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World The Infinite Labyrinth - an endless challenge idea

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Dragon_Beenz64, May 23, 2023.



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  1. Dragon_Beenz64

    Dragon_Beenz64 Consider my timbers shivered

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    I thought of this idea of an endless challenge mode for Wynncraft. Your goal is to get as far as you can. You can queue with up to 6 people in the Party Finder for this, but you need to be level 80+. When someone dies, they have to spectate. However, you can find revives occasionally in the labyrinth.

    It will be called the Infinite Labyrinth.

    There are 4 main types of rooms in the labyrinth, which are:
    • Combat: Focused on killing enemies to proceed (most common)
    • Puzzle: Focused on solving puzzles to proceed. (least common)
    • Parkour: Focused on doing parkour to proceed. (2nd most common)
    • Boss: Focused on killing a boss to proceed.
    Health of mobs and amount of mobs also scales with the room you are on.
    The rooms are randomly generated, except for Boss rooms, which occur every 20 rooms.

    There are also Superboss rooms, which occur every 5th boss room.

    Mob Types
    In combat rooms, there are different types of mobs, which are:
    • Corrupteds: Overall, Corrupteds have low HP, but deal high damage. They come in 2 variants, zombie and skeleton. Zombie Corrupteds have a melee AI, and are quite fast. Skeleton Corrupteds often spawn high up on ledges, and have a ranged AI. This is the most common mob type, making up about 55% of mobs in a combat room.
    • Dernic: Dernic mobs have a lot of abilities. Dernic mobs have 3 variants, endermen, who have more abilities, and are ranged, but have less HP, voidforms, which are very heavy-hitting, and are hard to hit, and anomalies, who have high HP, but don't deal much damage, and are typically slower. These make up about 20% of mobs in a room.
    • Golems: Golems are very tanky, but slow. They have no variants however, with there just being one type of golem. Golems make up about 20% of mobs in a room.
    • Elementals: Elementals have a variety of attack styles, and there is one variant for each element, which are Earth (very high melee damage), Thunder (ranged damage), Water (lots of abilities), Fire (high HP), and Air (very fast). These are the rarest mobs, making up only 5% of mobs in a room.
    Mob Modifiers
    Mobs can have modifiers too, which affect their damage, health and speed. There is a 10% chance of a mob having a modifier.
    • Raging: 85% speed bonus, 40% damage bonus (30% chance)
    • Tactical: 80% ranged damage bonus, attacks are twice as slow (30% chance)
    • Tank: 50% damage reduction, 40% health bonus (20% chance)
    • Mystic: 50% ability damage bonus (19% chance)
    • Omega: 40% speed bonus, 40% melee damage bonus, 40% damage reduction, 40% health bonus, 40% ability damage bonus (1% chance)
    A mob can have more than 1 modifier, and they can stack too. For another modifier, it is another 10% chance after the first modifier, and so on. When there are multiple of the same modifier, it is displayed as [modifier name] x[amount of modifier]. E.G: Raging x2 Zombie

    There are boss variants of each mob variant, which are:
    • Zombie Overlord
    • Skeleton Chief
    • Mutated Enderman
    • Unstable Voidform
    • Anomalous Abomination
    • Reimagined Golem
    • Chaos Elemental
    They have anywhere from 250k - 300k health for room 20, and the range increase to 350k - 400k for room 40, 450k - 500k for room 60, and so on.

    Pretty much just bosses but way stronger. The superbosses are:
    • Corrupted Warlord
    • Unholy Archer
    • Hellsent Enderman
    • Collapsing Voidform
    • Unrecognizable Anomaly
    • Berserk Golem
    • Elemental Overseer
    At room 100, superbosses have 2m - 3m health, 3m - 4m health at room 200, 4m-5m health at room 300, and so on.

    At the end of a run when everyone is dead, for every room you clear, you will get 0.4% of the XP towards the next level if you are level 80-90, 0.3% from level 91-95, 0.2% from 96-100, and 0.1% for 101+. Bosses and superbosses give 3% and 10% of the XP towards the next level.

    In terms of emeralds, you will get 640 emeralds if you clear room 10, and past that, 48 emeralds for each room you clear.
    Making it past room 100 gives you 128 emeralds per room.
    Every boss you clear gives you 512 emeralds.
    Every superboss you clear gives you 2048 emeralds.

    You also get 4-7 unidentified items.
    • Final room = Room 10-50: Normals and uniques
    • Final room = Room 51-100: Uniques, rares, and sets
    • Final room = Room 101-200: Uniques, rares, sets and legendaries
    • Final room = Room 201-400: Uniques, rares, sets, legendaries and fableds
    • Final room = Room 401-800: Rares, sets, legendaries, fableds and mythics
    • Final room = Room 801-1000: Sets, legendaries, fableds and mythics
    • Final room = Room 1001+: Legendaries, fableds and mythics
    closier, person614 and Elysium_ like this.
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    It's an OK idea in theory, but it doesn't seem very fun to go through endlessly. Also the mob ideas are a little meh, especially with the Dernic ones which don't really fit the theme of Darkness.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  3. punscake

    punscake Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I, on the contrary, think that an endlessly scaling challenge would be an excellent solution to running out of content to do in the late game. Provided the content is actually repetitively engaging *cough* forgery *cough*.
    Some thoughts on the topic:
    1. Instead of starting at high levels, with mobs having 200k hp, make this content available as early as possible. To prevent obvious power levelling strat - apply the xp penalty to the final reward based on expected level of last room. Also limit high level discrepancy in parties.
    2. The idea is very complex and probably difficult to implement, so scale back by reusing monsters and bosses. Having simply random mobs in each room will not only reduce the amount of work this would take, but also make mob combinations unpredictable, forcing players to adapt and improving replayability.
    3. I fear that puzzle and parkour rooms will either feel like you are playing solo, or create situations where you afk while waiting for someone to finish; alternatively if they are team based they will create frustration in randomly assembled parties. I currently do not see a solution to this, but their role, which is giving the players a break from combat, can be fulfilled by some Lounge type room, that maybe has a selector for buffs for the run, or a shop, or anything really to give the player a break from combat.
    4. Rooms should have a different strategy each time. Currently I imagine every room would be beaten by a pack of players sitting behind a tank with a healer and killing any mob without much thought. Rooms should force you to reposition, unexpectedly separate you from the team, and only at times force you to group up. This all suggests that rooms should be big, giving room to mobs that have Push and Pull abilities to mess you up. Also rooms should perhaps have small objectives, something like holding a pressure plate, or mobs that need to be flanked (turrets?). Don't want to add too much to this section tho, as this is already very ambitious.
    5. Reward rarity should scale not just with number of rooms, but player level as well, so lower level players that simply cant get too far can still get legendries and such.
    6. Rooms should be easy enough to skip if they are far below your power level (a.k.a. no 'wait 5 minutes to proceed' shit). This is prob already included if the room's only requirement is to kill all enemies.
    7. Entry cost is your time. As a baseline that is enough. This kind of content has a chance to captivate new players, and adding layers to entry will drive players away from it. Entry should be easy, no broken key + rune stuff. If the entrance isn't free - it costs emeralds.

    Overall great idea @Dragon_Beenz64
    shacers and luckeyLuuk like this.
  4. AveryLotus

    AveryLotus Newbie Adventurer VIP

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    I think an endless mode could be really cool, however it would definitely need to be worth the time sink. Also there'd have to be interesting and unique things part way through, to make it not mind-numbingly boring once you've done it for hours.

    Seems really cool though!
    Elysium_ and luckeyLuuk like this.
  5. Sunstaar

    Sunstaar Skilled Adventurer

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    A really cool idea! I agree with everything punscake said. I'm a bit concerned about the number of rooms needed to get good rewards. I would probably divide the number of runs needed by 10, assuming a combat room would take about 2-3 mins and they have around 3 combat rooms for 1 puzzle/lounge room.
  6. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    Good idea but a puzzle room does t make sense in an infinite dungeon
  7. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I'll add on that we've talked about procedurally generating stuff before, and there's some limitations with how it works that would be so completely game breaking that it would remove all novelty of it because of how buggy it would be. The closest thing you could get is pre made rooms, but those take a lot of time to make and code.

    Second time saying it but the mobs are super weird and don't fit Wynncraft. Endermen aren't even canon
  8. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    I don’t think it really matters what the mob names are these probably won’t be used, but this is definitely an endgame update wynncraft needs. It could have a whole leader board and reward system depending on how far you go
  9. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    are you not aware that wynncraft is getting new endgame content this summer
  10. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    Yes Ik. But many mmorpg have this and it could be neat to see in wynncraft
  11. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    If I may make a suggestion? I like your thinking in terms of different mob types that you have come up with here (Corrupted, Dernic, Golems, Elementals), but I personally think that a general-themed location that conforms to pretty much no region in the game (Speaking of which, where exactly is this labyrinth located?) should have much wilder and varied categories.

    Like, maybe every few rooms or so the entire theme of the labyrinth would "change", and the current theme would determine what types of mobs and puzzles would appear for the next few rooms. If, let's say, purely an example here, maybe the labyrinth switches to time-themed when the players pass the previous one, and now all the enemies are some variation of clocks, or hourglasses, or some copper and gold mechanical constructs, with the puzzles all something to do with said theme and the challenges focusing more on being timer-involved.

    I might honestly try to design some labyrinth mobs for fun sometime, my brain is already coming up with loads of new ideas just typing this out. No promises, though.
    I also can't remember if you wrote this down anywhere, but have you considered player debuffs? The addition of more and more detrimental debuffs randomly applied on players for later and later rooms would cause players to keep into account that whatever op untouchable build that they have might not be able to tear through and cheese the first few million rooms of the labyrinth, and hence plan accordingly.

    Or, if we are going to make this more fun, how about a break room containing town facilities in-between every change in theme? A list of debuffs will be displayed near the exit, which will then be applied on the players as they proceed through. This way, they will have to prepare in advance before the labyrinth and have certain builds in their bank at the ready should the player debuffs in the much, much later rooms making their builds simply too unusable. Hell, debuffs could even be decided for each player based on what aspect of the battle they do best in in the previous theme. Like, applying damage-related debuffs to the party member who dealt the most combined damage in the previous rooms. This kind of system ensures that players will always eventually succumb to legitimate deaths from mobs, without the worry of players cheesing every room or without the need to make mobs in later levels borderline unfair to kill.
    Damn, if I wasn't so busy with other projects at the moment I would 100% make a follow-up addon post with a more refined version of this endless labyrinth suggestion. Anyways, I saw this post months ago and never actually gave my feedback on it. Excellent initial concept, just what endgame players need. 7/10 overall could use some polishing and additional mechanics, but concept? 10/10!
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  12. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    i have talked about many times before why it would be an incredibly broken mess to do randomly generating dungeons in wynncraft
  13. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Hi back just coming in to say that THIS CONCEPT HAS BEEN STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR WEEKS

    I really feel like I can expand on this and make it better. Honestly? An improved version of something like this I feel would be a really great endgame challenge for players, especially if the variety of the rooms and content has a wide enough pool.

    The new lootrunning system has been a blast so far, and it might just be one of my favorite Wynncraft updates just because of the fact that they added two of the things I really wanted in Wynncraft: A rewarding solo endgame challenge, and massive revamps to the earlygame quests and content to make it more player friendly.

    I’ll try to get my current project done as fast as possible, because I do not want to let this go. Good job on getting me interested in this idea!
    luckeyLuuk and Elysium_ like this.
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