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Game Mechanics Java/Bedrock Support

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by RedstoneWizard08, Sep 21, 2022.


Should Wynncraft add this? (This is just to gauge the community's reaction to this suggestion.)

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I'm not sure

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  1. RedstoneWizard08

    RedstoneWizard08 Seasoned Adventurer

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    Here's my suggestion put simply: Add GeyserMC for Java and Bedrock support.

    I know that this is a big suggestion, and it will probably take a lot of time to implement, but I do think it would be worth it to a bunch of players who would love to play Wynn on their phones.

    I have been playing Wynncraft for a while on my PC, but every now and then, I would love to be able to play it on my phone, but I can't, since Wynncraft is currently a Java-Only server. With GeyserMC, this could be possible! And don't just go denying that in the comments because here is the reasoning:
    • As a Minecraft server network owner and developer, I know that it can be tricky to implement support for Geyser, especially in a server as complex as Wynncraft, however, the fundamentals are reasonably simple if you can get the correct APIs and protocol docs.
    • I know it might be a ton of code to go through (we all have spaghetti code, no judgment here), and there will be a ton of bugs at first, but over time, they will be worked out and fixed, and this change doesn't have to come immediately. I understand it will take a lot of time and effort, so it will probably sit in a backlog for a while if you guys choose to do this.
    • The resource pack is not natively compatible with Bedrock, but there are converters out there (even Geyser themself made a programmatic one) to convert Java resource packs into Bedrock formats.
    • With the right setup, Bedrock clients can also have completely custom items injected into the server for them, making the process of adding custom items somewhat easier (probably, though I have no experience with that, however, I would expect it to be somewhat easier).
    • If the server were to update to support GeyserMC, it would be up to you guys to enable Floodgate, but I would allow it since it allows people without Java but who bought Bedrock to join, but ultimately it's your call.
    Now, here's the question: Does it fit?
    In my opinion, it fits incredibly well, since its just adding an adapter to allow people who don't have Java, or people who want to play on their phones to join, and not changing any core gameplay aspects.
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    GeyserMC is notoriously buggy even with just vanilla servers. It would be a total disaster if Wynncraft ever tried it. Not to mention that it would essentially double the workload of the devs bc they would have to fix bugs not only on Java, but also for Bedrock as well. Just saying essentially, “well they could do it if they coded it right,” is unhelpful bc if everyone coded right the first time bugs wouldn’t exist. Nor do I think that it’ll be less buggy over time; new ones can easily crop up like they do currently.

    I’d rather have the devs spend more time on content than getting cross compatibility like the new scripting and spell systems.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2022
  3. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    You seem to be forgetting that Wynncraft spells are activated by right clicking. Unless you expect people to attach a mouse to their phone in order to play Wynncraft, there wouldn't be a way for people to cast spells.
  4. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Side note they recently added a right click button to the controls for pocket edition. It’s still a bad idea though.
    Earthbrine likes this.
  5. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    Right 'cause some classes, such as acrobat, would be unplayable.
    avydragon and Dr Zed like this.
  6. Iknow8lot

    Iknow8lot Travelled Adventurer

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    I like this idea, but one slight problem. Mobile players will be very laggy, bringing down the total server performance.
  7. RedstoneWizard08

    RedstoneWizard08 Seasoned Adventurer

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    Hmmm. There is probably a way to fix some of the lag, Wynn has already ripped the MC entity system, and the Right click button could be solved with an item or two on the hotbar? I'm not sure.
  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Lag is the least of your concerns. I’m talking about everything from not being able to click links in chat to item dupes to invincibility exploits. Here’s a video about the kind of glitches you can expect from cross-play:

    Again; this was just for a basic Minecraft server with a couple of common plugins. Wynncraft’s code and gameplay are on a whole different level. It is just extremely difficult to pull this off, and the staff simply don’t have the time, resources, or will to do so bc it’s not worth it. It would make bugs 10 times more complicated to fix and serve to kneecap future development of content bc they’d have to take Bedrock into account.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2022
    Earthbrine, YYGAYMER and avydragon like this.
  9. meef

    meef Well-Known Adventurer

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    this is the about as dum as Meister2022's average postings
    jokes aside this is just not possible like imagin trying to play acrobat on ur phone
    also the bedrock comunity is not something most of us want to get involved in
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