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Future of Wynn

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Mesyder, Sep 20, 2022.


Do you like the different improvements?

  1. Professions: YES

  2. Professions: NO

  3. Bosses: YES

  4. Bosses: NO

  5. Slayer: YES

  6. Slayer: NO

  7. Quests: YES

  8. Quests: NO

  9. Pvp/Guilds: YES

  10. Pvp/Guilds: NO

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Mesyder

    Mesyder Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey guys,

    First of all: thanks for your time and i hope to get some real feedback about my ideas for Wynn's future.

    To my person: i am 26 years old, playing the game on and off for about 8 years now.
    I have played many mmo's in my life and am currently stuck playing only wynn for about 1.5 years.

    I have just read the post about "unutilized professions" and thought to myself, that i want to share my own thought about the game, improvements, that could be made and would be very happy to hear your feedback about those

    Please keep in mind, that those are some different points. I would like to not go into detail and stay talking about the general ideas instead of their details (level caps/ balancing...).

    Now i will list some points, that i would see as great additions to the game, to connect various gameplay elements to create new content for lategame and pre lategame players.

    1. Professions:
    As in the post i just read, i think professions are not utilized enough. You just have one monotone way to grind them. My suggestions to fix those would be:

    -make minigames people can do to earn gather xp (for example: a lumberyard where a supervisor tells players what tree they need to prpcess next. The player then needs to find the tree, chop it, bring it to a sawmill, make planks and deliver them to the npc. Then gets his xp reward)
    -make shortcuts in the game only accessible with certain prof levels
    -make more quests rewarding prof xp instead of needing prof
    -make instanced bosses people can fight to earn prof/gather xp and random mats/ingreds (for example: a vulcano boss where you need to gather an explosive vein, bring the stone to a charging station, then bring the charged ore to a pillar to make the cave above the boss collapse and beat it. All while needing to dodge the boss attacks and stalagtiltes from the ceiling cause they would knock you out (20sec?) Lowering your xp gain)
    -buffs in raids you can collect with certain prof levels (for example: current tcc is very hard so you can fish in a pond on buff stage, where depending on your fishing level (20/40/60/80) you get a different type of buff fish you can eat for a defence buff in a stage)

    Keep in mind that time needed to kill/beat bosses, finish minigames, xp gains on certain levels and stuff like that is needed to be oriented to xp rates when gathering normally. This should not replace the current system but rather flow with it and give another option you can do for slightly lower xp rates but some ingredients aswell OR higher xp rates but less materials.

    Also important: the new additions of bosses/minigames for prof/gathering xp are not meant to remove the old system. They are meant to enhance diversity and open up player choice on how to level. I still want the normal way to be the fastest when useing prof bombs. But the other ways maybe slightly faster if not having prof bombs or prof gear? But only faster if executed correctly.

    2. Bosses:
    So right now for pve endgame content we got: leg island, 3 raids, few hard minibosses and dungeons

    To enhance the current system i would suggest:
    -raidexclusive mythics (1/1000) droprates to have some super rare items players can chase for
    -a new tier of item that is tradeable but has fix stats for certain mini bosses as a super rare drop but as qira armor you can only use one of those at a time
    -pets of the raid bosses to be droppable (1/5000)
    -some instanced bosses with unique mechanics to beat (as suggested in prof section but combat based) as a group. Where you just enter the instance with 1-4 players and instantly fight the boss
    -world bosses to spawn at certain times in the week (dropping alot emeralds/legendaries)

    3. Slayer:
    So many of you will probably know this system already due to skyblock. But keep in mind, that they copied that system of runescape and i have a slight variation of it in mind.

    -there are "slayer master nps's" for the big areas in the game that you can go to to get a task assigned based on your level (for example: ragni area: kill 50 spiders)
    -every slayer related monster you kill on task will grant you some slayer xp to level it
    -you get slayer points for tasks that you can use to unlock extended tasks or block certain monsters or skip your current task
    -there are some slayer exclusive monsters/mini bosses in lategame you can only kill while on task for them, they can drop mats, ingreds, the above mentioned new type of item or pets as super rares, le or consumables
    -higher slayer levels unlock harder tasks (for example: the skyrodo slayer master will only assign you tasks after lvl 85)

    4. Quests:
    -quests should not be locked by prof/gathering levels BUT should reward players having certain levels. (For example current gather locked quest where you need 20 farming to harvest crop. Instead make it like: either have 20 farming to gather the crop next to the npc (rewarding) OR go to cinfras to buy one of the crops back/go to far warehouse to bring the crop to the npc (trades not having prof level for spending time to bring the item instead)

    5. Pvp/Guilds:
    -guild pvp battles (where players in different guilds can group up to fight each other in arenas for honor or a stake)
    -guild housing

    I generally want the world to interact more with itself. Have more player choice in his progression instead of linear gameplay.
    More insentives for players to grind certain activities while still giving enough diversity with other activities to prevent burnouts by only doing the same thing.

    Big thanks to everyone who read the entirety of this.
    Thanks to all of you for your feedback in advance.

    Sincerely, Mesyder
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2022
  2. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    My responses with green indicating good suggestion, yellow indicating doable but need some tweaks, red indicating problematic ones and purple indicating unneccessary for now.
    Here comes nothing.
    Minigames is fine (It does feels like playing a farm game in my phone lol)
    A small tweak to it could be the gathering posts, make it so that it gives missions (which need several materials to complete) in a regular basis could work too.

    Shortcuts ehh
    Wynncraft got a lot of shortcuts in the map I think, also it just feels like im gated behind 200 hours of grinding before using this shortcut and that isnt okay to me.

    Quests rewarding prof xp never contradicts with needing prof.
    They should actually add more prof-related quests in different levels that needs prof and rewarding a large amount of prof xp as well. But yes.

    Fight bosses for prof xp/mats seems odd.
    I understand the concept behind that, but in theory profs shouldn't be related to combat that much. It is quite hard to make something thats equivalent to dungeons for prof because most of the time you need a lot of combat which makes it combat instead of profs.
    I would love to see such kind of stuff got implemented, but in the way that its more about gathering but not fighting enemies.

    Raid buffs are just unneccessary - there would be too much benefits for doing profs when gathering is still unfun

    ok I got stuff to do so maybe ill comment more about your post later
    Sumit, Dr Zed and Mesyder like this.
  3. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Please no mythics or 1/1000 stuff plz
    I personally dislike items behind huge RNG wall, mythics are fine because mob drop/forgery mythics/emerald grind are things
    but items that are raid exclusive with 1/1000? nah
    Also note that forgery chests are 1% when being a lot easier and having other great loots

    Pets are unneccessary tbh, especially if its drop chance is THAT low

    Give them some time to make unique combat bosses, I personally think that they are improving a lot so give them some more time
    (look at the eye, TCC, anomaly, etc. They are a lot better than bosses the CT made before)

    World bosses may not be a nice addition in wynncraft because there are people coming from different places, so when the boss got killed too early it would be really unfair to those people who are sleeping in the other side of this planet
    Also they have to make a fair rewarding system for this as well
    And now we have an entirely new system
    Okay this is somewhat similar to missions that were there 5 years ago

    Maybe make slaying posts in major towns that regularly gives tasks, but instead of needing ingredients it just counts the kill count of certain mobs
    And some tasks tells you to kill bosses for better rewards

    Also I am not a fan of blocking monsters or super rare loots so yea
    I agree. I could just do bank transfer for those fetch sessions so lock main quests by prof levels is just bad.

    And ffs just make another category of quests if they are gonna gate quests behind prof grinding

    I dont have comments for pvp/guilds because I just don't do that.

    nice day
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2022
    Mesyder likes this.
  4. Mesyder

    Mesyder Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thanks alot for your feedback! I look forward to more of those! Was really helpful to see other perspectives aswell.
  5. Mesyder

    Mesyder Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I have just updated the list with:

    -the new additions of bosses/minigames for prof/gathering xp are not meant to remove the old system. They are meant to enhance diversity and open up player choice on how to level. I still want the normal way to be the fastest when useing prof bombs. But the other ways maybe slightly faster if not having prof bombs or prof gear? But only faster if executed correctly.

    -guild housing (by BlipBlop72)
  6. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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  7. Lunatic_Lady

    Lunatic_Lady can i get a uhhh uhhhhh cheeseburger and a uh coke Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Good post!
  8. Mesyder

    Mesyder Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You liked the idea about additional/different ways to earn prof xp?
    Thanks alot! If you have any suggestions or improvements to my current list i'd be glad to hear (and if you like, update them to the list).
    Also, by now i fletched out some designs (yes ... I had too much spare time at work and was bored) for the prof/gathering minigames. If you like to see them, i can share those via discord currently.
  9. xct

    xct Perseverance CHAMPION

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    I specifically like the idea of raid-only mythic (weapons/armor), also tbh raids should also just have a tiny chance to drop mythic items anyway as a baseline. Even buff the difficulty further is good, genuine endgame content is lacking in wynn for very long now (raids specifically nol and tna are very recent additions), also nol is irrelevant and thre no reason to do it anymore with TNA powercreeping the Nol tomes

    I do not like the "slayer" suggestion it is boring and trash, rather just getting more miniquests instead; actually I think that miniquests are very nice for leveling without powerleveing spots or parties, especially since u can just buy the ingredients if you are not ironman mode. In any case these systems are very similar and theres no reason to feature bloat if it is unneeded

    More quests which require prof levels and give prof exp is good. Increase the amount of prof xp that these "prof-locked" quests give.

    For a suggestion of my own, add more resource tunnels with passive GXP boost. Also, the addition of other methods of getting Crafting XP or boosting Crafting XP gain other than using bombs (it is literally p2w) maybe consumable with Crafting XP% similar like gathering speed%.
    Also Gathering Speed% should be available on gear. Not sure why it is blocked to only consumables. If the worry is it will be too op with GXP%, just offset it with -GXP% (so you can gather mats faster, at cost of lower xp per node)
  10. Zerfallen

    Zerfallen Cracked Up Spider Monkey (from BTD7) CHAMPION

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    Slayer master is literally just runescape, you even have the point system and slayer masters. I don't want slayer added if it's just going to be like runescape's because its not even inspired - its just a copy. If I want OSRS slayer, i'll play runescape over wynncraft. OSRS my beloved.

    I personally don't think runescape's slayer way works, don't get me wrong, it works well but I don't want to see it nor think it fits in Wynncraft. Wynncraft is unique and with passion, most of the aspect are unique and have lots of thought. I don't want to see a carbon copy implemented from another game.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2022
    Mesyder likes this.
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