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Game Mechanics Talking about Paladin and TNA boss fight...

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Microvac, Sep 22, 2022.


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  1. Microvac

    Microvac Everybody doesn't know VIP

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    I was heard that the Paladin's provoke ability has been shadownerfed due to strategy that makes Greg litteraly punchbag.(or it could be another bug idk) I understand why it was patched if it was intentional change.

    But I though it could possibly ruin Paladin's whole role, which is protective support tank. Instead of applying changes to Paladin itself, we could change and add some aspect to Greg boss fight.

    How exactly?

    1. We could make field pure rectangle, removing the problematic barrier block which blocks most of Greg's normal attacks and identical spells, like dashing and creating void holes.(don't remember actual name tbh)

    2. Even then, players might use wall hugging strat using Paladin's provoke ability. And it will prevent Greg from creating void holes and makes fight boring. So we could add a spell which prevents staying nearby wall.

    Maybe an area skill or two could be added. If you're near the wall, you'll take the damage. At first, it doesn't hurt at all. But long as you stay inside damage field, the damage will be amplified and becomes unbearable even with the tankiest build. It will stop tanks from wall hugging and disabling most of Greg's spells.

    I believe it will prevent most of problem with The Nameless Anomaly boss fight. If you have other suggestions, please tell me.

    EDIT: Or we could have some external area outside border so Greg can generate void holes at the border, which prevents solid wallhug.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2022
  2. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    If agro is such a big problem with Greg just...make him immune ig. I know that'll tick a lot of people off tho but hey if you want a hard fight then mission accomplished.

    The problem with making the arena a perfect rectangle is it'll look...ugly. like really ugly (unless they did some more shaping to the arena beyond the barrier blocks but idk if that would screw with Void Holes)

    I also don't agree with taking damage near the wall because this was basically that kill aura move that I believe got removed and we don't need that added back. Plus a lot of time players are running circles around the arena or there's so many void holes they have to find a safe spot near the wall (ex: Acolyte may need to throw down totems to heal up). They shouldn't be punished for doing that.

    No matter what, as long as there's an area with a wall and a moveable boss, it's cheesable. It's just the unfortunate reality of the situation and there's not much you can really do to fix it.
    Microvac likes this.
  3. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    My TikTok attention span didn't read anything except for rectangle arena; even though making the arena a BOX would be easier hear out my suggestion.

    Change Greg (and other necessary) boss AIs to have a light bulb moment when they're getting cheesed (stationary? idk coding)

    k thx bye
  4. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Ok, hang on, no.
    The removal of the function of tanks is not the way to make a boss less cheesable, regardless of if it's boss specific. The reason it was cheesable was because tanks are far too op and capable of face tanking, this meant there was no real reason to run an actual team comp or properly manage enemy aggro.

    The fact that the role of tank had finally started to be properly realized in any form, and it was shadow nerfed because someone is too incompetent to balance their game pisses me off.

    Buff Greg, nerf tanks, properly balance team comps, but DON'T REMOVE THE ABILITY OF A ROLE TO PROPERLY DO THEIR JOB. Sorry, I'm not this mad at you guys specifically, but I don't think it's a good idea to add immunity to aggro on Greg, or some "uncheesable" AI.
    Dr Zed, hmtn, Nukewarmachine and 3 others like this.
  5. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    Yeah I wasn't in support of making Greg immune to agro, merely just saying that it was a "solution", whether it be good or not.

    Paladin's agro is like the ONE good thing about Paladin, and taking that away just makes the archetype borderline useless (this shadow nerf sucks big time). I really do hope they revert this change
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  6. ValentineZSN

    ValentineZSN Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    It's honestly concerning to see what the direction of 2.0 is. They introduce new class abilities and archetypes to attract players, only to take away key aspects of certain archetypes. Which discourages players from playing that archetype and most likely discouraging them from playing the game. The whole point of a tank in any game is to hold aggro and take damage for the party. If anything make the tank's regen different and make the tank require a healer.

    Regarding the Greg's cheese strat I agree it would be better to change the aspects of Greg so he isn't staying completely still or that there's a skill ceiling for holding aggro with him.
    Rye900000 likes this.
  7. HV_Metal

    HV_Metal Convergence VIP

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    How much band-aids does it take to fix a broken glass?
    Beanie Boi and Derpy894 like this.
  8. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    I agree with some of this but not all.

    I do agree that tanks should be able to hold agro consistently (literally the only thing Trickster and Paladin have going for them).

    I do not agree with altering health regeneration for tanks or making them require a healer. The point of a tank is to absorb damage, and that includes having high health recovery. If you can't absorb damage then you're not a tank, that's just a fact. Hell at that point being a HEALER would be better than being a tank. Healers are technically tanks since they can absorb lots of damage by negating it constantly with heals.
    Also how would the system even determine whether or not you're a tank?? You can mix and match archetypes, skill points exist, and each class has their own defense values. It's impossible to make a universal definition of a tank using specific numerical values.

    I do agree with the last point that they should change Greg rather than grinding Paladin into the dirt where it already was. This puts it on-par with Trickster in terms of being shit tier. Provoke already sucked in comparison to Lure and now it sucks even more
  9. aFireBlaze

    aFireBlaze DM another mod if you have any appeals with me CHAMPION

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    They could approach designing the arena like EO where there's a bit of gradient or blocks just leaking out. EO's borders are mostly square-ish as well.
    lemonalade likes this.
  10. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Make the healers as glassy, or nearly as glassy as the DPS? Heal spell got kneecapped this update, and even if you have it this is no guarantee that you'll be able to take the hits of a raid boss. Even before the heal nerf, years of mage taught me the lesson that if the damage is coming in fast enough, heal doesn't really matter.

    Healing power is already connected to water damage, but instead correlating it to something like overall spell damage would allow support to make the decision between tankiness and healing power.

    Also: Balancing normal PvE is pretty different from balancing group content, here. Tanks ought to be able to take hits, but just as the tank should be necessary as the shield of the group, the healer should be necessary too.

    And, finally, there is no such thing as a mechanical definition for a tank. Tanking is a role, a behavior. It's marked by aggro management and damage mitigation, yeah, but the core of tanking is managing how enemies interact with the party. That's a very broad idea with a number of possible interpretations.

    But yeah I also agree with you. I feel the problem wasn't just Greg alone but also a misunderstanding of why exactly tanks had such a high winrate (a lack of dps gating before endgame is why) and assuming that the problem was Paladin instead of Wynncraft's hyperfocus on DPS crippling its mob design.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2022
    aFireBlaze, lemonalade and Microvac like this.
  11. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    I especially agree with this. It feels like DPS is all over the place right now, regarding mobs AND players. Pretty much anything that isn't a raid is pathetically easy for the most part, and even in the cases of raids, it's usually only the boss that causes issues. And now with the Paladin nerf it just feels like Paladin is getting punished for being a tank...you know, what it was designed to be. The game is in a very weird state right now where I think it's just completely unclear on how to properly balance things (even worse than it was in 1.20). Yeah sure, Wynn is never gonna be truly balanced. Impossible to achieve that, especially now since some archetypes just DESTROY everything (Sharpshooter moment).
    hmtn, aFireBlaze and Beanie Boi like this.
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