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Game Mechanics Buff 'Hopeless' Damage from TNA

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Jack303_, Nov 18, 2022.

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  1. Jack303_

    Jack303_ Cataclysm enthusiast

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    Hopeless buffs from TNA Raid was meant for melee playstyle such as Tstack and Hmelee right? Same case as Stonewalker buffs from TCC raid, but I just notice that it seems Hopless is a bit weaker than TCC even though TNA boss has more health than TCC overall so here's the comparation:

    Screenshot (2230).png Screenshot (2231).png
    (I took these images from Wynncraft Wikipedia)
    -I would say the extra +Attack speed tier is kinda useless since Tstack already on superfast and Hmelee will always on superslow but there's not big of a deal
    -Even though with 80% exploding but Fission is kinda bad without Explosive_Impact major ID

    So here's my suggestion
    Hopeless T1 effects:
    +80 Dexterity
    +150% exploding
    +4000 Main Attack Damage

    Hopeless T2 effects:
    +80 Strength
    +Explosive Impact Major ID
    +400% Main Attack Damage

    Hopeless T3 effects:
    +6000 Main Attack Damage
    -40% walk speed
    +Fission Major ID

    Personally I kinda don't like the -20/5 mana regen because everytime I fell into the void hole I have to cast vanish in case to avoid the fall damage and since it makes my mana tooks forever to regenerate so i'm kinda struggle with it, What do you guys think?

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    starx280 likes this.
  2. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    Here's the thing: TNA raid buffs are the most balanced out of all the raids, so whenever I see the word "buff" combined with a raid, things get a lil sketch.

    I don't think they should buff hopeless because, for starters, Epoch users already can get ~200k Melee with Max Focus, and Greg pretty much gets obliterated if there's even 1 Epoch (and this is kinda the meta for TNA). Buffing hopeless honestly might make some people deal 1m damage per melee hit if they aren't already.

    I'm not a melee user so I can't say much (I've never even heard of a melee user for TNA that wasn't archer until now) but Greg is in a perfectly good spot right now. This isn't TCC where mob stats are inflated x100 so there's not really any reason why the buffs should be as well (however 80% ws on hopeless feels way too free considering movement is very important for the boss)

    Curious to see how other people feel about it though since I haven't done TNA in over a month
    point_line, Endistic and itay_ like this.
  3. CGS

    CGS Raw Emerald Farmer CHAMPION

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    I use spell spam so hopeless is off the table for me. I do bring a ws scroll though. But I guess it makes sense that hopeless is powerful for Tstack builds. The only buffs I consider getting at tier 3 is Sojourner or Fading. Every thing else is just a debuff for me.
    Melkor and lemonalade like this.
  4. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    it's quite a hopeless endeavor that these changes will happen
  5. Werveh

    Werveh numba 1 shaman CHAMPION

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    stonewalker was/is a mistake don't use it as a benchmark lol
    EpsilonDown and Namakobushi like this.
  6. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Yeah, I usually don't get a tier 3 buff. Most of them just weaken my build by more than they give me.
  7. mrcraftyketchup

    mrcraftyketchup Meleeing Enthusiast HERO

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    That's because in contrary to TCC which seems to work beneficially for slow and shorter-ranged builds, especially in conjunction with things like some powder specials, explosive impact, spell buffs and some challenges pretty much enforcing you to be near melee, and the boss itself having multiple smaller health bars that melee can be cleaved, there are plenty of parts in TNA (Including Greg himself) where the reverse seems to be the case with builds that can reach far and move fast being superior.

    The reason you hear of melee archers only is that archer melee is well... neither short-ranged nor immobile. Pretty much all Warrior players for example that I know that run TNA all do it on fallen-monk. It's far more mobile and risk-averse with its verticality than anything melee warrior could offer. Sure you may have more eHP on say Paladin, but what if you just... avoided near-all incoming damage with spells?

    I started using a more heavy hybrid playstyle in 2.0 with Apocalypse and Collapse using deep fallen but honestly, it's a really tough sell to me in TNA because of its lower range, lower mobility and potentially, as a result of not being able to be quite as vivacious with corruption, lower dps than spell builds with more uptime on damaging greg. Because stuff like a melee deep Fallen sitting at super low hp in melee to do big bursts of damage is overpowered and needs a nerf but apparently a back-pedaling archer doing 750k dps with a super fast thunder bow on a raid boss with thunder def is "fine".

    Sorry if this sounds more like a Fallen complaint but I think that whatever would apply in the case of warrior melee could also to some extent apply to other classes besides archer (lol)
    lemonalade and starx280 like this.
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