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Any Class Endgame (lvl104+) 2.0 Non Mythic Build Collection: Raids/Dungeons/LI approved builds!

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by DeltaWave, Sep 8, 2022.

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  1. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    I updated the shaman builds for 2.0.2 for you.

    Shaman/Skyseer (Reliks):
    Creator (s): DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Overdrive
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Summoner
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...Q0o111D1G1D1g000010000C0z0z0+0+0+0+0-zllleUD0
    Primary Damage: 19k aura, 14k puppets, 19k effigy
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 38k/22k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (450hpr, totem heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (5sp)
    Comment (if any): Use vaward, a summa and back up plan for no hive. Jump height is good for summoner, so you can stay more distant and let your minions do the dmg. Damage rises to 22k puppet dps, 30k effigy dps with all boosts active.

    Creator (s): DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Overdrive
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Summoner
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...Q0o111D1G1D1g000010000C0z0z0+0+0+0+0-zllleUD0
    Primary Damage: 22k aura, 17k puppets, 22k effigy
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 30k/14k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (450 totem heals)
    Tomes (Y/N):
    Comment (if any): Alternate version of above build with higher damage and less tankiness. Damage rises to 25 puppet dps, 35 effigy dps with all boosts active.

    Creator (s): MooseWhisker, DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Overdrive
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Summoner /Acolyte
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...Q0o0o0o1L161g000010000U0z0z0+0+0+0+0-zllhEVa0
    Primary Damage: 13k aura, 13k uproot, 14k puppet dps, 19k effigy dps
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 42k/25k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1.3k hpr, 7k aura heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): If no LI/Hive, use discordant and gigabyte. 15 extra skill points to allocate however you like. Can choose between triple totem and invigorating wave depending on what you like. If you don't like flaming tongue, grabe fire mastery and better totem instead. Damage rises to 43k aura (including rebound), 16k uproot, 25k puppet dps, 36k effigy dps with all boosts active

    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): Coragon42, DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Overdrive
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Archetype(s): Summoner/Ritualist/Acolyte
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...Q0o0o0y1R0o1g000010000C0z0z0+0+0+0+0-j-Vhw2x3
    Primary Damage: 14k aura, 15k puppet dps
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 43k/30k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1.2k hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Mask of the Lunatic's aura spell cost reduction makes spellspam last longer and deal great extra dmg. All positive ele defs. No Effigy becouse mask cancels uproot. Use adder stone/ensa's faith and every item can be bought in the tm. Damage rises to 64k aura (including rebound), 25k puppet dps

    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Panic Zealot
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Archetype(s): Summoner
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...G0t0j021G1P1g00001007lU0z0z0+0+0+0+0-zllleUD0
    Primary Damage: 14k 1 mana auras, 9k dps puppets, 13k dps effigy
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 37k/20k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (500ls, 500hpr, totem heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (8 sp)
    Comment (if any): spam aura from a distance. Damage rises to 14k puppet dps, 20k effigy dps with all boosts active.

    Creator (s): DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Overdrive, offhand Lower
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Ritualist/Acolyte
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0o0o0o1a0o1g000010000C0z0z0+0+0+0+0-jdVoccjP0
    Primary Damage: 13k auras, 10k melee dps
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 41k/29k (58k/41k with mask of the awakened)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (700hpr, 400 heal rate)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Cast totem with Lower with mask of the fanatic to build up mask of the awakened. Damage rises to 34k aura (including rebound), 14k melee dps with all boosts active. Alternative tree with double totem and without regeneration: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0o0o0o1a0o1g000010000C0z0z0+0+0+0+0-z-FPF9RG0

    Tag(s) (if any): No Master Hive
    Creator: Mardeknius, DeltaWave
    Weapon: Lumina
    Element Combo: eTFA
    Archetype: Ritualist/Summoner
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0j1a0012131g00001006CC0z0z0+0+0+0+0-j-NTL2Bz1
    Primary Damage: 73k melee dps, 6k dps puppets (98k/8k with lunatic)
    EHP: 31k/19k (48k/29k with mask of the fanatic)
    Life Sustain: M (totem regeneration)
    Tomes: N
    Comments: It's just a generic tstack. Combine different masks with skill point arrangement to get crazy dmg or a tankier option.

    Creator (s): lemonalade, DeltaWave
    Weapons(s): Overdrive
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Acolyte/Ritualist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...Q0t0s1D1g1D1g000010000C0z0z0+0+0+0+0-j-R-zWk4
    Primary Damage: 15k auras (more with boosts), 8k melee dps, 5.5k tick dps
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 47k/28k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (5.9k Aura Heals, 400hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Minimal effort build for a huge result. Also works with Tachypsychia. Use discordant and durums serenity for no hive. Damage rises to 57k aura (including rebound), 10k melee dps, 7.5k tick dps with all boosts active.

    Creator (s):pikl233, DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Royal Hydrangea(can dual wield silent ballet bc yes)
    Element Combo:Rainbow
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0OH0BH0t0j1S1V1g1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0-j-R-zWD2
    Primary Damage: 12k auras, 5k melee dps, 3k tick dps
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 60k/30k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (650hpr, 7k aura heals)
    Tomes (Y/N):N
    Comment (if any): seems to be a solid tanky build. Damage rises to 44k aura (including rebound), 6k melee dps, 4k tick dps with all boosts active.

    Tag(s): No LI
    Creator (s): DeltaWave, BlueTheSniper
    Weapon(s): Cryoseism
    Element Combo: TWFA
    Archetype(s): Acolyte/Summoner/Ritualist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...k+W1G1L1a1a1g00001004fI0z0z0+0+0+0+0-j-Vhw2x3
    Primary Damage: 10k aura, 7.5k puppet dps
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 46k/24k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (250hpr, 5k aura heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Crazy build that has a bit of every archtype. I made some modifications from Blue's original build. Damage rises to 43k aura (including rebound), 12k puppet dps with all boosts active.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
  2. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    Got a little bored, so I decided to update the mage builds to 2.0.2

    Mage/Dark Wizard (Wands):
    Tag(s) (if any):No LI
    Creator (s):Ambassadress, DeltaWave
    Weapon(s):Event Horizon
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...Fq0t121L0o0+1g000010006C0z0z0+0+0+0+0-j-Rwstk
    Primary Damage: 20k meteors (57k with full winded)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi):40k/25k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M):Y (2.9k heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (1sp)
    Comment (if any): You can run water/fire powders instead if you want powder special. Try to get good mana regen and 3rd spell cost rolls, since meteor is quite expensive and entropy demands more sustain. Use summa for more mana and no tomes.

    Creator: Ambassadress
    Weapon: The Nothing
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype: Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0OH0CD0t0t1G1G0t1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0--VxBJtM1
    Primary Damage: 22k meteors (62k with full winded)
    EHP: 40k/26k
    Life Sustain: Y (2.4k heals, 700 ls, 500 hpr if that matters)
    Tomes: N
    Comments: Use gold fusion or abrasion if you havent beaten li, and discordant if no master hive. Use pro tempore if you want a full mana regen experience.

    Tag(s) (if any): No Li
    Creator (s): DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Morrowind
    Element Combo: eTWFA
    Archetype(s): Riftwalker/Arcanist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...SQ0A0f1L0i1t1g00001006CU0z0z0+0+0+0+0-j-Rwstk
    Primary Damage: 16k meteor base (45k with full winded)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 41k/17k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (2k heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: manastorm sustain moment. just a build to get out from the meta

    Light Bender
    Creator (s): Ambassadress
    Weapon(s): The Nothing
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Lightbender/Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...OH0CD0o0t1B1L0o1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0-zZdcwgNR1
    Primary Damage: 22k ophanim (73k with fortitude + max winded)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 40k/28k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (500hpr, 700ls, 10k heals basically)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comments: Use gold fusion or abrasion if you havent beaten li, and discordant if no master hive. Use lachesism if you want some extra speed for those orbs.

    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): Ambassadress, Namakobushi, DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Event Horizon
    Element Combo: Rainbow
    Archetype(s): Light bender/Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0t0u1G1G0t1g000010009I0z0z0+0+0+0+0-zZdcwgNR1
    Primary Damage: 20k ophanim (64k with fortitude +max winded)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 50k/34k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (11k heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Ataraxy should have -3 tier attack speed to make slow attack speed for optimal ophanim spamming. Use photon (instead of ingress) and abrasion if you didnt complete hive yet.

    Tag(s) (if any): No Hive, No Li
    Creator (s): Arbitrary
    Weapon(s): The Nothing
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Lightbender/Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...vM0CD0t0y0e0-0o1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0-zZdcwgNR1
    Primary Damage: 33k ophanim, 106k with full winded and fortitude.
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 24k/16k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1kls, 6.8k heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): The Nothing glass cannon build. You can replace simulacrum with Kernel if you are not level 105 yet. Use prowess if you have it, and greaves of the veneer for more tank. Does crazy damage and can stay alive pretty well too.

    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): DeltaWave, AtlasInc. inspired
    Weapon(s): Phoenix Wing
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Arcanist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...60t0w1G1G161g00001003FU0z0z0+0+0+0+0-lVu7PF-g
    Primary Damage: 16k meteor
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 49k/29k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1.5k hpr, 300ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Underrated wand, great for arcanist. Use a summa if you feel mana is low. use discordant for no hive. Powders must be mixed like it currently is to take advantage of Violet-Shift's raw neutral spell damage.

    Creator (s): MooseWhisker, DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Cascade
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Arcanist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...f0i0i0i170i1g000010039I0z0z0+0+0+0+0-lNv7PF-g
    Primary Damage: 24k meteor
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 28k/20k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1k hpr, 300ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): tanky variation: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...f0s0Y0n1U1P1g000010036U0z0z0+0+0+0+0-lNv7PF-g and high dmg variation: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...f100r0k0m0n1g000010036U0z0z0+0+0+0+0-llbFFF-2

    Tag(s) (if any): No Hive
    Creator (s): DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): Phoenix Wing
    Element Combo: EWFA
    Archetype(s): Arcanist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...60U001u1G0t1g00001007iO0z0z0+0+0+0+0-lNv7PF-g
    Primary Damage: 13k meteor
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 40k/27k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1k hpr, 300ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): Y (4sp)
    Comment (if any): Time rift version of the first build, might not be worth cuz the dmg is pretty low

    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): Namakobushi, DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): The Nothing
    Element Combo: TWF
    Archetype(s): Arcanist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0Ji0CD0W0t0o1y021g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0-lNv7PF-g
    Primary Damage: 20k meteor
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 40k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (700 hpr, 1.6k ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Very cool.

    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): EpicCajunGamer
    Weapon(s): Event Horizon
    Element Combo: ETW
    Archetype(s): Arcanist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...q1T1Q1400-p1g000010006C0z0z0+0+0+0+0-lNv7PF-g
    Primary Damage: 31k meteors
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 15k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): N
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): ETW Arcanist. Very risky build to play but worth it for its high damage. This is my first true ETW build so let me know if there are better options!

    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): hmtn
    Weapon(s): Lunar Spine, Offhand Morrowind (Movement)
    Element Combo: TWA
    Archetype(s): Arcanist/Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...QA-Q1L0y-O0y1f0000102KfI0z0z0+0+0+0+0-j-pyTxN
    Primary Damage: 31k meteor (50k with full winded)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 13.9k /8.3k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (1169/3s lifesteal)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Very glassy. Main attacks apply winded, increase mana bank, and give you window of 1-2 seconds to spellcast per melee. Hold Morrowind at any point that you're not actively blasting, even if it's just a lull in the fight. This build is my baby and I adore it.
    Extra comment: Dont take this build (actually the weapon) seriously, since its extra hard to play and has low benefit, tho if you want something more usable, you can try using this (https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...QA0t0t0y0t0y1g0000101dlC0z0z0+0+0+0+0-l-rVEzJ) or ask for starx280/hmtn for some advice.

    I fixed some of the powders on builds with Violet-Shift, and took breathless on the more sustainable lunar spine arcanist build so that it actually benefits from having winded. I hope that's ok.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
  3. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): MooseWhisker, inspired by Looni
    Weapon(s): Cascade
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Lightbender/Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0r100k0m0n1g000010036U0z0z0+0+0+0+0-zZdcwgNR1
    Primary Damage: 32k Ophanim (104k with fortitude + max winded)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 22k/15k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (7k heals)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): 100 walk speed means you can more easily kite Greg in TNA while doing dps and healing allies.

    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s) MooseWhisker, inspired by Looni
    Weapon(s): Cascade
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Riftwalker/Lightbender
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...f0q0k0s0O101g00001007lU0z0z0+0+0+0+0-zZ+dtkHI
    Primary Damage: 19k meteor, 8k ice snake (97k/40k with fortitude + max winded)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 24k/14k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (500 hpr + 2.5k heal)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Build centers around the flashfreeze major id, which makes ice snake instant. 148 walk speed goes brrrrr. Alternate tree with arcane transfer for better snake spam: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0o0m0s0O101g00001007lU0z0z0+0+0+0+0-z-Vw6HBmS
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2023
    DeltaWave likes this.
  4. Daniel_Hany

    Daniel_Hany a guy

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    so um. whirlwind strike now needs 6 battle monk archetypes so uh... this messes up most of the build you just showed for warrior
  5. Pikachu11782

    Pikachu11782 Well-Known Adventurer

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    https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0q110k0m0n1g000010036U0z0z0+0+0+0+0-zZdcwgNR1 (Lightbender)

    https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...f0p0l0s0O101g00001007lU0z0z0+0+0+0+0-zZ+dtkHI (ice snake thingy 1 dmg lmao)
    Better skill point distribution(sorry idk, the unoptimized skill distribution is killing me)
    MooseWhisker likes this.
  6. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    oh nice, thanks for the work
    yea that sucks, the worst warrior nerf
    im having busy times since im starting uni and moving to a new city
    but i got some time today and tomorrow to try updating the thread
  7. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    warrior and archer updated
    mage too
    shaman also
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2023
  8. Pikachu11782

    Pikachu11782 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Just realized for my riftwalker nothing build in the past, Lachesism is better than prowess as it gives faster meteors for riftwalker which makes meteors easier to land while you only lose hp.

    Creator: Ambassadress
    Weapon: The Nothing
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype: Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0OH0CD0t0t0z1G0t1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0--VxBJtM1
    Primary Damage: 22k meteors
    EHP: 39k/26k
    Life Sustain: Y (2.4k heals, 700 ls, 500 hpr if that matters)
    Tomes: N
    Comments: Use gold fusion or abrasion if you havent beaten li, and discordant if no master hive. Use pro tempore if you want a full mana regen experience.
    DeltaWave likes this.
  9. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): DeltaWave
    Weapon(s): The Specialist
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Shadestepper/Trickster
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...T111G1G1Q111g00001000CO0z0z0+0+0+0+0--3V+sNeG
    Primary Damage: 10k spin, 8k backstab (45k/75k boosted)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 35k/22k (more with distraction and clones)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (695hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): mana regen can be a bit tricky to use since vanish, but i think it works
  10. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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  11. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    thread fully updated finally
  12. Pikachu11782

    Pikachu11782 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Creator: Ambassadress
    Weapon: The Nothing
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype: Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0OH0CD0t0t0z1G0t1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0-l-Nc+Qr1
    Primary Damage: 22k meteors
    EHP: 39k/26k
    Life Sustain: Y (2.4k heals, 700 ls, 500 hpr if that matters)
    Tomes: N
    Comments: Use gold fusion or abrasion if you havent beaten li, and discordant if no master hive. Use pro tempore if you want a full mana regen experience.

    Redid the skill tree of my nothing build to be better. 10 dmg loss on meteor, and no timelock, but meteors are 3 mana cheaper. I see it as a win as people don't really use timelock.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2023
    DeltaWave likes this.
  13. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): MooseWhisker
    Weapon(s): Harwrol
    Element Combo: ETA
    Archetype(s): Fallen
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...G1g001000361000361001Z60z0z0+0+0+0+0-ltF+J-n0
    Primary Damage: 5k main attack, 14k bash, 21k uppercut, 21k quake (much more with boosts)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 32k/16k (40k/21k warscream)
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (intoxicating blood)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Pure fallen build. Cycle is main attack -> bash -> uppercut -> repeat. Main attack builds up corruption without having to take damage. Can easily boost damage by 3x with everything active. 100 ws makes this build able to kite Greg in tna with one of speed surge, windy feet, or raid buff.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2023
  14. tbhkitty

    tbhkitty Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): tbhkitty
    Weapon(s): Morrowind/Lunar Spine (mana steal)
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Arcanist
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...000FU1000FU1000FU1007lU0z0z0+0+0+0+0-llbFtdV1
    Primary Damage: 25k Meteors (30k max dodge)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 37k/19k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (800hpr/200ls)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): 100% walk speed with good ehp, rainbow defence if you add two t6 fire powders to libra.
    DeltaWave likes this.
  15. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): MooseWhisker
    Weapon(s): Zero
    Element Combo: ETWFA
    Archetype(s): Boltslinger
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...0Ji0tJ0o0t1N0o1D1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0--hyphp7f
    Primary Damage: 52k storm, 16k bomb, 9.5k angels, 10k melee dps
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 25k/14k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): M (500 hpr)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Storm - Melee - Bomb - Melee cycle. 58 ws.

    Tag(s) (if any): No LI
    Creator (s): MooseWhisker
    Weapon(s): The Nothing
    Element Combo: ETFA
    Archetype(s): Lightbender / Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...Ji0CD0v0v-u11101g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0-zZlErLds2
    Primary Damage: 19k ophanim (63k max boosted)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 47k/29k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (11.6k heal)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Healer build with decent damage. 120 ws so it can be used in TNA. Can use momentum or lachesism for more optimal ophanim spamming, but you’ll need 1sp or 4sp worth of tomes anywhere except intelligence.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2023
    DeltaWave likes this.
  16. Pikachu11782

    Pikachu11782 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Just wondering why photon instead of Summa?
  17. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    Photon gives walk speed, which you need to hit the magic 120 that allows you to kite Greg without any other boosts.
  18. Pikachu11782

    Pikachu11782 Well-Known Adventurer

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    I see, noted. Thanks
    Tag(s) (if any): No Li
    Creator (s): Ambassadress
    Weapon(s): The Nothing
    Element Combo: TFWA
    Archetype(s): Lightbender / Riftwalker
    Build Link: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/build...Ji0CD0+1E+H0t1L1g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0-zplCrLED7
    Primary Damage: 28k ophanim (56k max winded, 91k max winded+fortitude)
    EHP (Agi/No Agi): 31k/16k
    Life Sustain (Y/N/M): Y (7.29k heal)
    Tomes (Y/N): N
    Comment (if any): Dps intless nothing build with high walkspeed

    Probably gonna try to improve this later
    DeltaWave likes this.
  19. DeltaWave

    DeltaWave I miss cancelstack VIP

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    why do you have melee in the spell cycle? you wont use powder specials and melee dps isnt that high either
    also, i dont think a healer build should have such high 1st spell cost, does it sustain?
  20. MooseWhisker

    MooseWhisker Recovering breathing addict VIP+

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    I have the melee in the archer cycle mostly to help break up the spells since the sustain isn’t amazing, and the damage isn’t awful.

    I’ve been using the healer build in TNA, and it definitely sustains.
    DeltaWave likes this.
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