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World Add /toggle names

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Theeef, Dec 12, 2022.


Should /toggle names be added?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Player ghosts are great. They make the world seem a lot more lively, but player names can really add to the eye strain for general gameplay. I'd love if there were a /toggle for names, with the options none, global, and all.

    None would show no player names, regardless of the world they're in.
    Global would only show names of players in your world, and potentially friends/guild members.
    All would show all player names. This could also be potentially nice for immersion.

    This can help decrease clutter in the world while still allowing you to feel surrounded by people, and can help with immersion if you dislike being able to see peoples names. I don't think I need to get into much more detail here.
    cheese2Uman likes this.
  2. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    "Global" is generally used as a synonym to everywhere. I'd prefer something like "Server" or "Server-wide".

    Not sure how possible it is to show players without their names with the Ghost system implemented. Assuming that it's easy I am in favor. I personally wouldn't change the setting.

    Something to think about though:
    The ghost system was implemented for several reasons. Mostly to make servers feel less empty, but it also allows you to see party-type-things in specific worlds (group of players in same world). Making it a toggle means people will less often hop to others' worlds to play with other players.
    Not sure how much of a downside that is compared to the downside of people being annoyed by names.
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