought some knockoff Lich

    I like the concept of a death animation. Add a way to skip it, however. Seems a bit long.

    Not much to say aside from the names being a bit lackluster and the fact that these buffs don't nearly put the players on par on how outrageously high all the enemies' stats still are

    This isn't worth 5-10 Liquid Emeralds. I might as well run TNA and suffer ten times less consequences.

    We already have Weapon Mastery tomes in TNA why are you giving us a new tome tier literally one level above TNA

    Bro Armor Tomes are just left in the dust in TCC we desperately need new ones



    Welp, there goes the horse market. I don't care how rare they are they're going to cost literal pennies now

    How much do you enjoy crashing the entire market and ruining the economy

    Can you please give me whatever you are on. I want to ascend.


    Why is there a town in the Realm of War

    Are Withers not magical?

    I beg to differ.

    You got that right. Just... not from the boots.

    I appreciate you making this suggestion and encourage you to keep making more, you clearly put a lot of effort into this post. You just have... quite a bit to learn. Please take all of this as constructive yet harsh criticism and keep going!

    You said this might be easier than TNA how warped is your perception of endgame

    This should be a necessity at this point

    Still hearing the dings. So many dings. Anyways that's all I have, that took awhile.

    Now if only people could scrutinize and criticize my Charon post this much...
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
  8. Jack303_

    Jack303_ Cataclysm enthusiast

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    I mean when you're suggesting an idea there must been some people that disagree with you right? So don't worry it's totally fine for me for taking any criticism and since you seem like really read the whole idea and telling me your thoughts, So sorry I can't quote everything you said tho, but again I truly appreciate your thoughts on my idea whether you like it or criticize it because you seem to read everything I write lol and yes maybe I need to learn more about suggesting ideas, I'll try. Thank you again for your thoughts!
  9. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    No problem. I am eager to see what else you make
    Elysium_ likes this.
  10. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    This does not fit wynncraft at all. We are not adding this
    - "The Nether" refers exclusively to the roots of corruption, which is called the "Nether Basin". the portal does not lead to "The Nether", it instead leads to a location known as the "Realm of War". Corruption is the Influence of this Realm.
    - The Wither is not part of the canon in any regard.
    - If there is a mastermind behind Corruption, it would be a hypothetical Realm Beast of War, just as there is a Realm Beast of Light (Orphion) and a Realm Beast of Darkness.
    - Decay is not related to Corruption. Decay is something Dark is doing.
    - Darkness is not Corruption. Darkness is its own independent influence.
    - Darkness damage will never exist in game. It is likely that the mention of "Dark" being an element will be entirely cut from the game, as it is not an element in the lore. That dialogue in A Journey Further is basically a fluke and should be disregaded entirely. Further, "Darkness Powders" will not be added.
    - The Nameless Anomaly is level 105. This places this raid as 106, only one level apart. Raids are meant to be spaced way further apart, which is why the four have the gaps that they do.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
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  11. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Yeah I already told them that

    Albeit in a less direct way but still
    To be honest I asked them in the form of questions to see their reasoning and perhaps get some insight into their thought process rather than just straight up saying "This won't happen"
  12. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    i am sorry maddie but you genuinely really need to stop responding to suggestions in this way
    like i understand you were probably told to take being a staff member more seriously but this is really not the way to go about it
    it is really demotivating when you pour like an hour or two into a suggestion you made for fun knowing it will never be added to the game only for a staff member to respond to your post harshly with "we will not add this" and then listing the reasons why its bad
    do i agree with what you said? yes. but i wouldn't tell the suggester about how its bad because obviously theyre just exploring their creativity and having some fun, and its never fun to be told your post sucks by someone you look up to. especially in such an aggressive way
    i do not have anything against you for this i just hate to see you act this way to people because i was just like them a few years ago and i know what its like to be told your ideas are not good
    is criticism necessary? of course. but it can be delivered in a nicer way, i think.
    ultimately i think the best way to respond to suggestions like this as a staff member is to Not, because i think the suggester already knows their idea will never make it to the game and its not really within their interest to be told their suggestion sucks by one of the people whose work they're imitating
    as a staff member you are a role model to these people, please do not let them down like this.
    Elysium_, Bixlo, ShadowMage1 and 8 others like this.
  13. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Always felt like something's wrong with the way she posts these but I could never really find anything inherently off reading them at face-value, so I couldn't really put any of it into words. Well said!
    But at the same time while I dislike the part of her post that discourages the user never to make suggestions like these again, I still appreciate some of the corrections. As a person who makes these suggestions myself, I know that pretty much most of mine won't ever be added into the game, but I still seek out feedback and criticism regardless. I love the discussion that is formed through posts like these, and asking people not to make them simply goes against the idea.

    I know my own insight on their Raid Suggestion's quite harsh, but I do personally believe that I still give pretty good points on the actual suggestion in of itself, and ultimately still ask them to persist in their creativity. No offense Madeline, but in terms of putting them down you could be a little bit less... dismissive, in tone.
  14. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    This is what i mean by them being so "robotic"
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  15. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    If you want to suggest something new, give a shorter summary suggestion of your idea and what you expect to come from it. Putting something for every mob and lore is doing the content team’s job for them. I see so many people make this mistake.
    Deusphage likes this.
  16. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Except people genuinely do think we are going to add these suggestions. I only started doing this because I saw people being sad that their suggestions weren't getting added. They would bump their posts and talk about it being added next update and stuff like that, or talk about it in the discord, just because there wasn't any direct "no". I'm not doing this to stop creativity. I think the fact that people take time to create their own ideas of stuff is cool, and i've said before that they would be cool in a forum like your-work, but this forum is specifically for suggestions people are looking to have us add to the game.
    TL;DR, I do it because otherwise I see people getting upset that we aren't adding them. If I was a poster who genuinely thought my idea was going to get added to the game I'd rather it be clear from the beginning that it doesn't work instead of entertain the idea for a few months where I am super optimistic on something that would never be implemented.

    I'll try to soften how I say it, I agree that it can come off as harsh.
    I'm completely fine with people making these, they should just be in the forum for creations you've made and not the forum for suggestions for things to be implemented into the game
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
  17. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    i honestly dont think this really matters because at the end of the day if these people really think their suggestions have any chance of being added then it just means they're probably young and there's a lesson to be learned in what is and is not realistic. i am also not sure exactly what you're referring to here, for example you could be referring to situations like nip nop's archer atree rework where the suggestion was actually very serious or you could be referring to a suggestion like this one where it's more clearly just for fun
    the general suggestions subforum may be intended for this but it has sort of become something else where its more of a "check out my fun ideas for wynncraft" section with a few genuine ideas thrown into the mix. i dont think it matters when people post things like this in here. if people really need to be told that their suggestion is not being added, try to let them down more lightly. your responses to these are usually incredibly harsh and robotic in tone which is just really demotivating for the people who are just here to have some fun. also i think you should only really let people down when it is absolutely needed, like in cases you mention where people continue to bump their threads and ask why it isnt being added. another note is that the people suggesting these dont really need to be inundated with lore information like in your response on this thread, as most people are not too thoroughly interested in the lore and do not really care if their post isnt perfectly accurate to wynns existing story
    nobody is really asking you to entertain these ideas when you could also just provide constructive feedback or just generally not respond to them. you dont have to flat out say "this will not be added" when you can also just lightly explain why such a thing might not work and perhaps even provide some ideas on how to tweak it to be better
    on an ending note i disagree with this, because as i said above this subforum is kinda just "share ideas you have" rather than exclusively "be very serious and deliver strong ideas for the game". i also just dont feel like the your work section is the place for these.
    Elysium_, Bixlo and DrGREEN like this.
  18. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    The same could be said for Wynncraft’s own staff lol. They have gotten better with lore consistency over time but it’s still not that strict. I distinctly remember in Grian’s forum post about guidelines for adding content and one of them was along the lines of “no modern machines/technologies like computers.” And lo and behold Corkus happens, which was also a user suggestion. It was a minor and undeveloped one at that too.
  19. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    it is worth noting that the corkus suggestion was almost nothing like corkus actually is now and was basically only similar in island shape and location names. corkus honestly feels more like a reference to that suggestion rather than the suggestion actually being added
  20. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    That’s true to some extent since it was added almost as a joke and as I said the suggestion didn’t have that much to begin with, but it definitely feels a bit out of place thematically and lore wise. Not that I care and I enjoy Corkus anyway, but there are definitely notable differences between Corkus and the rest of the content. It feels planned long after Wynn and Gavel were even conceived and not the other way around.
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