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Game Mechanics Change Archer's Cast Button.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Willfur, Feb 7, 2023.


Should Archer's cast button be switched to Right Click to be aligned with all the other classes?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Add toggleble Setting.

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  1. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    This is a small suggestion but in my opinion, i think it could be one of those fixes that you might notice but help alot.

    Currently Archer's cast button is left clicking, which is fine on it's own, but when you compare this with other classes, all their cast button are right-clicking, so this sudden change is a bit weird and can be annoying to relearn when you switch to archer.

    Problems I could see people saying is that, with right click, it feels more natural for archer, but I feel like the pro of this--so that you can easily change gears without much learning curve-- outweighs making it more realistic. Since Wynn doesn't ulitize vanilla bows, and detects when players right click to shoot an arrow, it should still work the same way without much issue.

    I can also see this being controverial, but just from my experiences, it can be annoying when I was playing on other classes, and then switched to archer, and so used to clicking R+L+R and then had to change it, and causing me to misclick sometimes because i was used to it during that moment. But there can also be a setting to change archer's ability ability to fit both sides, but that's my 2 cents.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2023
  2. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    It used to though, which is why it works the way it does. Back in 2013, bows used to be fired like vanilla bows. Then it got changed in the Mob Update I believe.
    Personally, I don't really care about this since I think the archer class has more pressing input issues such as twain's arc and the powder specials overlapping.
  3. Krooza

    Krooza Professional dumbass HERO

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    In normal minecraft shooting a bow is right click. I think that it should stay that way.
  4. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yea that is what I imagined most people saying no will say, but just in my experiences, if all the other classes' input are right click, but only the archer is left click, it's kinda annoying everytime I play archer because i'd have to get used to it again, which is why I felt like the benefit of that outweighs more than adding that "realism" because some classes requires very sweaty inputs and switching to archer is very weird.
    Well it isn't pre-2013, doesn't mean that it has to stay that way.

    And this thread isn't about how to fix Archer. I can't give much feedback on the abilities of archer, so that's why I'm specifically focusing on the keybinds of archer and not stuff like that. But basically just because the class has other pressing issues doesn't mean "smaller" problem like this one doesn't matter and should be ignored, but seems like by the poll, I'm just the odd one out lel. So ehh, I would still like it if they can offer a setting for people like me can change it.
    That is actually something I overlooked, but I don't think people need to rely on holding down right-click to spam melee attacks? And I don't think there's actual viable melee archer builders so personally I'd said that is a good point, but I don't see anyone would make a big fuss if that did get removed since most of Archer's capabilities is it's abilities. But then again, there are some upgrades like homing shot or power shots that helps it's melee attack, but the real question is, how many people hold on right click to shoot while still casting spells, cause if you cast spells, you're not holding down right click anymore.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2023
    ThedumbOX and BrokenRealities like this.
  5. TinyCookieJar

    TinyCookieJar Well-Known Adventurer

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    Most people that use lifesteal/manasteal?
    point_line and Namakobushi like this.
  6. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    Right. Even if that is the case, that still doesn't fully counter my point because I haven't seen a fully 100% melee archer build, and that holding down right click will be so essential without it, because you're still gonna be cycling through abilities. Unless the build is designed to have low mana sustain or something. If that's the case, then that goes beyond me, but if every other class doesn't have this function, I don't see a reason why archer would need that mechanic to just shoot arrows. At the end of the day tho, people prefer different things and that's fair, but a setting again would be nice.

    Again, I've never been ever in a situation where I felt like holding right-clicking was so essential partially because it's getting overshadowed by the abilities like arrow storm and archer's abilities are just way more viable than just melee-ing and it's just more fun. Therefore, I can't judge if it is that essential.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2023
  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Personally I don't think I have ever had problems with this.

    While it might seem good in theory to unify the input, you run into the same problem as many programmers trying to improve things - there are way too many people used to it. You would suddenly screw with an enormous amount of players who used left-click for (potentially) years.

    Also attack holding supremacy.
  8. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    So sad.

    But yea that's fair. I only recently got back into Wynn again with the 2.0, but I would've been fine if we had the old ability system because it was more simple. However some playstyles like Warrior requires heavy casting inputs so that is one of the things I always have trouble adapting if I really want to go for that playstyle. But i feel like a better compromise now is adding a toggleable setting for new players.
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    no because the inverted version is more satisfying
  10. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    samsam moment :skull:
  11. xihuanchirenrou

    xihuanchirenrou Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Actually, I myself play a lot of melee archer. One of the cool things about playing tierstack archer is that you can hold down the attack button, or put in a bit more effort and actually click to get the maximum dps. Being able to hold right click for archer does make it easier to play it when you don’t NEED that absolute max dps.

    Heavy melee also benefits from being able to hold down the attack button, since it’ll shoot another arrow asap, so anyone who plays hmelee (me) does appreciate the current way left and right click work for archer.

    So yeah, wynn devs could swap around the attack and spell buttons, but being able to hold right click for melee is really neat.
  12. Willfur

    Willfur Well-Known Adventurer

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    I see, then ig I'm weird lol
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