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World Wynncraft need something hard to keep tryhards

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Enter34, Apr 18, 2023.


Does that make sense?

  1. Yes, only option 1

  2. Yes, only option 2

  3. Yes, both

  4. No

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  1. Enter34

    Enter34 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    In my opinion, Wynncraft is quite an easy game when it comes to endgame content. All you need is a good build and enough resources to win most of the battles with bosses and raids. Tryhards farm TnA. It became even easier after 2.0 update as the damage output is too high, and players don't need to put in much effort. I'm not saying that TnA is very easy, but I would prefer raids to be a significant challenge. Therefore, I suggest two options:
    1. Reduce the overall damage and defense of players or make bosses and mobs stronger.
    2. (more probable and better option) We need a raid or something new for 6-8 players in Fruma, which would require a high entry cost, but the rewards would be VERY good. It would also fix the problem that tanks and support are not really necessary, especially since TnA can bypass defense. In PF, there should also be an option to select the profession: DPS, support, and tank. Something like this must be ALMOST imposible without tanks and healers. It also would made a builds of defence and high EHP based.
    PS: this kind of boss nead something like AoE dmadge to make glassy builds too op.

    I know I went into detail, but I hope you understand my point.
    Hansel likes this.
  2. Try hard

    Try hard Newbie Adventurer

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    That's good idea
    Bumping tread
  3. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    ohhh so thats how you people that likely have mythics or a full group of friends with above average builds or overpowered ship feel huh.

    now i like option 2 solely for the fact that you could actually have a role but,

    Heres my experience of the game, as a casual which i feel like most players are, in any game:

    When playing wynncraft in 1.20 has assassin, it felt really easy, i first tried every boss and every quest with my warrior friend, except for infested pit the game was easy but still fun. After reaching raids things got significantly harder though, although previously i could onlevel everything i failed constantlt in raids and EO. this was partially due to my build. after getting a flameshot build i could win a little more than half of the time, however in LI i couldnt solo unless i was extremely careful probably taking over an hour, and with a team i was constantly the one not dropping.

    NOW, in 2.0, things have gotten WORSE, my build is up to date (i think), a high damage trickobat that i know how to use (although not super well). But going into TNA, i dont know how you beat it so easily, the average random party must struggle constantly, like even in the first room we fail sometimes (not berseker berry). The boss is hard too, he crushes our lower skill gameplay and weaker builds, yeah sometimes theres a mythic user or two but they usually die randomly through the fight. Worst of all i feel like i cant contribute much damage, even with the highest damage build i can afford i deal like 1-10% of the bosses health probably, if the damage is supposed to be relatively equally spread across 4 dps which is the common party, assassin without mythic or crafted aint doing much, even after buff. And with soul points blocking the way, we cant fight out of raid bosses like qira very well either. She and solar vanguard SHREDS, but even with 3-4 tries trying to learn her moves i run out of soul points and cant do nothing. Now i could get carried or i could spend days constantly trying with refreshing soul points but you can get quite tired of that or simple feel like you didnt do anything in the casw of getting carried. All in all wynncraft doesnt need to get harder or at least make mythics less of a rarity please
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2023
  4. Enter34

    Enter34 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    You're right, I worded it wrong, I'll change the title. I'm bad at English, and I messed it up. In the 1st option I wrote it as if I wanted EVERY EXISTING BOSS to be buffed. My point was that the BOSSES IN FRUMA should be much more powerful than the other bosses are present. As for the raid, it's meant to please total tryhards and end-players. Such a raid (divided into tanks, DPS and support) must be difficult, so that everyone is not just hybrids, sometimes dodging, sometimes dealing damage - you know. In other MMOs it's the norm that everyone is either mega tanky or with high damage, but that's what I miss in wynncraft. It would also make palladin, light bender, and trickster more useful. But I don't believe that you need to change mid-game and current endgame (except TnA) eg Eye is good as it is now. Although I'm not sure if it's possible wynncraft, I want tanks (mostly palladin) and support (mostly light bender) to be more useful. If what I wrote is not possible, I would like to at least rework these archetypes. Well, I admit I messed up a bit with the difficulties of such a raidy, I admit. This thread didn't go as I wanted, I wrote a lot of things wrong and didn't fully explain :p
    Hansel, Nukewarmachine and luckeyLuuk like this.
  5. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    thank you for clearing it up now this i agree with fully. I do also wish roles were more clear in wynncraft and we could do more stuff with that!
    Enter34 and luckeyLuuk like this.
  6. luckeyLuuk

    luckeyLuuk I probably forgot that I put this here.

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    It would probably be even better if players could choose the difficulty of the raid themselves (with higher difficulties giving better rewards ofc), because players that are very bad at the game would still like to try all content and also suckceed every once in while. Though this will probably be a lot of work to implement.
    Enter34 and shacers like this.
  7. Enter34

    Enter34 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    yeh that would be fine, but higher lvl must give you better rewards
  8. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    You'd have to get rid of soul points first, but yeah this sounds good.
    I mean if you just got rid of soul points the problem would partially resolve itself because you could do bosses with intentionally bad gear or something to make them harder without worrying about losing everything from soul points.
    no, that's bad.
    I don't know what specific demographic this is meant to cater to, but I feel like whoever they are would want very difficult content that they can easily practice doing? You might be going for something different, but that's at least my impression. High entry costs don't really make anything more difficult or fun, they just prevent players who don't have money from doing stuff, and make it more frustrating for everyone.
    luckeyLuuk and Enter34 like this.
  9. SLScool

    SLScool Well-Known Adventurer

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    Unless the bad gear is normal tier items, in which case, you probably won't worry about losing it.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  10. SuperPacific

    SuperPacific Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    raid idea: kill the monarch but all ur weapons turn into pitchforks and torches and everyone is in a farmer skin but the monarch got all ur items
    if u fail raid sucks for u, u lost all ur stuff
    and also the dmg ur pitchforks and torches do and other stats is based on ur gear

    crazy good idea fr
  11. En1gmatic

    En1gmatic Skilled Adventurer

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    I think I agree with almost all points made here (we need actually difficult content), except for this one.
    Why a high entry cost? All that does is block people with lower nets from playing it - ideally, anyone could play this.

    . . . except, no, they couldn't. This raid, like so many that came before it, would have the Mythic issue.
    Either people without Mythics wouldn't be able to play it because it's too hard, or people with Mythics could breeze through it.

    Alright, fine, I have two issues with this suggestion.
    Primarily, that higher entry costs are just completely unnecessary and entry costs shouldn't even exist because all they do is provide a roadblock for poorer players to do the content.
    Secondly, the Mythic Problem - either this raid wouldn't be able to live up to its name as insanely difficult because anyone with an Epoch could clear it in minutes, or people without Mythics wouldn't even have a shot at beating the dungeon.
    My suggestion would be to nerf mythics, but that's out of the scope of this thread.
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