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Crafted Item Durability Rework

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by curlyi, Mar 12, 2023.

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  1. curlyi

    curlyi Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Durability on crafted items is a large turn-off for the use of crafted items. It limits how much you can use something, before having to repair it, and requires frequent repairs to avoid the item losing stats.

    The problem with durability is it is based off of hits and uses. So no matter what material you use, no matter the power of the item, you lose durability at the same rate throughout the whole game.

    Armour should lose durability based on how much damage is received.
    - This will be split over all armour pieces.
    - Includes environmental damage, but durability will be lost twice as slow from environmental sources. This will be separate from direct damage (i.e. taking 3500 environmental damage will not count as 3500 direct damage).

    Weapons should lose durability based on how much damage they deal.
    - Applies for both spell damage and main attack damage.
    - This lets lower damage weapons last much longer, whilst higher damage weapons will have a limited number of uses before the need to repair.

    Example values:
    Level 1-10: Lose 1 durability per 10 damage received.
    Level 41-50: Lose 1 durability per 1000 damage received.
    Level 100+: Lose 1 durability per 7500 damage received.

    Durability loss from damage will be double that of armour of the respective level, as durability will still be lost from walking ~400 blocks.
    Level 1-10: Lose 1 durability per 50 damage dealt.
    Level 41-50: Lose 1 durability per 2000 damage dealt.
    Level 100+: Lose 1 durability per 10000 damage dealt.

    Durability loss should also be capped at 1 every 10s per item. This avoids losing large amounts of durability for lengthy boss fights, attacking many mobs at once, or being multi-hit by mobs.

    Feedback welcome.
  2. nomythrilskin?

    nomythrilskin? jungle fetishes broke my kneecaps

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    Would damage taken/dealt include defense, agility, elemental defenses, etc.?
    also the 1 durability loss/10 seconds doesn't really feel like a very good solution, why not just make the durability go down slower instead of using a hardcap
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