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Game Mechanics The Thieves Guild

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Wolfie0109, Apr 14, 2023.

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  1. Wolfie0109

    Wolfie0109 Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    hello this is my first post, I just wanted to write down some ideas that I could come back to

    The Thieves Guild
    The thieves guild would be a group of well thieves that would have different tiers and they would be found all over Wynn. They would have 2 encounter types and Ambush or a Trap.You may ask what is their purpose? They will stop new players going to harder areas than they are supposed to, I find this a problem as you can go to gavel right at the start of the game
    The Tiers of Thieves
    Tier 1:
    175 health
    10 dps
    Groups of 2 to 4
    20 combat xp per

    Tier 2:
    1500 health
    35 dps
    Groups of 5 to 7
    45 combat xp per

    Tier 3:
    15,000 health
    90 dps
    Groups of 6 to 8
    110 combat xp per

    Tier 4:
    45,000 health
    135 dps
    Groups of 8 to 11
    190 combat xp per
    Encounter Types
    Ambushes would be where a group of thieves appear (with smoke particles).
    An Ambush would have higher numbers of thieves but the player would have no debuffs unlike traps.
    After the player defeats all thieves a reward chest would appear typically containing lots of emeralds and a smaller amount of potions. (90% emeralds, 10% health potions)
    Traps would appear around the map in different forms, Either a trapped chest or a fake NPC with a quest(the quests would not actually exist) and if the player interacts with one a group of thieves appear.(Typically a lower amount then ambushes). The player would take 15% of their health in damage and be unable to move and have blindness for 5 seconds, after the 5 seconds the player would recieve slowness 1 for an additional 5 seconds.
    After the player manages to defeaft the thieves a reward chest would appear containing some emeralds and a few potions. (70% emeralds, 20% health potions , 10% mana potions

    Loot Table from killing theives
    Tier 1 | 15% 3 em blocks | 8% 7 em blocks |
    Tier 2 |17% 10 em blocks |10% 12 em blocks |
    Tier 3 |25% 10 em blocks |13% 15 em blocks |
    Tier 4 |55% 10 em blocks |15% 25 em blocks |

    New Items
    Basic Thieves Dagger:
    Super Fast Attack Speed

    Neutral Damage: 36-54
    Air Damage: 0-3

    Class Req: Assasin/Ninja
    Combat Lv. Min: 21
    Agility Min: 13
    Dexterity Min: 5

    +3 Agility
    +27% Walk Speed
    +31% Stealing

    Basic Thieves Wand:
    Very Fast Attack Speed

    Neutral Damage: 27-34
    Air Damage: 8-15

    Class Req: Mage/Dark Wizard
    Combat Lv. Min: 21
    Agility Min: 13
    Dexterity Min: 5

    +3 Agility
    +22% Walk Speed
    +26% Stealing

    Basic Thieves Relik:
    Very Fast Attack Speed

    Neutral Damage: 28-37
    Air Damage: 9-16

    Class Req: Shaman/Skyseer
    Combat Lv. Min: 21
    Agility Min: 13
    Dexterity Min: 5

    +3 Agility
    +16% Walk Speed
    +31% Stealing

    1: Items Added
    2: Buffed Basic Thieves Wand
    3: Higher Combat level req on thieves items
    4:Buffed Basic Thieves Relik
    5:Higher rewards for T1 thieves
    6:combat xp added
    7: nerfed Basic Theives Dagger
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2023
    Elysium_ likes this.
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Huh...? Are you suggesting mob ambushes..? I don't really get this
  3. Wolfie0109

    Wolfie0109 Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    what no I was suggesting a new mob to help with progression
  4. TotemOfUndying

    TotemOfUndying Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Why do low level players need to be stopped from going to high level areas though?
    There are already higher level mobs there to discourage new players from going there underleveled, but it's a fun challenge for players who have already played wynncraft.
    It doesn't really break progression, since you can't really fight mobs, you can't use higher level gear, and you can't do quests or discoveries.
    One advantage going to areas that aren't too much higher than your level gives is being able to grind mobs there to level up quicker. This doesn't change the gameplay much for people playing blind on their first playthrough, as they won't know these areas exist, or if they do, they're more likely to die, but for players who have already played through the whole game, being able to go to places like scrapyard early is useful to alleviate the mob grinding.
    Deusphage likes this.
  5. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    I don't see how this helps with progression
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