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Just some feedback on burnout

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by mightybeefcakes, Feb 25, 2023.

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  1. mightybeefcakes

    mightybeefcakes Travelled Adventurer

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    I think Wynncraft is a really great experience. I've been nothing short of impressed with practically everything the server has to offer and the execution of the entire concept of a MMORPG. But I've experienced burnout twice now at the exact same spot in the Wynncraft quest line and it makes me question if this is a flaw in the design of the level progression or if I'm just not cut out for the second half of wynncraft.

    I've been "playing" wynncraft for awhile now. I say that in quotes because I hardly call myself a serious player, but I have been on and off the server for many years (before gavel). In fact, I used to have a different account, and somewhere over the years I lost access and had to get a new minecraft account and start over. But in both cases I've started fresh on the server with the idea that I might make it up the chain and complete the whole quest line, and in both cases I've hit a spot in the quest progression where the experience just bogs down and becomes boring and grindy.

    And that spot generally happens around level 50 - 60. At this point, both times I've leveled through a character, this is the spot where I start to get bored and lose interest. It's largely because the xp to advance from level to level becomes so great that you have to switch from questing to grinding and, in my opinion, meticulously trying to line up completing quests with active XP bombs. What's nice about the first 50ish levels is that the number of quests (and the XP rewards you get for completing them) generally is enough to advance you through the game without having to rely so much on grinding. But this isn't the case after level 50. The quests carry you less and less through a level and it becomes more about grinding for hours on mobs/dungeons.

    The other thing that I do at the higher levels is try to time my completion of quests with XP bombs. This is pretty much a necessity to avoid endless hours of grinding. The whole experience starts to bog down, because now it's no longer about enjoying the quests as intended, but trying to line up their completion with XP bombs so that you can advance through to the next level (that's my personal experience, not necessarily speaking for everyone).

    And I know some people will be like "well a mmorpg is going to have grinding" and yea that's fine. But the amount of grinding after level 50 becomes overbearing, to me. And I say that partially because I'm older (over 30) and generally don't have hours to be sitting at a computer grinding levels. I do expressly member years ago spending hours and hours grinding through the troms jungle just to get to level 60. It was painful and was one of the reasons I stopped playing the first time. Each level just became like an impossible task frontloaded with hours of grinding.

    Also, something changed with the bridge to the Troms jungle between the first time I burnt out (many years ago) and last time, because I can't even get through the bridge anymore to get to the jungle. The enemies have been so overpowered that I can barely approach the bridge. I think I'm level 56 and I still can't get across that bridge no matter what I try. So there's several quests that I can't even reach that are intended for like level 52-54 because the bridge into the jungle is too OP. Maybe that was an intended design, but if so maybe the quests should be reordered so the jungle quests are for higher levels.

    One thing that would make the grinding palatable is if you got a recurring XP bomb for a certain rank. I bought the Hero rank awhile back and, admittedly, it's been less than rewarding. And no, I did not buy it expecting recurring xp bomb. Im just suggesting it should be a feature. If you got a weekly xp bomb to help progress through the grinding, it would make the ranks more valuable and help solve the issue I'm describing. But, I generally dont like the concept of having to buy packs of xp bombs in addition to my rank just to make getting through the slow parts easier.

    I've tried to get back into the spirit of the server several times over the past few months and I just can't get over the boring nature of the 50-60 level spot. Everytime I sign in I get burnt out after about 20 minutes.

    I guess my suggestion would be to consider the XP bomb request; consider adding more accessible quests; consider nerfing the bridge to troms jungle to make those quests accessible; or boost the amount of XP rewarded from quests so that it reduces the grind time.

    Generally just wanted to share feedback. I think it's important for devs to know where players may be falling off the experience.
    Samsam101 likes this.
  2. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    Wait, bombs affect quest xp?
  3. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    May be an issue with your build? Crossing the Great Bridge, I mean, if you don't mind sharing (class building is one of the reasons my burnout isn't always severe) https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder/

  4. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    they do not
  5. point_line

    point_line Well-Known Adventurer

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    If you get champion you can see when bombs are dropped, also avomod does that too
  6. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I think much of this is a problem with how quest level requirements work. You're basically required to do a certain quest at every level since one quest will only really give you the xp to level up one level (less actually, but a typical amount of odd XP you get from mobs and dungeons etc. added to the xp you get from quests should get you to just about one level) and so the game goes from you just doing quests you come across (the way it is at lower levels thanks to how fast you level up meaning you're more likely to have access to the quests you run into) to doing specific quests in a scripted order.

    I guess the best tip I could give for the 50s specifically is just to do Undergrowth Ruins a lot since it gives you pretty good xp and is much less grindy than just killing mobs over and over again and the boss fight is pretty fun (at least in my opinion). You can get the keys from some of the quests in the area and the key guardians aren't too rare, worst case scenario you can just buy them off the trade market.

    Level 50-60 is definitely not the worst stretch, it gets much worse especially around CotL and the molten heights where leveling up is very slow (although the Canyon of the Lost quests have been improved in the last update). The game does have a big problem with grindiness, some people seem to think it's an important aspect of MMOs or something but in my opinion it should be limited as much as possible. My best suggestion for the game as a whole is to do most of your quests once you get to the 50s and beyond (and the quests do start getting better on average around there) and do dungeons as much as possible, and spend some time exploring the world since it'll make killing mobs less of a bore and you might find some secret discoveries or other ways of getting xp.
    Also, yeah the great bridge is really bad and it needs to be fixed, it's not a problem with you (and not even your build that much either) the great bridge just isn't designed very well at all.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2023
    shacers likes this.
  7. mightybeefcakes

    mightybeefcakes Travelled Adventurer

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    Uh...I guess I thought they did?? Seems like they do just based on the amount of XP. But maybe Im just imagining that. Lol
    Im not certain I did this right, because the numbers aren't matching my in-game numbers, and I can't figure out how to add like powders and stuff to my gear.
    Good feedback. I'll try your suggestions and may just throw down on some xp bombs to get over the hump.
  8. mightybeefcakes

    mightybeefcakes Travelled Adventurer

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    Okay, so I went back to the drawing board on my buildout and changed out my armor. I was mainly using the adventure set because of the xp buff. But Ive let that go in place of higher defense. I was finally able to get through the bridge.
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    As someone who has played through this game like 4 times now, I can tell you that the level 50s are the only part of the game in which you are forced to grind levels. For other level ranges, secret discoveries and slaying posts can get you where you need to go. Troms could probably do with a few more quests as well as some secret discoveries to be less awful to get past.

    It's also really stupid how the level 70s are the complete opposite and have way too many quests, I actually feel overwhelmed when I reach that part of the game because of how many options I now have.

    But yeah Troms is in serious need of some improvements in terms of levelling up, it really sucks as it is right now.
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Except this does not help the issue at all. (ignoring that this is p2w) this would be just a bandaid for a few specific people. Much better would be to increase the xp rewards or add secret discoveries or quests in those levels.

    Btw bombs used to double quest xp rewards, but it was removed years ago.
    Melkor and shacers like this.
  11. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    Facts, the Dernel and Troms jungle, while having a cool dungeon, town, and boss altars also contain some of the most outdated, grindy, and boring quests in the game, minimal/contradictory lore, and absolutely no discoveries. I understand CT was busy working on Gavel and Spellbound but the jungle is such an interesting and unique area and to see it lacking the same treatment that other areas got is disappointing.
    luckeyLuuk and That_Chudley like this.
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