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Intoxicating blood rework

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Oblivion_, Oct 2, 2022.

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  1. Oblivion_

    Oblivion_ NivitEnderman HERO

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    I believe that fallen warrior is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful archetype in all classes. Its main weakness is that during its corrupted phase, it is unable to gain health in any way.

    The ability intoxicating blood helps make the archetype a lot more useable and practical since it lets you regain health after corrupted either runs out or it is toggled off. This makes it so that the warrior wont need a bunch of hp potions, a healer, the rally major id, or a lot of hpr to gain back its hp(which it needs to get the most out of corrupted the next time it is used). However, from playing fallen for a while, I have found this ability to be very situational and not rewarding players for the right things.

    Because the ability is based on the number of mobs killed while in corrupted, it will only be effective in scenarios where there are a lot of swarm units. While a lot of bosses and parts of the game have lots of minions around them, quite a few still dont (the nameless anomaly for example). Since its the only way to instantly get hp back by yourself, I think it should be charged with a more reliable method.

    Also, the corrupted buff hardly boosts your ability to kill a bunch of swarm units anyway, since they usually get one shot regardless, so it would make a lot more sense for the ability to be charged based on something thats actually related to the corrupted buff and rewarding the player for using corrupted effectively.

    I think these problems can be fixed by making intoxicating blood charge based on damage dealt instead of #of mobs killed.

    By this I mean the damage dealt to a mob and not overall damage. For example, a 20k dmg attack done to a mob with 100hp should only count as 100dmg dealt. This will make the ability more viable for single target bosses while rewarding players for being aggresive while at low hp.

    I see this as more of a quality of life change (not making the warrior have to chug a bunch of potions) instead of a direct buff. But if it somehow makes the archetype even more op than it already is id be fine with a damage nerf to compensate.
    plucko1, Popkornz and Epicness937 like this.
  2. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    I 100% like the idea of damage dealt instead of mods killed and it was talked alot on the Hero Beta forums. I just am concerned how well it can be balanced
    itay_ and lemonalade like this.
  3. uzbuz

    uzbuz Owner of the Realm of uz (join or bad) VIP+

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    I feel like this would make Fallen too powerful, cause it makes intoxicating blood just a buffed version of life steal. Then fallen would become pretty much invincible against bosses with big health bars, all you would need to do would be to deal a ton of damage and then run away and heal back to full. Then after 5 seconds do it all over again.
    (this is coming from a fallen main)
  4. Oblivion_

    Oblivion_ NivitEnderman HERO

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    This is already what fallen gameplay is like.
  5. uzbuz

    uzbuz Owner of the Realm of uz (join or bad) VIP+

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    It is, but one of the only weaknesses of fallen is that it struggles against single bosses with no minions. This would remove that weakness and make fallen OP. It also would be extremely hard to balance with mythic builds getting easily 50% more damage (and then 50% more healing) than non-mythic builds.
  6. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    Hi this sounds like a good idea, the reliance on minions for hp and mana sustain both with life steal and this are a bit of an issue when you fight truly 1v1 bosses and such, please add yes/no poll so I can vote on it
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