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Game Mechanics Sharpshooter suggestions

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by GreenTheMeme, Sep 13, 2022.

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  1. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    2.0's archetypes are great. Except for sharpshooter. I've played sharpshooter the most out of any archetype and I've been frustrated numerous times over its design. Along with its flawed design, Sharpshooter is the only archetype that I consider to be less fun than its 1.20 variant. This thread will be an overview of my criticisms and my suggestions for a possible solution in the future.

    1. Focus
    Focus is what makes sharpshooter unique and why it's so strong. Unfortunately, focus is one of the jankiest abilities ever to come out of Wynncraft.

    Basically focus works like this: when sharpshooter deals damage to an enemy with any type of damage from long range, it adds to focus. The focus adding mechanic applies to traps, pets, scorched earth, etc. When sharpshooter misses with its melee or spells once, focus resets to 0. This missing mechanic applies to time rift and the bouncing bombs upgrade (if the bouncing bomb does not hit an enemy focus resets). It feels really bad to play.

    Instead, I propose that focus decreases by 2 every time the sharpshooter misses. That way, the penalty for missing (which, at times, is completely random) is not so high and it doesn't break momentum as much. Sharpshooter's momentum comes to a grinding halt when it misses, and missing happens all the time. This way, there's an actual penalty for missing while still keeping the momentum up in fights.

    2. Crepuscular Ray
    At this point, most of the community knows that Crepuscular ray needs a buff for multiple reasons.

    Crep Ray's problems come from a variety of smaller issues working in tandem. For one, sharpshooter cannot use other spells while in Crep Ray, which lowers its damage. Crep Ray also makes sharpshooter more vulnerable. Crep ray effectively resets sharpshooter's focus unless it is interrupted. Sharpshooter is also forced to use it when it reaches 5 focus All of that could be forgiven if its damage wasn't actually lower than a regular phantom ray at full focus. Overall, this makes Crepuscular ray an active hindrance to Sharpshooter's gameplay, and good sharpshooters don't run it.

    My suggestions are as follows:
    1. Make it togglable, perhaps a shift ability at 5 focus
    2. Increase its damage by a lot, perhaps 1.5x or even 2x to account for the loss of focus
    3. Make its flight faster
    4. Allow the use of other spells during it

    3. Twain's Arc
    Twain's arc is a very fun ability to use, and I think most people agree. This only makes its disappointing damage sadder.

    Twain's arc is effectively useless on spell builds. This is because it calculates through melee damage, so a vast majority of spell builds cannot properly utilize it.

    Utility Twain's Arc:
    One solution could be to make it a utility spell. Perhaps it could give 3 focus on hit instead of 1. Perhaps it could give spell damage for a brief period. Maybe using it can temporarily stop focus from decreasing upon missing.

    damage Twain's Arc:
    Another solution could be to make it a viable damage spell that could be used in melee and spell. One way could be to have it calculate through both melee and spell %. Maybe it could calculate based on whichever one is higher.
  2. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    Jackkoh and Potatomancer like this.
  3. FelixTape

    FelixTape BRuh Item Team CHAMPION

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    not to mention grape bombs and arrow rain not being accounted for focus at all. :/
    GreenTheMeme likes this.
  4. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Maybe instead of cancelling spells while while twain’s arc is charged, you can cast bomb arrow to shoot a spell damage based version of Twain’s arc?
  5. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    Ignoring the fact that archer's damage is extremely overtuned~

    I don't think nerfing melee sharpshooter via Twain's Arc (I use heavy melee) is a good idea.
    ^ This is a nice idea.

    I think your thoughts on Crepuscular Ray are completed valid :thumbsup: it doesn't feel like much of an ultimate when the damage is the same as or less than regular focus-boosted gameplay and it could use a toggle for sure: perhaps casting arrow storm again (R-L-R) will disable it and preserve your Focus?

    Focus thoughts also valid

    Why did I go backwards?

    One thing you didn't mention is the fact it's still buggy when shooting from a higher angle. WHY is this a thing? I wanna shoot from high angles MY NAME IS BLUETHESNIPER
    Jackkoh likes this.
  6. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    This is a brilliant idea.
    I absolutely do not want to nerf twain's arc's melee ability. It's great.
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