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Game Mechanics Making Professions More Fun!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Olinus10, Mar 1, 2023.


yay or nay?

  1. yay quests

    35 vote(s)
  2. yay loot

    24 vote(s)
  3. bad sucky idea

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    Yo o/
    I guess I don't only make videos, I also post here on the forums every now and then. I kinda wanted to make a suggestion type video of this, I still might cuz more will watch that than read this probably, but my time is limited, dibs tho.

    But yea, I've been doing profs on and off since their creation back in the economy update, nowadays or well since the start of the covid pandemic I've done them way more. It was just so chill so sit on zoom lectures whilst proffin at the same time, but that has gone now.

    But anywho, to the point. I'm not the biggest fan of professions, I mean I do them, but not because it's the biggest enjoyment or so. And I know A LOT of players skip doing professions because they're not appealing and they don't come across as fun or entertaining, or rewarding for that matter.

    But professions can be and here are some things I want to see added to professions in the future to make them more appealing to the general player base.

    Profession Quests.
    Wait, don't get mad, it's not what you think! I DON'T want to see more profession requirements on regular quests, that is not really a good idea. What I want to see is a separate section of quests, PURELY based on professions. Think mini-quests but actually fun. Basically a separate section of the quest book, unlocked by profession levels and rewards not only profession xp but also exclusive loot, emeralds (ofc) and profession materials / ingredients (an actual good amount).

    I don't like the whole go to a gathering post with a bit of materials, that's just an extra trip for a bit of xp. I want to see a farmer in distress pleading for help with dealing with the harvest before it's too late in the season or a struggling knight asking for help creating a powerful set of gear so he can help defend a city or whatnot. Actual story, but about professions! Because professions don't have to only be cutting trees, it's like reducing combat xp to be purely killing zombies, that's boring.

    Rare Loot Drops

    Professions won't ever be rid of the grind. That's a part of it so how about making the grind more fun! With rare loot drops! Have you played skyrim since the anniversary edition? Well they added fishing and a rare occurrence when fishing is that you can pick up other things when doing so. I don't want getting trash instead of mats being a thing, but wouldn't it be way more interesting if you had a rare chance of getting profession related loot when farming, say like 1 in 100 000 or something, or less idk or more idk. But you'd grind for hours and then boom, a 40% gxp bonus scroll drops. Or a 20% gxp chestplate with no durability drops. It would make gathering in bulk, as we who level high levels or lots of classes have to do, a lot more fun and it would introduce a whole new way of doing not only regular prof but also HIC and HICH. (also a "decent" alternative for poor players who can't afford gxp armor)

    Well that's it for now
    I just want profs to be more fun for the general player to do!
    Anywho, have a nice day

  2. DungeonBee

    DungeonBee Hunter of the Realm

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  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    The main issue is what you said:
    Players either do or don’t like to grind; you can’t have both. It doesn’t matter if you try to put some spice on a piece of poop; it might be technically better, but people still don’t want to eat it. Hence why making entire quests revolve around professions would just be inferior quests for the people who are there for the story, and just inconvenient gathering posts for 99% of the actual profers. That’s also why quests in general have become way less grindy since the beginning of Wynncraft; people despised it and it cheaply elongated the content. So making entire quests centered around professions, the epitome of the grind, misses the entire point of quests.

    Same thing holds for rare drops; it misses the point of why people don’t like professions. If you can’t get rid of the grind then casuals will never bother with them. And that’s how professions were designed anyway.
    luckeyLuuk, Druser and MLGbrine like this.
  4. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    maybe it wouldnt affect most of the playerbase but people like me who want to nake crafteds but cant and are too bored to level up? yeah quests would help a lot more if it gave tons of bonus xp
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    It’s limited to how much bonus xp it would give out because if it’s too much, then the grind would be significantly lessened, and prof tryhards would complain that profs are too easy like they did with guild xp. At the end of the day profers want professions to be grindy and they were designed to be that way.
  6. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    true and i hate that its true
  7. LegendMC119

    LegendMC119 why do we exist? just to play wynn CHAMPION

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    Honestly, Yeah. I agree with rare drops being a thing and also the profession quests seem like a cool idea.

    But first Salted I order you to remove prof requirements from like those 3 quests!1!!!111!!

    Btw we got olinus guides, olinus ads, but olinus threads exist now??? :O
    JuanTheShoe and shacers like this.
  8. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    lmao you havent seen my video ad threads yet muahahahahahaha
  9. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    for the record: the complaint is that fast prof progression was being tied to being in an on-map guild. which is kinda unfair to lots of people.
    JuanTheShoe, Olinus10 and shacers like this.
  10. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Like prof bombs aren’t unfair to lots of people. Crafting speed bombs in particular are pay to win because you can’t get bonus crafting xp from Hunted Mode or guild territories. At least you didn’t have to pay money or pray that the server isn’t full to be in a guild. I guess you can get bombs now through shares but still.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023
    Sar and JuanTheShoe like this.
  11. The Fool

    The Fool Nobody Wants to Know Him HERO

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    Add a fishing minigame
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