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The Nameless Anomaly Sound Queue Bug

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Oblivion_, Mar 28, 2023.

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  1. Oblivion_

    Oblivion_ NivitEnderman HERO

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    Anyone who has played TNA enough may know that Greg's most lethal attack is Rend the Barrier, a charge/leap ability which places multiple void holes. During the attack, for every void hole that is placed, players within a specified radius can take ~2000-5000 damage. Generally, most players who do not react in time will get hit 4-5 times by this attack within a second. This means the attack can likely instakill any player using ETW or other glassy builds if it is not avoided.

    While this attack may be powerful, it is luckily avoidable, due to there being an ender dragon roar which plays a moment before the attack. This is the queue for players to run before the attack, however, a current bug with this sound queue can make it effectively impossible to avoid. I dont fully understand what causes it yet, but I have discovered a few connections to certain archetypes which it affects more, and I will try my best to explain it here.

    The Bug:

    As stated previously, the sound queue is intended to be a warning to give players time to escape the attack. However, under certain conditions, the sound queue is delayed, playing after the attack itself. This removes the only effective way to avoid the most powerful attack in the bossfight.

    This also does not seem to be a client side issue, since every time it happens in a party the entire team seems to notice it.

    Possible Cause:

    This is merely speculation, and these could have all been coincidences.

    I have played nearly every archetype in TNA so far, and I have noticed that the bug happens on certain archetypes more than others. Out of all, boltslinger seems to be the most commonly affected archetype, where (from my experience) the bug has occured most of the time. I have also heard from others that it happens with arcanist aswell. I have never gotten the bug with warrior or riftbender yet however.

    This leads me to speculate that the cause of the bug has something to do with the boss being hit multiple times which somehow delays the sound queue.

    Conclusion: This bug is awful. And if there is no player-side fix around it, I think devs should certainly make it a priority. It makes otherwise great builds such as etw divzer boltslinger fall short due to the chance of them being instakilled by an unavoidable attack.

    If there is however, any way to fix/make the bug happen less often with archetypes like boltslinger, please let me know in the replies.
  2. SLScool

    SLScool Well-Known Adventurer

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    Do you mean "queue," "cue," or some of each? The post reads very differently depending on which one you're trying to use.
  3. Oblivion_

    Oblivion_ NivitEnderman HERO

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    I mean sound "cue", apologies if I had said both. This post referrs to the sound Greg makes before doing his "rend the barrier" attack.
  4. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    minecraft has a sound limit, meaning that only a certain, finite number of sounds can be played at the same time.

    if this sound limit is met/exceeded, sounds will get cut off or fail to play due to the aforementioned limit, which is why the sound cues don't work sometimes. it's not a wynncraft thing, but a limitation of minecraft itself.

    the fact that it happens most with boltslinger isn't surprising, as it tends to create a lot of sounds very quickly.

    if it really gets unbearable, there are mods you can download to increase the number of sounds that can play at once. i highly recommend using ExtendPolyphonyLimit, which on 1.12.2, increases the limit from 28 sounds at once to 1,073,741,824 sounds at once
  5. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    This is why I propose a more obvious visual telegraph for the TNA dash

    Visual telegraphs require an actual object to fully obstruct it from the player's awareness, which makes it infinitely better than sound, which can be easily overlapped by any other sound currently being played as well

    How about the massive explode particles, similar to what The Eye uses for its failed Wretches attack but smaller? No other explode particles are ever used in the battle (or at least, that I've seen) so it would be a really obvious and reasonable indicator for such a deadly attack.

    purin, W1zX and luckeyLuuk like this.
  6. W1zX

    W1zX Skilled Adventurer

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    This seems like a really smart idea, would help a lot for people like me who have volume really low.
  7. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    please yes because i dont have sound at all
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